
(41 KB) Pobierz
{362}{400}Odessa film studio
{406}{463}after Alexander Duma's|"The Three Musketeers"
{470}{521}Script by|M. Rozovsky
{528}{607}Directed by|Georgy Jungwald-Khilkevitch
{614}{671}Music by|Maxim Dunayevsky
{796}{903}Mikhail Boyarsky|as d'Artagnan
{1008}{1074}Follow me, milord.|Quickly, milord.
{1083}{1148}To the right, milord,|Now straight, milord.
{1158}{1230}Be careful, milord,|The steps, milord.
{1236}{1309}The steps, milord,|The steps, milord.
{1329}{1439}Now wait, wait|For the Queen.
{1454}{1522}Wait, milord.
{1835}{1904}- Why am I here, milord?|- I must be dear to you.
{1910}{1977}Oh, no, I'm here to tell you:|We mustn't see each other.
{1983}{2052}But aren't your days so long|And boring without me?
{2058}{2192}- I didn't say "yes," milord.|- You didn't say "no."
{2208}{2346}Love is more precious,|Than war or peace.
{2362}{2509}When you're in love,|You reason so quickly.
{2523}{2658}Britain's policy now|Depends
{2671}{2750}On affairs of the heart.
{2756}{2823}On affairs of the heart.
{2829}{2969}On affairs of the heart|Of its minister.
{2989}{3064}Everything is against us:|Our people and our countries.
{3070}{3145}I saw you in my dream|With a knife in your chest.
{3151}{3226}But my love is on our side,|And my persistence.
{3232}{3309}Oh, no, milord,|Oh, no, milord,
{3315}{3350}Misfortune's close at hand.
{3356}{3494}I'm here to see my lady, but|all she talks of is her dream.
{3510}{3657}Let the thunder of war|Eco across Europe.
{3673}{3795}Britain needs her|Mighty fleet and army
{3815}{3956}For one purpose,|And one purpose alone:
{3979}{4106}So I succeed|In love.
{4137}{4212}- Why am I here, milord?|- I must be dear to you.
{4218}{4293}I'm hear to tell you:|We mustn't see each other.
{4299}{4413}Aren't your days so long|And boring without me?
{4420}{4527}- I didn't say "yes," milord.|- You didn't say "no."
{4569}{4708}- I didn't say "yes," milord.|- You didn't say "no."
{4720}{4854}- I didn't say "yes," milord.|- You didn't say "no."
{4994}{5066}THE QUEEN'S DIAMOND STUDS|Part Two
{5091}{5175}Your Eminence,|Buckingham is in Paris.
{5457}{5560}And now, as a token of|Your love, your devotion...
{5566}{5611}I didn't say "yes," milord.
{5624}{5714}As an assurance,|That we did see each other.
{5737}{5824}Pray give me some object|As a keepsake.
{5843}{5913}Something|You have worn,
{5924}{5967}that I may wear in my turn.
{5997}{6072}Will you then go, if I give|what you ask for?
{6078}{6130}- Yes.|- At once?
{6136}{6204}You promise to leave France|And return to London?
{6210}{6244}Yes, I swear.
{6280}{6317}Wait here, I'll be back.
{6653}{6748}Keep these studs|In memory of me.
{6888}{6969}Why count them, milord?|There are 12 of them.
{7082}{7111}I'd like to know,
{7120}{7211}How many times I may kiss|Your lovely hand.
{7263}{7349}Please, go, depart, have|mercy on yourself and on me.
{7370}{7466}- Please, go.|- Alright.
{7491}{7520}I depart,
{7566}{7675}But soon I will return|to see you once again.
{7686}{7761}Even at the cost of war|between our two nations.
{7786}{7813}You promised.
{8190}{8235}I didn't say "yes."
{8368}{8410}What is it, Rochefort?
{8417}{8481}They've seen each other,|your Eminence.
{8487}{8555}- Who are "they"?|- He and she.
{8561}{8663}- Who do you mean by "he and she"?|- The Queen and the Duke.
{8749}{8833}- Are you sure?|- Regretfully so, your Eminence.
{8895}{8966}- When did this happen?|- Last night.
{9038}{9113}The Queen's maid,|That petite Constance
{9120}{9169}brought the Duke|through a secret passage.
{9192}{9270}Among the ladies|of the Queen's court
{9277}{9371}There are a few|honest Frenchwomen.
{9417}{9518}They saw this Constance|approach her Majesty,
{9525}{9618}Whisper something to her,|and the Queen left the room.
{9625}{9672}Sit down, will you!
{9769}{9830}How long was the Queen|absent?
{9881}{9913}As a nobleman...
{9919}{9966}I can strip you|of your title!
{9973}{10069}As a Christian,|I must inform you
{10075}{10158}that the Queen was out|for three quarters of an hour.
{10194}{10321}And Buckingham will take from|Paris the diamond studs.
{10344}{10391}The Queen's casket is empty.
{10748}{10775}The studs?
{10879}{10933}A truly royal|gift.
{11087}{11172}We've lost,|But who knows...
{11242}{11290}I'm sure, your brilliance...
{11296}{11373}Will offset|You sluggishness, Duke.
{11419}{11459}It may all be for the best.
{11579}{11609}What have you done already?
{11987}{12046}Damn it!|I've been duped and ridiculed!
{12052}{12111}A Musketeer!|Could it be Aramis?
{12131}{12212}The note and handkerchief|Had the initials C.B.T.
{12221}{12286}Constance Bonaceiux?|But it couldn't be!
{12339}{12384}Hey, you! Wait!
{12400}{12467}- What's the matter, sir?|- You are not Aramis!
{12477}{12552}From your last words I presume|You mistook me for another,
{12558}{12606}So, I forgive you.
{12617}{12666}- You, forgive me?!|- Yes.
{12689}{12774}Let us pass, if you|have no business with us.
{12780}{12832}I have no business|with you.
{12846}{12898}But I do have business|with this lady!
{12954}{13035}- Let me go, for heaven's sake!|- I trusted you!
{13041}{13122}- Lean on my arm.|- Damn it, sir!
{13144}{13211}For heaven's sake, milord!
{13267}{13340}- What? Milord?|- The Duke of Buckingham!
{13445}{13540}You must neutralize|Buckingham at all costs.
{13588}{13712}Even if we have to prove|His liaison with the Queen.
{13755}{13823}It is not in my interest,|but in the interest of France.
{13853}{13892}That's it, my friend.
{13911}{13997}Milord and you, my dear lady,|Forgive me.
{14022}{14061}But why?
{14167}{14224}I love her,|I was jealous.
{14257}{14289}Then it's different.
{14301}{14366}You must know the meaning of|True love.
{14520}{14603}Forgive me and command me|To give my life to save you.
{14609}{14659}Accept his services,|milord.
{14684}{14732}You're a courageous young man.
{14740}{14817}See us to the carriage,|That's waiting for me.
{14823}{14916}And if you notice a spy,|Kill him.
{14936}{14973}Certainly, milord.
{14993}{15041}Strangers ahead of us,|milord.
{15168}{15257}A man, dressed as a Musketeer,|accompanied by a lady,
{15263}{15302}will come this way.
{15308}{15376}Pretend you're thieves|And kill the man.
{15392}{15430}Take the lady to the Bastille.
{15778}{15834}You two - to the basement,|The rest remain here.
{15859}{15932}You don't recognize me?|Now you will.
{15988}{16021}Here I am, gentlemen.
{16574}{16601}Take a rest.
{16607}{16661}Get up, there, there.
{16742}{16769}This way, milord.
{16871}{16896}I love you.
{16902}{16959}But promise, you'll never|Spy on me again.
{17180}{17219}I don't need you now.
{18787}{18880}When you have everything,
{18912}{18993}And power over everyone,
{19071}{19139}Why think of love?
{19185}{19263}As teardrops fall from my eyes,
{19289}{19407}It's so hard to realize,
{19446}{19517}That like the rest,
{19564}{19668}You've been rejected.
{19769}{19877}Your name to me -
{19908}{19990}Is manna from heaven,
{20051}{20186}Let the other one|Call you your Majesty.
{20248}{20322}Oh, may I call you
{20366}{20513}simply "Anna."
{21094}{21196}You've turned a politician|into a poet,
{21225}{21347}For me there's only|One goddess,
{21368}{21495}You are Queen of France,|But that is not the reason.
{21502}{21594}You are the queen|Of my heart.
{21725}{21846}You name to me -|Is manna from heaven.
{21883}{21970}Let the other one|Call you your Majesty.
{21994}{22102}Oh, may I call you|Simply "Anna,"
{22108}{22222}And be your, yours only,|In body and spirit.
{22519}{22608}I cannot return|Your affection,
{22640}{22753}I am faithful|To his Majesty,
{22772}{22833}You have power|As your lover,
{22840}{22899}And I regret to say
{22905}{23037}That a clergyman's passion|Looks ridiculous.
{23120}{23241}Your name to me -|Is Holy Communion,
{23278}{23365}Why should your Eminence|Expect a different role?
{23390}{23493}So may I continue|My life of the sinner
{23507}{23561}Without your|affection,
{23567}{23605}Without your|affection.
{24001}{24045}I didn't call for you.
{24084}{24191}Monseigneur, Buckingham|Managed to escape from Paris.
{24345}{24408}Who's to blame|This time?
{24422}{24476}You may laugh,
{24482}{24540}but it's that damn|Gascon again!
{24784}{24813}Yes, monseigneur?
{24822}{24886}You shall go to London|at once.
{24907}{24961}In 6 days Buckingham|Is giving a ball.
{24994}{25062}The Duke will be wearing|12 diamond studs.
{25130}{25166}You will cut off 2 of them,
{25173}{25239}And return to Paris|immediately.
{25324}{25412}I must present them|to her Majesty.
{25476}{25544}Take 200 ecus|From my purser.
{25736}{25817}You'll get 200 more|If you succeed.
{25967}{26046}- You have something to say?|- No, monseigneur.
{27502}{27566}- La Chesnaye!|- Here I am, your Majesty!
{27572}{27649}The Queen has always|Seen me as her enemy,
{27666}{27766}God knows, I've always taken|her part, even against you.
{27850}{27895}There, Duke.
{27923}{27981}You were right,|As always.
{28025}{28066}The letter was political.
{28106}{28191}The Queen engages|In political intrigue.
{28331}{28412}My anger against her Majesty|Was well deserved.
{28418}{28509}On the contrary, your Majesty,|You are the one who's guilty.
{28550}{28600}To suspect the Queen!
{28675}{28761}She is a loyal and faithful|wife.
{28820}{28895}So, what would you advise|me to do?
{28949}{29019}I'd advise you|Not to deprive the Queen
{29027}{29144}of the pleasure of dancing|at the city sheriffs' ball.
{29177}{29319}And suggest that her Majesty|Wear the diamond studs
{29325}{29366}you gave her recently.
{29372}{29438}The Queen loves dancing|And jewelry so much!
{29491}{29586}At such a show of attention|Her anger will disappear
{29691}{29752}Oh, your Emine...
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