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Original English text:

Very important notes for Polish people.

First of all, I'm sorry but I cannot speak Polish so the Readme.RTF you are finding in this zipped archyve is all in Italian. I hope that someone will traslate that soon or later.

Secondly, the Polish version of InsDECrypter 2.x is slightly different from the Italian version of the software (V.2.3), but it is perfectly similar to the Spanish version (V.2.2)

This version 2.0 of "InsDECrypter POL" is relating to the second generation of the program.

We can now handle RSA Keys ECM 1001 and EMM 1001 for ALL Polish providers (0000, 0065, 0068), and EMM 1003 key for 0065 provider.

We can now decrypt the F8-F9 nanocommands' argouments for all the 3 providers.

We can now use the two hash tables Bx and Fx, and hopefully we'll be able to use the 9x table in the near future!

We can now go in ATR3 via MovX-Bug to change the UA of your cards.

Well... we can do really a lot more then yesterday, don't you think so? :)

!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE DON'T FORGET THAT THE NEW VERSION OF INSDECRYPTER NEEDS YOU TO REGISTER THE vcSUBFORMCTL.ocx by putting it in C:\Windows\System32 and registering it with Regsvr32 command in Start, Run.


To run the program you must register both the avatarcomm.dll then the vcSUBFORMCTL.ocx, while the rsa.dll doesn't require to be registered.

This program is intented to be a special gift for the wonderful Polish people.

I've been very happy to have helped you.

All the best,



Program u?ywa dwa pliki DLL i OCX, aby dzia?a? prawid?owo.

Plik *.ocx vcSUBFORMCTL.ocx musi by? umieszczony w forlderze C:\Windows\System i musi by? zarejestrowany poprzez REGSVR32 w nast?puj?cy spos?b: Start, Uruchom, z Windowsa.

Dll AvatarComm.dll musi by? umieszczony w folderze C:\Windows\System i musi by? zarejestrowany (jak zwykle: REGSVR32 nazwa_della_dll.dll). Inny dll, Rsa.dll musi by? umieszczony w folderze, w kt?rym jest umieszczony program i NIE WYMAGA REJESTRACJI!

Ta ostatnia DLL jest tego rodzaju, ?e odpowiada za RSA, tak?e jest podstaw? SSE w S*ca2: Md = (Mc ^ Exp) Mod N

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