My So-Called Life - Episode 07 - Why Jordan Can't Read - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:01:10:<i>Love ls when you look lnto</i>|<i>someone's eyes, and suddenly, , ,</i>
00:01:16:<i>you go all the way lnslde</i>|<i>to thelr soul, , ,</i>
00:01:22:<i>and you both know, lnstantly,</i>
00:01:30:<i>l always lmaglned l would fall ln love,</i>|<i>nurslng a bllnd soldler, , ,</i>
00:01:35:<i>who was wounded ln battle,</i>
00:01:38:<i>Or maybe whlle resculng someone</i>|<i>ln the mlddle of a bllzzard, , ,</i>
00:01:41:<i>seconds before the avalanche hlts,</i>
00:01:46:<i>l thought, at least, by the age of</i> 1 5<i>,</i>|<i>l would have a love llfe,</i>
00:01:51:<i>But, l don't even have a ''llke'' llfe,</i>
00:01:56:And, so then, what did he say?
00:01:59:l think l'm coming down|with something.
00:02:02:Honey, you're just tired.
00:02:04:That's what you're always saying.|l mean, what if l'm not tired?
00:02:07:What if this is|what l really look like now?
00:02:10:Then l want a divorce. Come on.|What did the repair guy say?
00:02:14:He said. . .|l have not gained six pounds.
00:02:18:Get off, get back on,|sometimes it. . .
00:02:21:- Seven pounds?|- sticks.
00:02:29:Excuse me, could l just have a little|tiny space up here in the corner?
00:02:34:He said that we need a new printer,|he said. . . Do l seem bloated to you?
00:02:39:Please, not this subject.|Please, please.
00:02:42:No, really, do l seem,|how shall l phrase this, fat?
00:02:51:Shut up.
00:02:55:- What day is this?|- Thursday.
00:02:57:- No, l mean the date.|- The 1 2th.
00:03:09:Are you ever coming to bed?
00:03:15:<i>Fleld trlps are so lntense,</i>
00:03:19:<i>lt's llke everybody's been let out</i>|<i>of thelr cages, or somethlng,</i>
00:03:23:<i>And we're all roamlng around loose,</i>
00:03:28:J ust stay with the group, okay?
00:03:30:The most important thing to remember|is to stay with the group.
00:03:35:The most important thing to|remember is to stay with the group.
00:03:38:What is the big deal|with staying with the group?
00:03:42:What if Amelia Earhart|had stayed with the group?
00:03:45:Or Diana Ross.
00:03:48:- l have to show you something.|- What's that?
00:03:55:l wrote it last night. l couldn't sleep.|lt contains every feeling. . .
00:03:58:l've ever wanted to express|about Jordan Catalano.
00:04:01:Dear Jordan, it's--
00:04:06:So, are you going to send it to him?
00:04:09:No, are you crazy?|lt's private. l just. . .
00:04:14:l'm proud of it. l don't know.
00:04:18:l think l'm finally over him.
00:04:24:So, what's in it?
00:04:26:Everything. l admit how l was|overpoweringly attracted to him. . .
00:04:32:or whatever, but, you know,|l point out that he could have. . .
00:04:35:handled things differently,|and he really did not know me at all.
00:04:39:Even though|he acted like he did, and. . .
00:04:42:you know, yes. . .
00:04:46:l was somewhat obsessed with him,|at one time, but l'm not anymore.
00:04:52:Because l've moved beyond that.
00:04:56:- So, can l read it?|- Yes. But wait. . .
00:05:01:- don't show this to anyone.|- l won't! God.
00:05:48:Chase. She said|to stay with the group.
00:06:48:So, you want my number?
00:06:55:So do you?
00:07:14:l've been humming this tune all day.
00:07:17:Like, you can't get it out|of your mind, or something?
00:07:21:<i>lf only there was a button</i>|<i>somewhere that l could just push, , ,</i>
00:07:24:<i>to force me to stop talklng,</i>
00:07:33:l could use a cup of coffee.
00:07:36:- You drink coffee?|- Yeah.
00:07:40:- With cream or. . .|- Black, with three or four sugars.
00:07:47:Anyway. . .
00:07:48:What is that song?|ls that a Crowded House song?
00:07:52:No, just this song that l'm writing.
00:07:55:l'm in this band now, Frozen Embryos.|You know? With Tino?
00:07:59:So you should hear us sometime,|we're starting to sound okay.
00:08:03:- Not really, but. . .|- That's great.
00:08:06:l would love to, l mean, l . . .
00:08:10:<i>Angela! Angela!</i>
00:08:11:Yes, well, anyway.
00:08:14:- Angela, just listen.|- You would not believe this.
00:08:18:- You would not believe this.|- Angela.
00:08:21:Jordan Catalano was having a|conversation with me, like, on purpose.
00:08:25:- Like, a really nice conversation.|- Don't hate me.
00:08:32:- Do you know that letter thing?|- Oh no.
00:08:37:l'm sorry. l'm really sorry.
00:08:39:What did you do?|Did you show it to him?
00:08:42:No! God.
00:08:47:- l lost it.|- You what?
00:08:52:l'm sorry. l'm really sorry.|l'll find it for you, l swear.
00:08:56:On the plus side,|l met this really cute guard. . .
00:09:00:not that that at all makes it|worthwhile on any level.
00:09:05:You lost my letter. Which means|somebody could have found it.
00:09:11:And Jordan Catalano|was being nice to me.
00:09:16:Like, out of nowhere.
00:09:25:Oh, my God.
00:09:49:So, Chase, you still have|my Malcolm X, right?
00:09:54:Yes, so?
00:09:57:- So, l need it back. Okay?|- Okay.
00:10:06:Look, yesterday,|on that field trip. . .
00:10:09:this is going to sound|a little weird, but. . .
00:10:11:l almost forgot. Here.
00:10:16:l found it at the museum.|You wrote it, right?
00:10:23:Yes, but when l wrote this,|l wrote this about someone else.
00:10:31:This guy, l had a boyfriend|last summer, and, l . . .
00:10:36:l wrote everything. . .
00:10:39:l wanted to remember him, and l|used your name because l wanted. . .
00:10:46:l didn't want other people|to know it was about him. . .
00:10:50:because he died. . . he's dead.
00:11:01:Look, l didn't read it, okay?|So, you don't have to, like. . .
00:11:04:What, you expect me to believe that?
00:11:08:l don't care what you believe!
00:11:11:You find a five page letter|in a museum and it starts. . .
00:11:15:'' Dear Jordan, '' and you expect me to|believe you didn't read it?
00:11:20:Never mind. Look,|l read parts of it, okay?
00:11:24:What? You must really think|l'm stupid.
00:11:29:- lt just didn't hold my interest, okay?|- Really?
00:11:33:Why is that? l'm curious,|l'd really like to know what it was. . .
00:11:37:that made it so incredibly boring.
00:11:40:J ust tell me, was it too emotional,|too personal, too many big words?
00:11:45:J ust shut up! Jeez.
00:12:02:You couldn't read it.|That's it, isn't it?
00:12:13:l never told anyone before.
00:12:27:l just talked to Tino, man, he said|he can get us that loft tonight.
00:12:31:- Cool.|- Yes, so rehearsal's on.
00:12:34:Okay, well. . .
00:12:35:- We should tell the other Embryos.|- l guess so.
00:12:42:- So, you have rehearsal tonight?|- l guess so, yes.
00:12:47:Maybe l could hear that|song you wrote sometime.
00:12:51:Sure. l mean, yes.
00:12:54:We're rehearsing tonight|at this loft that Tino found. So. . .
00:13:00:So you mean l should|go to the loft tonight?
00:13:03:Well, you know, whatever.
00:13:08:<i>Catalano, let's go!</i>
00:13:17:Wait, say this again?
00:13:19:Something has happened|between Jordan Catalano and me. . .
00:13:23:and l can't explain it,|l seriously can't.
00:13:27:Don't even ask me,|but l understand him in this way. . .
00:13:33:l didn't even know existed.
00:13:36:And it has completely|changed everything.
00:13:43:- Well, how late?|- Eight days. Eight fun-filled days.
00:13:48:- You're eight days late?|- Yes.
00:13:51:- God, you're never late.|- l know.
00:13:54:Of course, this could just,|you know, mean. . .
00:13:57:well, l mean,|it could be pre-menopause.
00:14:02:Don't get all insulted. l said pre.
00:14:05:Pre-menopause?|ls that like pre-death?
00:14:10:Well, it just means|that this stage of the game. . .
00:14:13:that your periods get a little funky.
00:14:19:- Funky.|- Sporadic.
00:14:22:Look, let's face it.
00:14:25:Finally, someday, we are|going to come to the end of our eggs.
00:14:32:You know that this had|never occurred to me.
00:14:35:God, this is so depressing.
00:14:37:A man loses a little hair,|he buys a great sports car.
00:14:41:l know. But, it's supposed to be|very gradual.
00:14:45:lt's going to take,|ten years or something.
00:14:48:We end up looking like Germaine Greer|on the back of that book.
00:14:52:l plan on looking like Tina Turner,|when l'm 50.
00:15:01:Patty? We're 40!|40 is still considered young.
00:15:06:Look, you're not|going through menopause!
00:15:08:So, what are you saying?|That l could be pregnant?
00:15:14:Are you kidding? At your age?
00:15:18:Tell her the best part.
00:15:21:He asked her to watch|Frozen Embryos rehearse tonight.
00:15:24:Which l've been wanting to do, so bad.
00:15:27:So, wait, what was this thing|that changed everything?
00:15:32:lt's not something l can talk about.
00:15:35:All l can say is that|it involves that letter.
00:15:39:l knew it! He found the letter.
00:15:42:lt made him want you.|Right? Am l right?
00:15:47:Angelica, do you know|what this means?
00:15:50:Yes, l do. Yes.
00:15:55:What does it mean?
00:15:58:lt means, this has happened.|You're happening.
00:16:03:You and Jordan Catalano.
00:16:07:And who is the person, without whom|none of this would be happening?
00:16:12:Who is the genius who lost this|stupid letter in the first place?
00:16:17:Who should you be thanking|for the rest of your life?
00:16:20:Thank you.
00:16:22:Don't mention it. l got to go.|l got to beep George.
00:16:28:That museum guard?
00:16:30:So, congratulations.
00:16:37:l haven't seen him since it happened.|lf l ran into him, l'd probably faint.
00:16:41:You won't.
00:16:43:He has Shop 5th period, Mondays and|Wednesda...
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