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Liber Os Abysmi vel Daäth sub figurâ CDLXXIV
Publication in Class C
“ I ( motto, titles, etc. ), a member of the Body of God, hereby bind
myself on behalf of the whole Universe, even as we are now
physically bound unto the cross of suffering:
that I will lead a pure life, as a devoted servant of the Order:
that I will understand all things:
that I will love all things:
that I will perform all things and endure all things:
that I will continue in the Knowledge and Conversation of My
Holy Guardian Angel.
that I will work without attachment:
that I will work in truth:
that I will rely only upon myself:
that I will interpret every phenomenon as a particular dealing of
God with my soul.
And if I fail herein, may my pyramid be profaned, and the Eye
be closed upon me!”
The Oath of the Abyss .
1 . This book is the Gate of the Secret of the Universe. 1
2 . Let the Exempt Adept procure the Prolegomena of Kant, 2
and study it, paying special attention to the Antinomies.
3 . Also Hume’s doctrine of causality in his “Enquiry.” 3
4 . Also Herbert Spencer’s discussion of the three theories of
the Universe in his First Principles , Part I.
5 . Also Huxley’s Essays on Hume and Berkeley. 4
6 . Also Crowley’s Essays: “Berashith,” 5 “Time,” 6 “The
Soldier and the Hunchback,” 7 et cetera.
7 . Also the “Logik” 8 of Hegel.
1 [A Qabalistic pun on c^S .]
2 [Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to any future Metaphysics that may come forward as a
Science . A summary of the arguments and conclusions of Kant’s Critique of Pure
Reason ; a variety of English translations are now available.]
3 [The reference is of course to David Hume’s Enquiry concerning Human
Understanding , which summarises the conclusions of the Treatise of Human Nature
with the arguments through which Hume reached them either sketchily represented or
omitted altogether; thus for a time it was more widely read than the Treatise . A variety
of popular and academic editions are available.]
4 [Thomas Henry Huxley, Collected Essays vol. 6: “Hume, with helps to the Study of
5 [Crowley, “ chRPaQ , an Essay in Ontology with some Remarks on Ceremonial
Magic.” First published in 1902 , a revised version bound up in The Sword of Song ,
reprinted in Collected Works ii, 233-243 .]
6 [Crowley, “Time: a Dialogue between a British Sceptic and an Indian Mystic.” In
AC’s Collected Works , ii, 267-282 .]
7 [Crowley, “The Soldier and the Hunchback: ! and ?” (later declared to be Liber
CXLVIII in Class C). In Equinox I ( 1 ).]
8 [It is not clear whether Crowley refers to the Science of Logic or the “Lesser Logic”
( Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences: Part I – Logic ), so-called because it is
shorter than the Science of Logic and thus more widely read. Modern English translations
of both works exist ( e.g. of the Enclopedia Logic by W. Wallace, Oxford University
Press, 1977 , and of the Science of Logic by A.V. Miller, Oxford University Press, 1969 ).]
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