Malaria.Jungle Fever.1991.Cz.2.txt

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{37}{130}-Not out here, please. In my office.|- All right.
{216}{285}Look, baby,|I know you're upset,
{286}{385}- But --|- I guess I just wasn't|light enough for you, was l?
{386}{472}You had to eventually|go get yourself a white girl.
{474}{541}- What do you mean, eventually?|- What I mean is...
{542}{599}you got a complex about color.|You've always had it.
{601}{666}I never wanted to believe it.|All the girls you ever dated...
{668}{746}have been light-skinned girls --|you and Cyrus, both of you.
{748}{823}You don't know what type of women|I dated before we got together.
{825}{909}- That's not the issue.|- The issue is 'cause you're so black,|you have a problem.
{911}{985}- That's insane! That's insane!|- Yes. Yes!
{986}{1061}I've told you what happened|to me when I was growin' up.
{1063}{1126}I've explained to you.|I've poured my heart out.
{1128}{1196}I told you how they called me|high yellow, yellow bitch.
{1198}{1269}White honky, honky white;|white nigger, nigger white;
{1270}{1369}Octoroon, quadroon, half-breed,|mongrel! And what do you do?
{1371}{1457}- Do you love this girl?|- Ohh! Oh, Drew.
{1458}{1531}- You've gotta be kidding me.|- Do you love her?
{1533}{1648}- I love you.|- Do you love her?
{1650}{1723}No, no, no!
{1725}{1784}No, I don't.
{1786}{1876}I'm so glad for you.
{1878}{1929}So glad.
{1931}{1985}'Cause don't you know white|people hate black people...
{1986}{2061}'cause they're not black?
{2063}{2110}They can't relate.
{2111}{2193}Look, Drew, did your white|father hate your black mother?
{2194}{2250}You talkin' about|my family?
{2252}{2316}This is what i'm saying.|Color's got you fucked up, too.
{2318}{2398}Maybe it has!|Maybe it has!
{2399}{2485}Maybe that's why this hurts me so much.|Can't you see that?
{2486}{2587}- I trusted you.|- I --
{2589}{2671}- And I loved you.|- And you still do.
{2673}{2719}Oh, please,|don't tell me what I feel!
{2721}{2769}I don't.|And I won't again.
{2770}{2860}Take your tired-ass roses and get|the fuck out of my place of business.
{2862}{2989}# Love can be so insecure #
{2990}{3081}# So please #
{3082}{3369}# Be sure ##
{3524}{3607}- Can you lend me Starbursts?|- Some Now-And-Laters, too?
{3609}{3658}I'm gonna lend it to you?|What am l, a library?
{3661}{3726}- Come on, get out.|I told you I was closed.|- Come on.
{3728}{3778}- Just 'cause I'm a nice guy --|- Come on, Paulie.
{3781}{3847}- I seen that.|- Come on, man.
{3849}{3933}- Get out. Out!|- Hey, come on. You're a cheapskate.
{3935}{3993}I can't help it.|It's my nature.
{4080}{4161}- You want another egg cream?|- [ Angie ] No.
{4189}{4247}Boy, it seems like forever|since I seen ya.
{4249}{4295}Where ya been?
{4297}{4359}Oh, just...|been doin' things.
{4361}{4407}- You want another egg cream?|- No.
{4410}{4488}- Sure?|- Yeah.
{4529}{4595}- Paulie, sit down.|- All right.
{4759}{4819}We've been goin' out|for a long time, Paulie.
{4882}{4950}Look --
{4952}{5042}I care about you too much|to bullshit you.
{5087}{5212}But, uh, I need to get away|from here as far as possible.
{5263}{5366}I just --|I wanna get out of here.
{5367}{5441}I don't understand.|You movin' or somethin'?
{6038}{6114}What is this about?
{6198}{6290}This is about|something else.
{6291}{6338}- Is there anything else|you wanna tell me?|- It's not --
{6339}{6429}[ Phone Ringing ]
{6735}{6803}- Y eah?|- [ Lou ] Is your watch broken?
{6806}{6889}- I know what time it is.|- I haven't eaten for ten hours!
{6891}{6960}- I know you're hungry.|- I'm starving, you dumb son-of-a-bitch.
{6962}{7036}- I know you haven't eaten since lunch.|- What am l, on a diet?
{7038}{7104}All right.|I'll be up in a bit.
{7143}{7195}Lou's hungry.
{7358}{7486}[ Sobbing ]
{7640}{7688}Open the door.
{7753}{7800}Let me in.
{7802}{7904}- No.|- Paulie?
{7906}{7989}- I gotta pee.|- No, you don't!
{7991}{8050}Leave me alone.|You just want to get in here.
{8085}{8159}Paulie, I'm gonna|pee in my pants.
{8161}{8254}Open the fuckin' door!|I gotta take a leak!
{8256}{8350}- Promise?|- Yeah, I promise.
{8488}{8572}What's the matter with you?|What the hell are you doin'?
{8574}{8655}You lied! You said|you had to take a leak.
{8657}{8735}Locking yourself in the john|like a little girl!
{8737}{8792}All because of|some skirt.
{8794}{8871}Not some skirt. It's Angie.|She's a woman.
{8873}{8935}You call that|a woman!
{8937}{9014}I was married to|a real woman... your mother.
{9015}{9062}That was a woman!
{9064}{9136}- I wanted to marry Angie.|- She did you a big favor.
{9138}{9197}Marriage to her|would have been hell.
{9199}{9281}Besides, marriage to her|is a joke.
{9282}{9330}People get married,|divorced, married.
{9331}{9409}All they think|marriage is for is humping.
{9410}{9469}- They don't know the duties.|- What duties?
{9470}{9526}Wifely duties.
{9528}{9619}Those kind of women|are rare.
{9621}{9723}Your mother and me,|we had our wars.
{9725}{9796}She didn't talk to me|for almost...
{9798}{9860}two years.|Not --
{9862}{9926}Not a word.
{9927}{10029}Still,|she scrubbed my back.
{10031}{10116}Never stopped|doin' her duties.
{10118}{10194}That woman was there|for me.
{10196}{10288}Till death do us part.
{10290}{10376}That...|was a fuckin' marriage.
{10542}{10659}Sometimes when I'm alone,|she says to me,
{10738}{10802}kiss me."
{10847}{10903}But I --
{10905}{10958}I try.
{11002}{11077}But I can't find|her lips.
{11122}{11171}# When was the last time #
{11173}{11255}# That they heard you say #
{11257}{11326}# Mother or Father #
{11327}{11417}# I love you #
{11418}{11517}# When was the last time|That they heard you say #
{11519}{11586}[ Mike ]|A nigger! A nigger!
{11588}{11650}- A nigger! What kind of woman --|- Daddy!
{11653}{11750}What kind of a woman are you?|You fuck a black nigger?
{11753}{11838}I didn't raise you to be with no|nigger! I'd rather you be a murderer...
{11840}{11910}- Jimmy! Charlie!|- or a child molester|than fuck a black nigger!
{11911}{11994}- What's goin' on? What'd you do?|- Get back!
{11995}{12057}- I'm telling ya to get back.|- Don't do it!
{12058}{12114}- It's none of your fucking business.|- [ Y elling ]
{12115}{12215}- You! Your mother's|turning over in her grave.|- Stop, Daddy!
{12217}{12271}This is how you scar|your mother's memory?
{12273}{12368}I raised you to be a good Catholic girl.|You're a disgrace!
{12370}{12419}- No! No!|- You're a disgrace!
{12422}{12504}- Pop, what're you doin'?|- Stop!
{12506}{12573}You're a disgrace to the ltalians!|You're a disgrace!
{12574}{12625}You could've gone out with|a Jew or lrishman...
{12626}{12689}- but you picked a fucking nigger!|- Calm down.
{12690}{12747}I wish your mother had lived|and you had died.
{12749}{12819}- Let go of me! Get off me!|- Calm down.
{12948}{13044}I'd rather stab myself|in the heart with a knife...
{13046}{13141}than be the father|of a nigger lover.
{13143}{13219}As far as|I'm concerned --
{13222}{13275}Look at all you people.|What the fuck you lookin' at?
{13278}{13343}Why don't you mind|your goddamn business!
{13345}{13406}# Knowing you|didn't always show #
{13408}{13526}- [ Yelling ]|- # Just how much you loved him so #
{13528}{13622}# These three words #
{13682}{13781}- Hi, Frankie.|- # Sweet and simple #
{13782}{13845}Why don't you come inside?|Come on, let's go.
{13938}{14009}- Hey, Paulie.|- Denise, just stay here.
{14011}{14070}- Okay.|- I'll be back in ten minutes.
{14073}{14178}- Hey, Paulie. How ya doing, Paulie?|- All right.
{14180}{14228}- Paulie, how's your father?|- Okay.
{14230}{14278}Don't take|too long, Vinny.
{14280}{14370}- I need an egg cream.|- He's a nice kid.
{14442}{14514}[ Vinny ]|Paulie, we know.
{14516}{14585}You know.|We all know.
{14586}{14661}You're a jerk-off|most of the time,
{14662}{14709}but I feel for you.
{14710}{14757}- A colored?|- A spook?
{14758}{14826}- [ Vinny ] A spearchucker?|- Jesus Christ, a fuckin' eggplant.
{14826}{14919}You know, Paulie,|Jew girls do that all the time.
{14921}{14976}But I would have|thought better of Angela.
{14978}{15048}She went to Catholic school|for eight years.
{15050}{15164}- That's 16 years, you moron!|- It's a fuckin' mystery.
{15166}{15266}- You gonna give her a beatin'?|- Her father did that already.
{15268}{15314}I'm not talkin' about her father.|I'm talkin' about you.
{15316}{15383}He ain't talkin' about Mike.|He's talkin' about you.
{15385}{15432}See my girl, Denise.|She knows better.
{15434}{15504}She got out of line one time,|I stomped her in the midsection.
{15506}{15562}Morning, Paulie.
{15618}{15668}Good morning.
{15824}{15890}- How are ya?|- Ah.
{15892}{15957}- Just okay?|- The same.
{15958}{16006}All right.|I'll see you later.
{16007}{16052}- Have a nice day.|- You, too.
{16054}{16105}- Have a nice day.|- Thank you.
{16180}{16265}Ooh, she's sweet, man.|I'd fuck her.
{16267}{16348}- Definitely.|- You'd fuck a mozzarella.
{16350}{16428}I'd fuck her. I'd fuck|a nigger or spic in a second.
{16430}{16502}- Yeah... and the mozzarella.|- I'd do it, too.
{16504}{16554}I wouldn't let anyone see us|together. No way I'd walk...
{16557}{16628}down 18th Avenue with a black|on my arm... no fuckin' way.
{16630}{16701}- Not even Paula Abdul?|- Not even Paula Abdul.
{16702}{16787}- Abdul says she's not black.|- Who's Paula Abdul?
{16789}{16839}She got big tits?
{16841}{16915}It's gotta stop somewhere.|Next thing, a black guy...
{16917}{16994}will wanna pork Denise.|They took over sports --
{16996}{17054}baseball, basketball,|football, boxin' --
{17056}{17109}What do we got left?|Hockey?
{17110}{17165}- Golf.|- Golf! Come on, man.
{17166}{17244}They fuckin' elected Dinkins.|Christ, when does it stop?
{17246}{17338}I don't need this shit|from you guys today.
{17339}{17417}All you ...
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