Call of Cthulhu - Ye Booke of Monstres - Vol 2.pdf

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Ye Booke of Monstres II
More Nightmares for Call of Cthulhu
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H. P. LOVE CRAFT 1890-1937
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Ye Booke of
Scott David Aniolowski
with Marioa Alldusoll, Phil A.dersoa. Bjll ButoD. Fred 8chrclldr. Lury DiTillio. Pltil FUDCCI. eli£ Guyud.
Geoff GjJJ.u. Ed Gore. Steve: Hlthcrly, Keith Herber. Kcvia W. J"delia. J. Todd KiD81CJ. Doug LyollS. Rllldy
McCill. Kurt MilJer. 5IDdy Pctersta. Kevia A. Ross. Mike SzytnJuki. C . W. nomas. IDd Lyaa Willis
edi!oriaJ and layou! JANICE SELLERS
interior illustrations EARL GEIER
cover design ERIC VOCT
proofreading ALAN GLOVER
Chaosium Inc.
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u?Speali.abl~ possessors (Cthvlhv
~~w. Jacklin created Vlbur
;t.bSii~). Doug Lyons created
V'l8~~tS (Terror from the Stars)
aiId'ltIe Itual1s of Cthulhu (Grear 0k1
Opf6).~Riy1dy McCall designed Ar-
waasa and 1M proto-Ihoggoths (both
, F ,
~ fti9 Asyfum lind 0ttIer Tales).
rMlUer crealJ d the spawn 01
N~(F8tal ,.P:Peo'mMts). Sandy
~ .d!d-<th e butterfly dragons,
~ fireworms, !he gnom , be·
1n1iJ~ of Ib, the minions 01 Karakal,
shades, and zoogs (aM trom H. P. Low-
craft's Dr&amlBnds) . Kevin A. Ross de-
signed the deep one hybrids (Tales
frDm t!wi Ml5ketonic 1hi//e;1. the degen·
erate serpent talk (Sscnrments of
~, and Ihe Star Mother (KingSport).
Mike Szymanski creawd the Chorazin
'tCtnuiYl.u j\(qK1 . G. W. Th omas de-
Signed Gloon (CtfluIhu No..., .
'r& Books 01 Monstres /I is published by Chaosium, Inc.
Ye Books 01 Monstres II isC 1996 by Chaosium, Inc.; all rights reserved.
Call of Cthulhu® is the registered trademark of Chaosium, lnc.
Interior illustrations are C 1996 Earl Geier; all rights reserved.
H. P. Lovecrafl's works are 01963, 1964, 1965 by August Derleth and are quoted for purposes 01 illustration. All male rial
concerning Shudde-M'ell and the Cthonians , and all other inventions of Brian Lumley as portrayed in his books, specifi-
cally The Burrowers Beneath, are used by his kind permission. August Derleth's "The Rerum of Hastu .... 0 1958 by Au-
gust Derleth. Ramsey Campbell's -The Church in High Streer 01962 by August Derleth. Ramsey Campbell's "The In-
sects from Shaggai·, "The Render 01 the Veils·, "The Plaln 01 Sound", and "The Moon-Lens· 01964 by Ramsey Camp-
bell. Ramsey Campbell's ·Cold Prinr01969 by August Derleth. Robert E. Howard's "People of the Dark" 01932 by The
Clayton Magazines, Inc. Robert Bloch's -The Secret of Sebek" 0 1993 by Robert Bloch. Bertram Russell's "The Scourge
of a'Moth" 01929 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co. T. E. D. Klein's "Children of the Kingdom" 0 1980 by T. E. D. Klein .
Robert E. Howard's "The Thing on the Rool "01932 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co. Clark Ashton Smith's ·Vulthoom"
0 1935 by the Popular Fiction Publishing Co. C. Hall Thompson's "The Spawn of the Green Abyss· 0 1946 by Weird
Tales. Un Carter's "Out of the Ages· 01975 by April A. Derleth and Walden W. Derleth. Un Carter's ·Zoth-Ommog"
01976 by Edward P. Berglund. Frank Belknap Long's "The Space Eaters" 0 1928 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co. Un
Cartar's "Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods" and "The Secrel in Ihe Parchmenf 0 1988 by Cryptic Publi-
cations. Brian Lumley's "The Fairground Horro.... 01976 by Edward P. Berglund. Clark Ashton Smith's "The Seven
Geases· 01934 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co.
Similarities between characters in Ys Booke of Monstres II and persons living or dead are strictly coincidental.
The reproduction of material from within this book for the purpose of personal or corporate profit, by photographic, elec-
tronic, or other methods of retrieval , is prohibited.
Address questloos and comments concerning this book, as well as requests for lree catalogs of Chaosium books,
games, and supplements, to Chaosium, Inc., 9SG-A 56th Street, Oakland, CA 94608-3129, U.S.A.
Chaoslum Publication 2358_ Published In April 1996
ISBN 1·56882.()52--6
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