Call of Cthulhu D20 - Where Madness Dwells.pdf

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Madness Layout Final
Thomas Knauss, The Inner Circle
Art Director:
Jeffrey J. Visgaitis
Cover Artists:
Robert James Gallagher,
Jason Rosenstock
Interior Artists:
Robert James Gallagher,
Jason Rosenstock, Jeffrey J.Visgaitis
Mike Mumich,
Jason Rosenstock, Jeffrey J.Visgaitis
C. D. Bennett,
Robert Dorneman
Layout and Typesetting:
C. D. Bennett,
Jeffrey J. Visgaitis
Project Manager:
Jeffrey J. Visgaitis
Special Thanks:
Aaron Snyder, Apple Computer,
Marduk Slayer of Tiamat, H. P. Lovecraft,
and Fantasy Fans Everywhere!
Produced by:
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Where Madness Dwells
ize yourself with all aspects of this module and its
many encounters before your players begin their
adventure. Each encounter has been given an
encounter level (EL) to give you a quick overview
of its dificulty. Some encounters may be altered
(or omitted) to better scale the adventure to the
abilities of the players. Take care not to scale
back the dificulty too far, as this module has been
made challenging for a reason.
Where Madness Dwells is a d20 adventure
suitable for four 7th-level characters. Where
Madness Dwells offers a good mix of roleplaying,
problem solving, and combat and can easily be
adapted for characters of levels 6–8, as noted in
the “Scaling the Adventure” section below. The
party should include at least one spellcaster. A
rogue will also be very useful, but is not essential.
A good mix of classes and races will work the
best. The last encounter is very dificult and the
players will have a much easier time if they pos-
sess several +2 magic weapons.
The PCs are hired to investigate the Witten Asylum
in the city of Niarva. Entrance into the Asylum
proves dificult and the PCs must ind a way to
breach its defenses. The PCs search for infor-
mation around the town and they learn that the
asylum has been slowly degrading over the past
20 years. Once they breach its foreboding exterior
and venture inside, they learn that the patients are
kept in very poor conditions. They slowly begin
to discover various clues that hint to a sinister plot
hiding behind the façade of the asylum.
Eventually by talking to Vunik, an eccentric
old man held captive in the asylum, the PCs dis-
cover that the place is being held under control
by two mind layers and they plan to establish a
portal that will open up into their city far beneath
the surface. Vunik knows that the plans for his
portal have gone horribly wrong and he doesn’t
want the portal to be opened for fear of what is
on the other side. Eventually, the PCs confront
the mind layers and the hideous beast that comes
forth from the portal. With the aid of Vunik they
inally manage to destroy the portal.
Balanced for four PCs around 7th-level, the adven-
ture can easily be adjusted to accommodate weaker
or stronger parties by decreasing or increasing the
number of villains. Weaker parties may reduce
the asylum guards from groups of four to groups
of two or three, reduce the mind layers from
two to one, or simply omit an especially danger-
ous encounter. Stronger parties can add at least
one more group of asylum guards or increase
the number of mind layers from two to three. If
adjustments are made, the treasure ratio should be
adjusted accordingly.
Where Madness Dwells can be a challenging
adventure even for experienced players. The
encounters within this module can prove to be
incredibly dangerous unless the players are clever
and play well. The inal encounter at the portal
will test the mettle of new and veteran players
alike, and may result in the death of one or more
player characters. This module is designed to be
a challenging experience for your players, and if
they survive, they will have bragging rights for
years to come.
Where Madness Dwells requires the use of
the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook ,
Third Edition , published by Wizards of the
Coast® .
Throughout this module, you will ind
blocks of text inside gray-shaded boxes. These
may be read aloud to the players or paraphrased
as needed to help set the mood for their corre-
sponding area. The general feel for Where Mad-
ness Dwells should be one of lurking dread, where
the players ind themselves nervously examining
every corner of the asylum. You should familiar-
Forty years ago, Doctor Josias Illhausen founded
the Witten Asylum; an institution dedicated to
serving the needs of the mentally ill. Renowned
throughout the area for its innovative treatment
of insanity and other mental disorders, the institu-
tion’s reputation spread beyond the city of Niarva.
Over the course of the irst twenty years, the
asylum enjoyed great success and boasted a very
high percentage of rehabilitated patients. How-
ever, the overwhelming task of administering the
asylum became too great for Doctor Illhausen to
undertake alone. In order to lessen his burden,
Doctor Illhausen hired a young and ambitious
physician named Heraladus to serve as his assis-
Heraladus cared little for the patients’
welfare; in fact he viewed them merely as test
subjects for his unusual experiments. After a
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few months of intense study, Heraladus began
to formulate a bizarre theory. He postulated that
if humans developed their mental abilities rather
than their physical prowess, they would evolve
into a more advanced and intelligent species.
Heraladus speculated that an ancient group of
humans actually achieved such a feat and evolved
into mind layers. Consumed by the notion that
mind layers were once human, he contacted an
inquisition of mind layers willing to examine his
theory. With his assistance, a team of two mind
layers transported themselves into the institu-
tion. The mind layers quickly dominated Doctor
Illhausen and installed Heraladus as the asylum’s
While Heraladus sought conirmation of his
idea from the mind layers, the mind layers
utilized the asylum’s unfortunate patients for
their own gruesome experiments. Witten Asy-
lum’s reputation decreased substantially as unset-
tling rumors of macabre and barbaric experiments
spread throughout the community. Under com-
plete control of the mind layers’ mental control,
Doctor Illhausen’s impassioned personal appear-
ances allowed the institution to survive. Now, the
asylum serves as the last refuge for the city’s
less dangerous criminals and substance addicts.
While Heraladus oversees the asylum’s operation,
Doctor Illhausen remains conined to his quarters
in the asylum, just in case the city or a suspicious
public demands his appearance.
to be an expert on the subject of planar travel.
Intrigued by the unusual boast, the asylum guard
brought the matter to the attention of Heraladus,
who in turn relayed the information to the mind
layers. The mind layers demonstrated a keen
interest in Vunik’s claim, removing him from the
asylum’s general population and placing him in
solitary coninement. Once alone, the mind lay-
ers charmed Vunik and ordered him to design a
portal that would open a gate to the mind lay-
ers’ underground city. While Vunik designed the
elaborate schematics for the portal, Heraladus
obtained the raw materials and contracted skilled
masons to construct the portal. Heraladus, falsely
believing that the mind layers intended to trans-
form him into one of their own, foolishly agreed
with the plan. The mind layers, however, had no
intentions of returning through the portal or grant-
ing Heraladus his misguided wish. Instead, they
endeavored to use the portal in order to substan-
tially add to their numbers and place the entire
city of Niarva under their unyielding control,
disposing of Heraladus in the process.
Vunik resides in the asylum now, unwittingly
laboring for the mind layers, advancing their
plans for a quiet coup of the city.
The following three adventure hooks each offer a
different motivation for your players to undertake
this adventure. As the GM, feel free to add your
own special touches to give the chosen adventure
hook the right feel to better accompany your play-
ers’ current campaign, or simply use Where Mad-
ness Dwells as a lead-in to a larger campaign of
your choosing. The city of Niarva can be easily
adapted into any campaign as a generic, walled
city surrounded by a forest.
Vunik, always the eccentric sage, has teetered on
the ine edge of insanity for years. Although he
has always demonstrated unusual behaviors, his
outbursts remained non-violent. Yet, over the past
few years, Vunik has become more confronta-
tional. Recently, after a heavy night of drinking,
Vunik stumbled through the city’s more afluent
neighborhoods, accosting its privileged citizens
and shouting slanderous accusations against the
city’s leaders, the Lords of Enlightenment. Finally
disgusted with his boorish antics, the city authori-
ties gave his sister, who also serves as his legal
guardian, two choices. Either voluntarily commit
him to Witten Asylum, or the authorities would
imprison him. Uncertain of his prospects for
survival in the city’s harsh prison system, his
sister convinced him to commit himself to Witten
After two uneventful months in the asylum,
one of Vunik’s offhanded remarks garnered the
interest of the asylum staff. Vunik purported
Long Lost Uncle
The default adventure hook for Where Mad-
ness Dwells . The adventure’s events commence
shortly after one of the party’s human charac-
ters receives an urgent letter from his mother.
The letter explains that the character’s mother
believes that her brother Vunik, currently a patient
at Witten Asylum, is in grave danger. A month ago
during their last visit, Vunik confessed to her that
he had a great secret. Since their last meeting, her
efforts to contact Vunik have been rebuffed by the
asylum’s staff. Her last correspondence informed
her that Vunik’s visiting privileges were revoked
indeinitely. She desperately begs her son to inves-
tigate the asylum and assure her of his safety.
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Where Madness Dwells
Vunik’s nephew/niece has not seen him in
almost ive years. Although he knows Vunik per-
sonally, he has very few details about him. He is
middle-aged man with gray hair, thick spectacles
and a generally unkempt appearance. Vunik is
a sage specializing in a number of disciplines,
including architecture, engineering, magic,
nature and the planes. His personality makes
him extremely dificult to tolerate. His uneven
demeanor often changes abruptly from distant
and unconcerned to manic and obsessive and
vice versa. Because of his shortcomings, the PC’s
mother has always treated him as if he were her
child rather than a sibling. The adventure should
begin with the party either currently residing in
the city of Niarva or in close proximity to it.
500 gp per person. If this hook is chosen, treat
Vunik and Kelym as nothing more than pitiful
old men the PCs encounter within the asylum.
The adventure can begin with the party members
within Niarva’s borders, or in close proximity to
the city, perhaps traveling an old road through the
forest on their way to some other destination.
Missing Lord
The Lords of Enlightenment have been secretly
searching for a party of individuals to perform a
clandestine mission on their behalf. One of the
Lords of Enlightenment, Kelym Aradamore—a
man of keen wit and suspicious mien—has
expressed his opinions on the Asylum’s reputabil-
ity rather openly as of late, and has subsequently
been discovered missing. The remaining Lords
send one of their agents, a man called Maylath
(see Appendix I: Primary NPCs) , to contact the
party with a plea to covertly investigate the asylum
and discover what they can of Lord Kelym’s dis-
appearance. The Lords offer a hefty reward (a ine
silk purse illed with gems worth 3000 gp) for the
return of their fellow, to be delivered only after
the PCs have completed their task. The agent will
give them a small wax symbol made in the design
of Lords of Enlightenment crest, telling the PCs
that Lord Kelym will be wearing a ring with the
same symbol. If this hook is chosen, simply treat
Vunik as a poor old man that the PCs encounter
within the asylum. The adventure can begin with
the party anywhere in close proximity to the city
of Niarva.
Inspection Time
With the majority of Niarva’s troops and militias
patrolling the city, The Lords of Enlightenment
are sometimes forced to hire parties of adventur-
ers to perform various tasks within the city. This
is the case when a city oficial, Noric Chaunnor
(see Appendix I: Primary NPCs) , contacts the
party with an offer of employment. He needs to
inspect the asylum and wishes the party to accom-
pany him both for security reasons, and to assist
with some minor tasks. He offers to pay the party
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