01x08 The Reign of Terror (lost).pdf

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01x08 The Reign of Terror
(It is getting dark. Two figures walk through the dense forest. Once they have gone the
TARDIS materialises nearby.)
(The Doctor is making adjustments to the controls, under the collective gazes of Susan, Ian
and Barbara. The atmosphere is noticeably colder than usual. He turns to them.)
DOCTOR: There we are. Home.
BARBARA: Doctor, we...
(The Doctor motions for her to be quiet.)
DOCTOR: It's all right. Chesterton made the position quite clear. Now, I have some work to
SUSAN: Grandfather, please...
DOCTOR: Hush, child. Say your goodbyes and remember - we shall be leaving almost
IAN: Do you have to be in such a hurry?
DOCTOR: Enough time has been wasted bringing you back, young man. I have the universe
to explore.
SUSAN: (to Barbara) Must you go?
BARBARA: Susan, we've visited many places together - had lots of adventures. But you
always knew we intended to return home when we could.
SUSAN: Yes, I know, but...
BARBARA: Look, I know it's hard to say goodbye but, one day, you'll understand why we
had to.
SUSAN: But grandfather can bring you back any time now!
IAN: Don't you see, Susan? The longer we leave it, the harder it'll be.
(Susan hugs them both quickly then runs away. The Doctor comes up to them, leafing through
a book.)
DOCTOR: Hmm. Still here?
IAN: Yes, we're waiting for you to carry out the checks.
DOCTOR: Quite unnecessary.
IAN: Oh is it? Are you so certain you know where we are?
DOCTOR: Certain? Of course I'm certain! If you doubt me, take a look for yourselves.
(He goes to the console and switches on the scanner.)
DOCTOR: Perhaps that will satisfy you.
(The image is of the forest outside.)
BARBARA: Mmm. It could be, I suppose.
DOCTOR: Thank you. Obviously you're still in doubt. Let us take a longer look, through the
trees, hmm?
(The scanner shows a field with the forest in the background.)
BARBARA: Ian, look! Fields, crops... It's fully cultivated!
IAN: Yes. Pity it's so dark. I can't see a sign of any buildings.
BARBARA: You know, it reminds me of a holiday I once took - In Somerset.
DOCTOR: Then I expect it is Somerset, my dear. Well, if you're going, be off with you.
IAN: Look Doctor, I think I'd be better if you came with us, at least to explore.
(As he speaks the doors swing open.)
DOCTOR: It's out of the question. I refuse to leave the ship.
IAN: Maybe you have succeeded. Maybe we are where you say we are. But, I remember an
occasion when you took us home once before.
BARBARA: (laughing) Yes, and we met Marco Polo!
DOCTOR: Entirely different circumstances! I'm rather tired of your insinuations that I am
not master of this craft. Oh, I admit, it did develop a fault - a minor fault on one occasion,
perhaps twice. But, nothing I couldn't control!
IAN: I know that. Of course you're in control. You're always in control. And I'm sure you
could revisit us at any time.
DOCTOR: Very simple. Quite simple!
IAN: Exactly, quite simple. But you have your important researches to complete. You may
not find the time. There's a chance that we won't meet again. Don't you think it would be
better if we parted under more friendly circumstances, say, over a drink?
DOCTOR: (reluctantly) Yes. Yes, well perhaps, since you put it that way, an hour or two
won't come amiss. Susan! Bring my stick will you?
(Susan returns with his stick.)
SUSAN: Yes, grandfather?
DOCTOR: I'm going to see Ian and Barbara back home safely.
(The Doctor leads the other three, all excited out of the TARDIS.)
BARBARA: Well done, Ian. I say, do you think we really are home?
IAN: I don't know. Won't take us long to find out, will it? Come on.
(The Doctor locks the TARDIS door then joins the others who are standing nearby.)
BARBARA: Well, those crops suggest a manor or farmhouse. It should be reasonably close.
SUSAN: It's very warm, isn't it? It must be summertime.
IAN: Yes?
SUSAN: Why aren't there any lights?
IAN: That's a point. It's dusk, and we've got a very good view from here.
BARBARA: Well, towns and villages can be well-spaced, even in England.
DOCTOR: Are we going to stand here talking all night, hmm?
(He begins to walk off we suddenly one of the bushes near them rustles noticeably.)
IAN: (whispering) All right, Susan, I saw it. Keep talking.
SUSAN: (whispering) All right. Be careful though.
(Ian heads off towards it.)
BARBARA: Did you see what it was?
SUSAN: No I didn't.
DOCTOR: Perhaps it was a rabbit. Do you know, Chesterton's getting quite jumpy these
days. Young man like him shouldn't (stutters) suffer from nerves.
(Some muffled cries emerge from the bush.)
BARBARA: Well, that rabbit of yours is putting up quite a fight.
(Ian returns, grabbing a young boy by the scruff of the neck. His clothes are little more than
dirty rags.)
BARBARA: Ian, you're hurting him!
IAN: Oh, no I'm not!
(He releases the boy.)
DOCTOR: Come here, my boy. Where are we? Where do you live, hmm?
SUSAN: Grandfather, you're frightening him! (to the boy) We're your friends. Don't be afraid.
BARBARA: Look at him. He's absolutely terrified.
IAN: Yes. Of us or of something else?
DOCTOR: (to the boy) Come along! Answer my questions, boy!
JEAN PIERRE: Please, I've done nothing.
IAN: We're not going to hurt you.
BARBARA: No, of course, we're not. Look, we've lost our way and we need you help. This
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