prepositions of timemhv(1).doc

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In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening

In December (months)

In winter (seasons)

In 2007 (years)

At 9’oclock

At noon

At night

At midnight

At Christmas

On Saturdays(days)

On November 4th (dates)

On Sunday afternoon

Prepositions of time

He has lunch at noon

He swims on Sunday

He wakes up in the morning

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A)     Put these words and expressions in the right column.

- Wednesday   - 1990    - June   - Sunday evening   - July 2nd   - winter   - Easter

- midday   - Christmas   - Saturday   - the morning   - 12.30   - the afternoon

- 2002   - Monday morning   - the evening   - 6 o’clock   - my birthday   - night




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B)     Choose the correct item:



·         We go to bed …………….. midnight.

a)      in       b) on      c) at

·         My father usually works ……….. the morning.

a)      in       b) on      c) at

·         School starts ……….. September.

a)      in       b) on      c) at

·         They usually go to school…………. 8 o’clock.

a)      in       b) on      c) at

·         We send cards ………… Christmas.

a)      in       b ) on      c) at

·         My birthday is ……….. July 15th

a)      in       b) on      c) at

·         We go skiing ………… Easter.

a)      in       b) on      c) at




C)     Fill in the blanks with in, at or on.


·         _______ 6 o’clock.

·         _______ night.

·         _______ Tuesday.

·         _______ Wednesday night.

·         _______ the afternoon.

·         _______ winter

·         _______ Monday

·         _______ the morning.

·         _______ 2008.

·         _______ December

·         _______ December 24th.

·         _______ midnight




D)    Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, on, in.


·         We never go out _________ night.

·         Teresa gets up early _________ the morning.

·         I always play football ________ the weekend.

·         It’s hot here _________ the summer.

·         Classes begin ________ 8 o’clock.

·         _________ Saturday afternoon we usually go to the cinema.

·         See you ________ lunch time.

·         We have short holidays _________ Christmas and Easter.

·         The leaves fall from trees _________ autumn.

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