
(2746 KB) Pobierz
Issue 17, Winter 2003/4
Also in this Issue
Timber Tower
PhotoFolio 2.4
StarAm Plan
AmigaArena CD
Mac: Reloaded
Image Enhancement
C Programming
AmigaOS 4: Hands On
We get to try a development version of the OS
everyone’s been waiting for!
Plus: News of an OS 4 pre-release for
AmigaOne owners.
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Amiga OS 4.0 to be
Issue 17
Spring 2004
Welcome to another issue of
Total Amiga. It’s been a while
since we’ve been this late with
an edition so my apologies for
keeping you waiting. Several
other tasks were competing for
my time during the production
of this issue which meant I just
couldn’t spare the amount of
time each week I normally do.
These included pressures at
work and also completing work
for an English A-Level I’m
taking at evening classes.
page). As I write this Mick has
just received a test version of
the CD which is very
impressive, especially the
simple installation procedure,
so hopefully many more people
will be enjoying OS 4 soon.
It’s been a quiet few months for
software releases so we’ve
taken the opportunity to catch
up with a few existing
programs that have never been
reviewed in Total Amiga.
Sometimes programs really
surprise you and that was
definitely the case with StarAm
Plan which I review on page
26. At first it seemed rather
simple and quirky. However as
I used it more I found it
surprisingly powerful... find out
what it can do in my review.
Another excellent product we
hadn’t covered is PhotoFolio, a
powerful picture cataloguer. If
you got a digital camera for
Christmas this is the review to
read first!
I think many Amithlon owners
will be pleased to read about
ArakAttack (reviewed on page
22), this strangely named
driver enables you to use the
USB ports on your PC within
the emulation. Another piece of
good news is that the Poseidon
USB stack (used by
ArakAttack) can now be
registered again and IOSpirit
have a good value bundle in
News Items........................3
AmigaOS 4 On Tour & UK
Show Reports................. 10
Fleecy Moss Column.........9
Buzz Word..........................9
AmigaOS 4: Hands On... 12
Timber Tower.................. 16
PhotoFolio 2.4................. 19
Arak Attack...................... 22
StarAmPlan..................... 26
Amiga Arena Games
Edition............................. 30
PD Paradise.................... 32
Mac: Reloaded, part 2.... 36
Image Enhancement
Tutorial, part 2................. 38
C Programming Tutorial,
part 2............................... 42
As you’ll have read in this
magazine and elsewhere,
AmigaOS 4 on the AmigaOne
is progressing well and has
now been in active use by
developers and testers for
several months. As this news
spread, and OS 4 was
demonstrated in many parts of
the world lots of AmigaOne
owners posted to mailing lists
and web forums saying they
would like to try a version on
their machines even if it wasn’t
the final release.
At the end of November, in an
interview with,
Alan Redhouse revealed that a
pre-release version of OS 4 will
be made available to early bird
customers before the final
release. This was confirmed by
Hyperion in an announcement
posted to their website on
Christmas day! Since the
announcement we have heard
that the OS 4 development
team is working hard in getting
the OS ready for the pre-
release. This includes
completing developments,
fixing bugs and working on a
slick installation procedure and
documentation. Take a look at
Mick Sutton’s OS 4 Hands on
Feature in this issue to get a
feel for what the OS 4 pre-
release will be like, however
bear in mind that the version
that is supplied with have many
enhancements in reliability,
speed and features over the
version Mick looked at. The
pre-release will also include
development material such as
source code, an initial version
of the OS 4 SDK (software
developer kit) and native
compilers to allow
programmers with an
AmigaOne to start developing
for the new OS.
We understand that OS 4 pre-
release will be supplied to each
AmigaOne early bird owner on
CD. Installation will require an
update to the AmigaOne’s U-
Boot BIOS, which, on most
boards, is achieved by booting
from a CD and issuing a simple
command. A few very early
AmigaOnes have their BIOS
flash-ROM locked and will
need to be sent to a dealer for
reprogramming. With the BIOS
updated the machine can then
be booted from the OS4 CD-
ROM which leads you through
a guided installation process
including partitioning your hard
disk with the new Media
Toolbox utility if required.
The pre-release CD distribution
is currently being tested and is
expected to be available soon,
perhaps even by the time you
read this. If we hear that the
CD is ready before this issue is
posted we will include an
update sheet.
For more information on
AmigaOS 4 visit the Amiga
The official announcement
from Hyperion is available on:
their on-line shop (see the
news section for details).
To complete this issue we’ve
got a solid set of tutorials for
you to get your teeth into. Dave
Pitcher is back with the second
part of his “C” programming
tutorial and Michael Carrillo
has some suggestions for
software to run on your Mac
Emulator. In my Image
processing tutorial you can
learn how to re-touch images
using the “clone” tool and a bit
about image sharpening.
Before I go, I’m sure you’ll
notice that Eyetech’s normal
advertising is missing this
issue. There is nothing sinister
about this, they are just so
busy that they could not
prepare a new advert in time to
meet even our delayed
deadline and, unfortunately,
the existing adverts were too
out of date to run again.
The other reason for the delay
was that before Christmas,
Mick Sutton, several other
SEAL members and myself
attended several OS 4
demonstrations with Mick’s
AmigaOne running OS 4. We
were in the happy position of
giving the first ever such demo
in the UK on the 9th of
November. You can find some
short reports and pictures from
the various events on the
SEAL website:
Having a development version
of OS 4 on his AmigaOne has
allowed Mick to write a very
interesting feature on the new
OS which you can find on page
12 of this issue. Also of interest
to current and potential Amiga
One owners is the news that a
pre-release CD version of the
new OS will soon be available
(see the news item over the
I hope you enjoy the issue and
we’ll try to make the next one
more timely!
Robert Williams
Next Issue....................... 46
Colour screen-shots etc.. 48
Early Bird AmigaOne owners will soon have the pleasure of
booting Amiga OS 4.0 on their systems for the first time!
About Total Amiga
Total Amiga is published quarterly
by South Essex Amiga Link.
Editor: Robert Williams
Design: Robert Williams
Contributors: Fleecy Moss
David Pitcher
Michael Carrillo
Mick Sutton
Nick Elliott
Proofreading: Mick Sutton
Sharon Sutton
Cover Design: Robert Williams
Contact Us
If you have any queries
suggestions or want to contact us
for any reason please use one of
the following:
Post: Total Amiga,
26 Wincoat Drive,
Essex, SS7 5AH,
Telephone: +44 (0) 1268 569937
(19:00 - 22:00
UK time only please)
Only Amiga Software
Made it Possible
Total Amiga is designed and laid
out using:
Home built x86 PC
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
nVidia gForce 2 MX400
512Mb RAM, 40Gb HDD.
Amithlon by Bernie Meyer et. al.
Amiga OS 3.9 by Amiga
PageStream 4.1 by Softlogik
ImageFX 4.5 by Nova Design
Perfect Paint 2.93
by Georges Halvadjian
Photogenics 5 by Paul Nolan
Final Writer 5 by Softwood
Ghostscript 8.00 from artofcode
LLC ported to AmigaOS by
There are also some essential
utilities we couldn’t live without:
Directory Opus 5, SGrab, MCP,
Turbo Print 7, MakeCD.
Our thanks to the creators of this
and all the other great Amiga
software out there.
Total Amiga is entirely created
using Amiga software, no other
platforms are used at any stage of
the design or layout process.
The body text of Total Amiga is set
in Triumvirate Normal as supplied
with PageStream, the heading
typeface is Forgotten Futurist by
Ray Larabie. Take a look at Ray’s
huge range of freeware fonts at and
his commercial foundry at
The views expressed in this
magazine are those of the author
of each piece, they do not
necessarily reflect the views of
the editor, other contributors or
Please Note: Total Amiga is
produced by the editor and
contributors in their spare time.
While we always strive to produce
the magazine on time and include
all the advertised contents this is
not always possible due to other
commitments. The price you pay
for Total Amiga covers our costs
and nothing more, we don’t make
a profit from it.
If you wish to contact a contributor
send your message to one of the
addresses in this section.
Amiga is a registered trademark
and the Amiga logo, the “Boing
Ball” device, AmigaDOS, Amiga
Kickstart, Amiga Workbench,
Autoconfig, Bridgeboard, and
Powered by Amiga are
trademarks of AMIGA Inc.
“Amigan” is copyright by Bob
Scharp and used with his
All other trademarks mentioned
are the property of their
respective owners.
Amiga............................... 11 35
AmiGBG show (Sweden) 25
Audio Evolution............... 24
Fore-matt Home Computing
........................................ 37
Kicksoft................... 18 & 47
Spring 2004
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Can That SPAM!
Amiga Point of View is a new
magazine concentrating on
classic Amiga games, it is
available as a free download
in PDF format. It includes
game reviews, articles on
aspects of Amiga gaming,
walk-throughs, hints and tips,
and many other features. The
first issue was released just
before Christmas and looks
excellent with a really nice
design and lots of interesting
articles including:
• 9 reviews including Sensible
Golf, Eye of the Beholder
and Balance of Power.
• A feature on Team 17.
• How comics inspired Amiga
• Help on completing Quest
for Glory, Zak McKracken
and Switchblade.
Pegasos II Touches Down
Amiga PoV
The first batch of Pegasos II
motherboards were shipped to
users just before Christmas.
This new version of Genesi’s
PowerPC motherboard is
based on the Marvell
Discovery II system controller
which endows it with support
for faster DDR-266MHz
memory and an additional
1Gb/s Ethernet port (not
currently supported under
MorphOS). Apart from those
changes the Pegasos II is very
similar to the Pegasos I with
features including:
• Processor card slot with
either a 600MHz G3 or
1000MHz G4 PowerPC
• Micro ATX form factor
(236mm x 172mm)
• 1 AGP slot
• 3 PCI Slots
• 3 USB 1.1 ports
• 2 Firewire ports
• 10/100Mb/s Ethernet port (in
addition to the Gb port
mentioned above)
• AC97 built-in sound with
microphone and line inputs,
and line and S/PDIF outputs.
• Standard ports including
mouse, keyboard, parallel
and serial.
The initial batch of Pegasos II
board were supplied with
AntiSPAM is a spam
(unsolicited commercial e-mail,
often characterised by adverts
for pornography and Viagra)
blocking tool which uses a
central database on an Internet
server to collect mails that
have been marked as SPAM
by all its users. The program
runs in the background and is
supplied with a number of
scripts to integrate it with the
popular e-mailer, YAM. At start-
up a fresh SPAM database is
downloaded and any mail
received is checked against it,
if a message is identified as
SPAM it is removed from the
incoming folder. If any SPAM
messages get through you can
select them and run the
“AddSpammer.rexx” script from
a menu item to add this mail to
the database that will assist all
of AnitSPAM’s users.
Also included in the package is
AntiSPAM Remote, this tool
will scan the e-mails waiting to
Dietmar Eilert has released a
slew of updates for his
comprehensive text editor
package, GoldEd Studio AIX.
MorphOS is now fully
supported, this means that
GoldEd runs properly on the
platform and the MorphOS
developer material has been
integrated into the C/C++
module. The C/C++ module
was then further upgraded to
fix bugs in the gcc/ndk
installation. GoldEd’s
WebWorld HTML publishing
module has been enhanced
to include the latest version of
Tidy which checks your HTML
code for errors and good
style. These updates are
available free for registered
owners, the complete GoldEd
Studio package costs
69.90Euro (about £50).
If you don’t own GoldEd or
have an older version two
new demo versions are
available, a “small” trial (4Mb)
contains the editor and
extensions but lacks the full
C/C++ mode. The “full” trial
weighs in at 84Mb but
includes all the C/C++
functionality including
compilers giving a complete
integrated development
environment. The demos are
fully functional but limited to
small documents, however
Dietmar mentions that they
may well be enough to handle
web pages and the like.
Download from:
which would
prevent the
machine from
booting if any
setting were changed.
Very quickly after their
release a fix was made
available, but this should be
applied before any firmware
settings are made, if you buy a
Pegasos II be sure to check
the following web page for
Each Pegasos II is supplied
with a copy of MorphOS 1.4
which has had the necessary
changes made to run on the
updated board. MorphOS is a
new PowerPC operating
system that can run Amiga 68k
programs under JIT emulation
and also supports WarpUp and
PowerUp PPC programs.
The Pegasos II
mother board has a
similar design and the
same neat form factor as
its predecessor.
AntiSpam’s remote utility can detect and delete SPAM
messages before you download them.
Native PPC MorphOS
programs are also available.
For more details please take a
look at Sam Byford’s reviews
of the Pegasos I and MorphOS
in issues 15 and 16.
The recommended price for a
Pegasos II board with a
1000MHz G4 processor is
499Euro (about £400 including
VAT) and the 600MHz G3
model costs 299Euro (about
£250 including VAT). For more
details on the Pegasos,
MorphOS, a list of dealers and
an on-line shop visit Genesi’s
Pegasos website:
be downloaded from your ISP’s
POP3 server and identify any
SPAMs. All the mails that have
been identified as SPAM are
listed and marked for deletion.
You can then check through
the mails and choose to keep
any that have been incorrectly
identified. When you’re happy
AntiSPAM will delete the
SPAMs in one go before you
have to download them.
AntiSPAM is freeware and can
be downloaded from its
website which also has more
information and detailed
installation instructions:
This magazine looks excellent
to me and if you are
interested in classic games
it’s well worth the 19.5Mb
download from:
Amithlon Movin’ On
Minor updates have been
released for IOSpirit’s whole
family of graphics products for
AmigaOS, MorphOS and
Amithlon. VHIStudio 6.01 now
supports MorphOS GUI skins
and has a speed increase on
that platform. The update also
includes “support for new
drivers” and bug fixes. fxScan
4.05 also works with MOS
skins and now supports
loading and saving images in
the PNG format, remembers
the file save format last used
and has bug-fixes. In fxPaint
2.02 the fxAlbum utility has
been updated with improved
performance, a more intuitive
delete function, support for
wheel mice and the ability to
ignore icon files. There are
also several general bug-fixes
in this update.
These three updates are free
to owners of the VHIStudio 6,
fxScan 4 and fxPaint 2
respectively, if you have
registered your purchase you
can log-in and download your
update from the IOSpirit
With all the legal wranglings,
work on updates for Amithlon,
the x86 Amiga emulator, from
the original author stopped
some time ago. While Amithlon
itself works well one problem is
that PC hardware is moving all
the time and it is getting
increasingly difficult to find
compatible components, in
particular motherboards and
graphics cards. However
Amithlon is based on an open
source Linux kernel and this is
the part that contains most of
the hardware support. Gary
Colville has been working for
some time on Amithlon kernel
updates and asked for
donations on the Amithlon
mailing list to enable him to
purchase examples of the type
of hardware users wanted to
see supported. This work has
lead to a new kernel version
with new features and
hardware support:
• Hardware-accelerated
GeForce 4 Ti driver with full
resolution and refresh-rate
• Non-accelerated GeForce 4
MX driver with full resolution
and refresh-rate support.
functions on recent VIA and
nVidia nForce 2 chipsets.
Learn With eTeacher
If you have Amithlon and have
never managed to figure out
how to install the updates
available for the system then
there is a treat in store for you!
Guido Mersmann (who wrote
the ArakAttack USB driver
reviewed in this issue) has
packaged all the updates
together with a neat installer
script which will update a
system installed from the
Amithlon CD to the latest
version. The only manual
installation step is to copy the
new kernel onto your boot
eTeacher is a multimedia
training CD-ROM designed to
help you learn a language,
versions for English and
German are available. The
program features exercises
which are accompanied with
images and recorded speech
so you can learn how words
and phrases should be
pronounced. Several types of
exercise are included which
focus on vocabulary, grammar
and sentence structure. The
level of difficulty can be
adjusted so the program will
grow with you as you learn. It
has been designed to be
simple to use and is suitable
for both children and adults.
Version 6.2 has just been
released and features:
• More than 200 exercises.
• 3 Hours of audio.
• 1000 Images.
• Context sensitive grammar
minimum requirements being
AmigaOS 2.0, a 68020
processor and 4Mb of RAM.
eTeacher is available from
FunTimeWorld’s on-line shop,
the English and German
versions are available
separately at 29.89Euro (£20
approx.) each or as a bundle
for 50Euro (£34):
Gary has also released new
Linux drivers for various
motherboard features which
update those found in the last
Amithlon updates package:
• A wide range of AC-97 audio
codecs including the
ALC650, AD1890 and VIA
• Audio support functions in the
Intel ICH4, VIA 8235/8237
and nVidia MCP south bridge
• Broadcom 44xx 100MBit LAN
• NVidia nForce2 integrated
The updated kernel is available
as a free download from Gary’s
website at:
Modern Amiga systems with
graphics cards and sound
cards are supported and, of
course, a CD-ROM is required.
However eTeacher will also run
on a more basic system, the
Amithlon Update can be found
on Aminet in:
eTeacher has a
simple interface
suitable for all
ages, the teacher
sounds a bit strict
Spring 2004
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DVD Writing Comes to Amiga
Gorky17 for OS4
STFax Set Free
Simone Tellini has released
STFax 4 as freeware.
STFax can send and
receive faxes using a fax-
modem and also has the
facility to run an interactive
telephone system complete
with menus and voice mail.
STFax is a powerful
program and was highly
rated when it was released.
Hyperion have announced that
they are working on porting
Gorky17 to AmigaOS 4 in
addition to a Linux version
which is already under way.
Interestingly the Amiga version
is being developed by the
Linux developers who have
recently been “converted” to
the Amiga and thus is not
taking development time from
AmigaOS 4 itself!
Gorky 17 is described as
having a mix of strategy and
RPG game play. The player
commands a small team of
NATO soldiers who are
investigating the appearance of
mutant creatures in a small
Polish city. This story gives the
game a Sci-Fi/horror theme
with many sub quests to
perform and secret areas to
The first screen-shots of the
OS 4 version have been
released and it has been
demonstrated at some of the
AmigaOS 4 On Tour events. A
release date has not been
announced but it seems
reasonable to expect it soon
after the full OS 4.0 is
Read the full announcement on
the Hyperion website at:
DVD writers have dropped
dramatically in price over the
last few months with the
cheapest units now available at
around £50 so it’s great to see
that the first piece of DVD
writing software has just been
made available. This is a port
by “Schlonz” of the Linux
package dvdrtools which
consists of the following
readcd - This utility reads data
from a CD or DVD sector by
sector into a track image file on
your hard disk.
dvdrecord - The most
important part of the package,
this burns CDs and DVDs from
an existing track image file.
mkisofs - Creates image files
for data CDs from files on your
system, you would use this to
prepare a data disk to be
written with dvdrecord. Both
the ISO9660 format for CDs
and UDF for DVDs are
cdda2wav - Rips audio from
CD tracks and saves them in
standard audio file formats
including the popular WAV.
All these utilities are command
line driven and therefore have
to be run from a shell, some
documentation is available
along with some notes on the
ports website which should be
enough to get you going. If
you’re not a shell person then
you’ll be pleased to hear that a
simple GUI front end for this
package has been written by
Carsten Siegner and is also
available from the port’s
DVDRTools supports writing to
CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R and
DVD-RW but does not support
the DVD+ formats or DVD-
RAM. The author states that
most MMC compliant DVD
drives should work which
would include most modern
DVD writers, he has
successfully tested it with a 4X
Toshiba DVD-R drive but
reports that a LG 4020B 2X
device did not work. I tried with
an NEC ND-1300A 4X drive
and while dvdrecord wrote CD-
Rs successfully attempting to
write a DVD-R disc produced
an error message. So if you
plan to give this a go be careful
with your choice of drive.
Download the latest version of
the port from:
Nova Design have made a new
release of their image
processor called ImageFX 4.5
Studio. This release includes
full MorphOS compatibility and
the PowerStation package
which was previously an
optional extra. PowerStation
provides PPC native versions
of many processor intensive
ImageFX effects (listed below),
the modules are compatible
with Amiga PPC accelerators
(they use the PowerUp
system) and MorphOS:
• Liquid
• Fire
• Clouds
• Bubble
• JPEG loader and saver
• Gaussian Blur
• Lightning
• FXForge
from Aminet and then
update to 4.1:
Web Bytes...
AmigaFlame is one of the
longest standing continuously
updated Amiga websites that
I can remember, it’s forte is
Amiga games. A regularly
updated news section carries
all the game related news and
also other major Amiga
related stories. Separate lists
are available of games in
development for classic
Amigas and for the
AmigaOne once OS4 is
released. These lists are
bang up-to-date including
recent announcements such
as Gorky 17. The site
includes a history of games
released for the Amiga from
1993 to 2002 and a separate
list of recently released
commercial games (which
sadly only contains CrossFire
II). There are pages of game
reviews and cheats which
haven’t been added to
recently but still contain
useful information. The site is
completed with a selection of
Amiga links and a listing of
Amiga game developers.
Considering the slow pace of
the Amiga game market in
recent years with very few
titles released it’s quite a
surprise to find such an up-to-
date site. Perhaps with the
release of new hardware and
OS 4 we’ll see some more
action and new releases.
ImageFX Studio costs $129.95
(£70 approx.), upgrades are
available at $39.95 (£22) from
4.x, $59.95 (£32) from 3.x and
$79.95 from 2.x. Pegasos
owners with the SuperBundle
can upgrade to the full version
for $99.95 (£54).
Aladdin 4D, Nova’s 3D
animation package has also
been given a new release, this
time on CD-ROM. While the
core program has not been
upgraded you do get
everything you need on the CD
including all the available
updates such as advanced 3D
object loading which enables
you to use objects distributed
in other formats. Also included
are a complete set of
“Aladdin’s Lamp” news letters
in HTML format along with
their accompanying demo and
sample projects.
Aladdin 4D costs $99.95 (£54)
and users of 5.x can upgrade
to the latest release for $29.95
For more details and to order
either of these products visit
the Nova Design website which
now has a handy on-line shop:
The ToastDVD GUI is a front end for
dvdrtool’s commandline programs.
Get What You Want
ProTracker Comeback
A follow on to the classic
Amiga family of sound tracker
programs (SoundTracker,
NoiseTracker, ProTracker) is
currently in development.
Protracker II is a completely
new program which brings the
classic tracker interface to
modern hardware. Some of the
features planned for the new
version include:
• Familiar keyboard short cuts
and GUI layout.
• AHI Support.
• 32bit Internal mixing
• High quality 8-tap FIR
• Load: MOD, MOD2, DBM,
XM, IT, S3M, MED and MT2.
• Save: MOD, MOD2, XM.
• 64 Tracks, 256 Patterns.
• Separate volume, panning,
and effects on each track.
Protracker II is currently in
development for MorphOS and
Windows and versions for
AmigaOS 4 and AROS are
being considered. The
estimated release date is
March 2004. For more
information visit the program’s
website at:
WallGet is a graphical interface
for the GNU wget utility which
allows you to download files or
even whole websites from a
command line. The GUI gives
you comfortable access to all
wget’s features and enables
you to queue up files to be
downloaded, the maximum
number of files to be
downloaded at one time can be
set. Wget is a powerful
program and this is reflected in
WallGet’s extensive range of
download options, however
having everything laid out in a
GUI makes it easier to
understand than trying to work
out the command line options.
Downloads can be initiated by
calling an AREXX command
and an example script is
provided so WallGet can be
integrated with your browser.
WallGet has a MUI interface
and is available in versions for
AmigaOS and MorphOS.
Download the latest version
Gorky17 running in a window on OS4.
Classic Painting for OS4 and MOS
In separate announcements
Cloanto has confirmed that
Personal Paint 7.1 will be
available for both MorphOS
and AmigaOS 4. Personal
Paint is a classic palette based
paint program in the mould of
Deluxe Paint which has always
been ideal for tasks such as
icon design and game
Under the agreement with
Genesi, Cloanto will share the
Personal Paint source code so
Genesi can assist with the
port. When complete Personal
Paint will be bundled with
MorphOS. In a similar
agreement the sourcecode will
be made available to Amiga
Inc. so they can develop a
PowerPC native OS 4 version.
The updated version will be
available as a free download
from both Amiga and Cloanto.
Cloanto also announced that
they are in talks with Amiga
Inc. about a new OS 4 native
version of Amiga Forever with
the aim of allowing classic
Amiga hardware dependent
programs to run seamlessly on
the AmigaOne hardware under
OS 4.
Read the full announcements
on the Cloanto site at:
WallGet packs all wget’s options
into a MUI interface.
Spring 2004
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Fleecy Speaks
Poseidon Update & Registrations
Web Bytes...
Amiga Inc.’s CTO
sums up 2003 and
looks forward to 2004.
Once again we can report that
Chris Hodges has been hard at
work on his Poseidon USB
stack and has released a new
version. The major changes in
this version are to the HID
(human interface device) class
which now supports joypads
mapping them to the
lowlevel.library so they will
work with many modern
games. Features such as
analogue sticks and hat
switches are also supported.
Other HID improvements
include support for feature
items such as keyboard lights
(caps lock etc.) and game
controller rumble packs, and
improved keyboard mapping.
There have also been many
other improvements and bug
fixes, a few that stood out for
me are that memory card
readers built into Epson
printers are now supported,
some problems with certain
Olympus digital cameras have
been worked around and
“PsdDevLister” now outputs a
Google search string so you
can look for information on a
particular device (I had to
mention that a I always smile
a Poseidon’s quirky features)!
Version 2.2 also marks the
reopening of the Poseidon
registration process so buyers
of Elbox’s Spider USB 2.0 card
and Guido Mersmann’s
ArakAttack Amithlon/OpenPCI
USB driver can register
Poseidon and use their USB
peripherals without the stack
timing out. Poseidon can be
registered by sending 25Euro
(£18 approx.) to the author in
cash or via a bank transfer.
If you would prefer to register
using your credit card, IOSpirit
are selling Poseidon in a
package called MedusaUSB
for 34.99Euro (£25). In addition
to the USB stack Medusa
includes a registered version of
ArakAttack and full versions of
IOUSB Scanner and IOUSB
Digicam. The IOUSB products
allow certain USB scanners
and digital cameras to be used
with fxScan and VHIStudio
respectively. Medusa can be
ordered through the IOSpirit
on-line shop and is then
released for immediate
download from the website,
keyfiles for Poseidon and
ArakAttack are then supplied
by the programs’ authors.
Download the latest version of
Poseidon from:
For details of the Medusa USB
package visit:
H appy New Year to all Total
testers. Mick Sutton is one such
community member - writer for
Total Amiga, User Group
stalwart, AmigaOne purchaser
and now working with Amiga Inc
to demonstrate the new platform
at shows and user groups.
Although not privy to the latest
versions (as he says, he needs
the most stable system to show
off, not the latest), he has been
doing an awesome job,
demonstrating exactly why the
Amiga community is unique. As
a treat for Total Amiga readers,
Robert and he approached us
and asked if they could do a
preview and we obviously
agreed. This issue this presents
what is probably a world
exclusive, the first preview of
AmigaOS4.0 running on an
So what about 2004? This WILL
be the year that Amiga rises from
the ashes after so many false
starts and promises. Even as I
type this, the AmigaOS4.0 beta
tester CD is being given its final
polish. This will be distributed
first to the closed beta test list
and then, when all that feedback
has been taken and the product
revised, the public AmigaOS4.0
beta distribution will be created.
We hope to provide this to all
AmigaOne owners. The beauty
of this CD is that you just pop it
into the AmigaOne and a few
minutes later, you have
AmigaOS4.0 on your new
Amiga. (And about time too
shout all the AmigaOne owners
who have lost hair whilst playing
with PPC Linux).
At the same time, the marketing
effort for the AmigaOS4.0 launch
will be started. New websites
and a new name, the Amiga
Power Platform (APP) will be
unveiled to the world. The user
groups and dealers will be pulled
into a more formal global
structure, so that we can all work
together with the necessary
resources to get the good news
about the rebirth of the Amiga
platform out to as many people
as possible.
Unfortunately we still don’t have
a final release date for you. Such
a date ultimately becomes self
defeating because such a thing
is highly unpredictable. The
progress being made is obvious
and for many Amigans this itself
is enough. People can read
about it or attend a local user
group and see the latest builds
for themselves.
We will only announce the
release date when we have
actual shippable product in front
of us - CD, Manuals in a box (for
the CSPPC version) or shrink-
wrapped (for the AmigaONE
OEM version). The upside of this
is that you won’t have long to
wait between the announcement
and the product being released.
The last decade in the world of
Amiga has been a nightmare.
Plain and simple. Bad luck. Lack
of resources. Mistakes. Invaders.
All have conspired to throttle our
platform. In the end, history will
show that it was the community
that saved it - the Hyperions, the
Eyetechs, the magazines, the
user groups, the dealers and the
users. Far from having been
destroyed, the community is now
sharper, tighter and more united
than ever, and playing an
integral role in the future.
In the heart tingling words of
Marc Almond and Dave Ball -
“Say Hello, Wave Goodbye”.
Amiga readers from
everyone at Amiga Inc.
2003 started with a whimper - no
evidence of AmigaOS4.0,
AmigaOnes but only running
Linux and hope running thin in
the community. The warmth of
summer brought our platform
bursting into life. AmigaOS4.0
Workbench demonstrated
running on a CSPPC A4000.
Leaks from beta testers about all
the new systems and
components that had been
released to them. AmigaOS4.0
demonstrated on an AmigaOne
at the Pianeta Amiga show in
Italy. The AmigaOS4.0 roadshow
organised by dealers and user
groups that covered Europe and
then spread to Australia and
North America. Over a thousand
Amigans now having seen the
future of the Amiga with their
own eyes and even played with it
- AmigaOS4.0 on the AmigaOne.
At the heart of much of this work
are the hours of effort put in by
the community, from the
AmigaOS4.0 developers to the
AmigaOne dealers to the beta
Inspired by feedback from his
Mac: Reloaded column in
Total Amiga issue 15, Michael
Carrillo has set up a website
dedicated to Mac emulation
on classic Amigas. The first
section of the site deals with
setting up your Amiga to run
the emulation including
information on what hardware
you need and the emulators
that are available. Then come
detailed pages on setting up
the two most popular
emulators, ShapeShifter and
Fusion, these take you
through the process step-by-
step complete with plenty of
screen-shots. There is also
an FAQ covering Fusion.
Having helped you get your
emulator up and running, the
site moves on to setting up
your Mac hard drive, and
installing MacOS. Again both
topics are covered in detail
with screen shots. Finally
there is a list of a few
essential Mac programs and
an FAQ answering common
MacOS problems.
In addition to all this solid
information you’ll also find
links to useful sites, a gallery
of screen-shots and forums
where you can ask your own
questions and discuss your
emulation experiences with
other users.
This is a very handy site that
brings together all the
information you need to get
started in Mac emulation.
Buzz Word...
Poseidon’s improved HID class supports joypads and
changes to the default keyboard mapping using this window.
Plug-in to HD-Rec
Buzz Word...
Bringing you the latest comments and rumours
from around the Amiga world.
A new beta demo version of
Thilo Köhler’s MIDI/audio
sequencer has been released
that includes many of the
features of the final product.
HDRec handles MIDI and
Audio tracks in the same time
line window enabling you to
combine the two. MIDI tracks
can be played via external
MIDI hardware or using the
internal soft synth where
effects can be applied. An
integrated audio mixer with 16
stereo channels is included
and high quality effects can be
added to each channel. The
0.9 archive contains:
• Audio effects such as reverb,
delay, chorus, EQ, etc.
• Sweeper softsynth plug-in
with General MIDI
• XR-49 virtual master
keyboard plug-in.
• AMixer pop-up plug-in.
• Demo songs.
Hello! Well it has been a while
since your snooping agent was
here, this was necessary to
avoid being exposed. I have to
keep my true identity under
Jim Collas. A lot was made of
this story last time round, turns
out my source was misinformed,
don’t worry though, he tells me
he enjoys hospital food and the
he will be out by Easter.
Amiga may have finally found
an investor with loads of cash
and it’s a well known name
apparently, rumours about this
has been around for a long time
though, so take this with a large
pinch of salt.
Should this latest titbit prove
correct, it looks likely that Bill
McEwen Will be moving within
Amiga to concentrate on Sales
and Marketing. The favourite
front runner for the position of
CEO is none other than the
Legendary Garry Hare as the
man to come in and take charge
at the helm.
Eyetech and Hyperion are busy
preparing the final push to the
AmigaOS Beta pre-release.
Expect this to be out soon, with
the final full release out before
Issue 18 of Total Amiga
Magazine hits your letter box.
They say that imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery, well
just after announcing that they
are not interested in the Amiga
and its community, a few sites
have appeared with the
Amigaworld name, for example, which is a
German language site. is aimed at the
Pegasos Machines, whilst not
an official Genesi website, it is
interesting that the links to the
Amiga Market remain. Nothing
like riding on the back of
another name is there?
Thendic vs Amiga Inc.
Court Case
It looks like Mr. Bill Buck has
pre-empted a Judge’s decision
and put up his own version of
the final judgement prematurely
on a Pegasos website. I don’t
think judges are very happy for
petitioners to make their minds
up for them in advance. This
could mean that the Judge in
charge of this case won’t be
looking too kindly on Mr. Buck
now, it may push the judgement
towards Amiga’s favour.
Genesi, appear to be cutting
back their Amiga community
involvement on popular Amiga
sites such as and, both webmasters of
the afore mentioned sites no
longer seem to be working for
Genesi. The distancing of
Genesi from the Amiga
community goes further than
one can imagine, a Genesi
employee recently posted on a
public forum that, Alan
Redhouse would be having a
bad hair day at AmiGBG whilst
being worshipped by Fat Amiga
Geeks. Charming.
The final product will be
shareware, to download
version 0.9 and get more
information and screen-shots
Where have we seen that
That’s it for this issue, more
interesting titbits, in Issue 18.
HD-Rec’s attractive GadTools based interface
showing some of the new plug-ins.
Spring 2004
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