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Copyright© 2006. China Martial Arts Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 1
Zhan Zhuang & the
Search of WU
By Yu Yong Nian
Ultimate secret of Internal Healing &
Copyright© 2006. China Martial Arts Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 2
Chinese martial doctrine is intimately related with the mental and
self cultivation approach which characterizes the philosophical
principles of Chinese martial arts, leading it to always new exciting
vast areas of discovery.
Chinese martial doctrine is permanently striving for a stronger,
more independent and braver spirit.
Among the most successful of its adepts will emerge new gifted elite
with unpaired strength and mind.
Chinese martial doctrine can open to people new ways of problem
solving for their health or daily activities.
Martial doctrine can also join people of same aspiration to
contribute to the progress of the whole humanity through its
unorthodox but simple path and already its principles are known
for their deepness and refinement, cultivating higher consciousness
with profound serenity.
Copyright© 2006. China Martial Arts Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 3
About the author
Among the earliest students of Grand Master Wang Xiang Zhai was a
young man who studied orthodox Western medicine and then specialized
in dentistry. His name was Yu Yong Nian.
Yu Yong Nian was born in 1920, after completing his initial schooling he
was sent for specialist medical education in Japan. At 21 he was
graduated from the University of Tokyo and returned in China.
From then he started to work for the Beijing Railway General Hospital.
Three years later, exhausted from the long, constant hours of dental
practice, he began training under Grand Master Wang Xiang Zhai.
In 1944 Dr. Yu started to learn zhan zhuang and after nine years of
training he introduced aspects of Zhan Zhuang as treatment for internal
diseases in his hospital. His successes led to a major medical conference
in 1950 at the Beijing Capital Number Three Hospital to introduce Zhan
Zhuang system to hospitals throughout China.
“When I was training in the park under Master Wang Xiang Zhai,”
Doctor Yu later recalled, “he would tell me to pull the tree towards me
and push it back . This was from a distance and I could not imagine how I
could possibly do that! Only after long practice did I begin to feel the
connection with the tree. Then I began to understand his words.”
During more than 60 years of practice and exploration, Dr. Yu has
constantly done researches on the curative effects of Zhan Zhuang as well
as its martial applications.
Today Dr. Yu is considered as the world’s leading authority of Zhan
Zhuang Chi Kung and is still continuing his invaluable contribution to the
development of Zhan Zhuang and Yiquan.
The invaluable contribution of Dr. Yu in Dachengquan is also expressed
in the success and the popularity of his students such as Lam Kam Chuen,
Copyright© 2006. China Martial Arts Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 4
Guo Guizhi…
The first books that Dr. Yu wrote were written in collaboration with Wang
Xiang Zhai himself, later Wang empowered Dr. Yu to continue his
research on zhan zhuang, at that time Dr. Yu integrated progressively his
own touch and approach in his following books.
This book is his fifth book published on Zhan Zhuang and is integrating
all the previous four books with the results of his latest research.
Copyright© 2006. China Martial Arts Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 5
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