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"Where Zen and Buddhism will say the truth, enlightenment,
and so on can be reached through dedicated meditation and
practice, a Tao master may sip some wine, fart, and go to sleep."
The person of Tao
The 'real' person, the person of Tao - truly a Tao master - Is someone
you have met and had no idea of their views, wants, needs, likes or
Religion never came up in conversation, they were good to you but
never made out they were being good. They were calm and collected
but never felt the need to tell you how easy going they were. They
fitted in and blended with the crowd without any loss of
individuality. They were good at all things that came their way, did
there best and had no bashfulness over their poor performance or ego
over their greater achievements. They shone with an inner brightness
and radiated a deep seated warmth but wore no label, no jewels, no
robe, no dog collar, no stripes on their arms, no marks of distinction.
Fitting in and getting along they were solid and dependable - you
could miss them for a day or a year and be greeted the same on
meeting again. Always fit for a good laugh and a joke, they could be
told your inner woes and neither give you advice or break your trust.
If you asked for advice on life they'd tell you something about death,
if you asked for advice on colours they'd play you a song, if you
wanted fine food they'd make you some tea. On every occasion
meeting your needs in the most simplistic, unassuming yet well
chosen responses.
They appeared in your life without you noticing them, and
disappeared softly without a trace. They were your greatest masters
and never asked for thanks. You probably owe them your heartfelt
gratitude but their reward is that you treated them like a completely
normal person.
As you'll get from the intro to most books on the Tao, the word was a
bit of a fluff, an "ah, bugger it". The idea being that you can't name
this " ".
Not old, no beginning, as there is no true point of reference to base
those ideas from. Just Thus.
And for the meditative, take note, nature is alive, always in flow. You
may have been searching for an inner stillness, trying to kill the
rampant mind, and the universe is ultimately at rest, but your efforts
to realize inner calm have a greater goal and that is to truly
comprehend the real action.
As you'll get from reading further into the intro or from chapter 2,
labels delimit and form apparent separation and opposition. It
reminds you that these seeming separations are only in language and
the true reality has no separation.
I was playing with the idea of the infinite today while staring into the
middle distance, over some trees and into the sky and was reminded
of a point made well in the Hua Hu Ching 'the tiny parts are not tiny
and the vast universe not vast' - this same situation where it is our
mini mind breaking things into manageable bits and then being
convinced that they have reality.
As when you have either stilled OR you have embraced the vastness
(opposite routes to the same place) then you have removed the fake
point of reference and just left the whole action.
When you have stepped back from 'all things based from this
viewpoint', then you are left apperseeing that you are this.
The core error being that you see your self as real, so from this
perspective the universe is vast and the bits tiny - but this separation
is fallacy.
The seeing and the seen are not separate AT ALL. This a-seeing is
the universe and - you're it.
Scientists have "nasty infinity" they have an infinity they can handle,
but then a nasty infinity they can't - dualistic infinities, funny. We'll
skip getting into that pointless mind game and go with infinity being
the same thing no matter which direction you look, small or big, we
can do this as we have read the Hua Hu Ching recently, meditated,
farted, and reminded ourselves, unlike the scientists, that this dual
big/small is based of a fake reference point.
So there is the infinite, 'a-happening'. It is not infinitely big as in vast
beyond measure, and it is not made of infinitely small bits. no no no,
it is an infinite a-happening. The trees budding, coming forth, the
wind blowing, my beating heart and metabolizing cells are this
infinite a-happening.
The wave who wanted to be the ocean
My dogs best jacket
The big wave who wanted to be as vast as the ocean - eventually
gave up trying to get bigger and bigger - it dropped down, forgot
itself and became.
I asked my dog what she'd like to do for her birthday and she said
she had nothing to wear and no money but wanted to have a nice run
by the river and chew a stick or two.
Only an ego searches for enlightenment as an ego is the only thing
that is not enlightened. The only fake in reality is this idea of self.
I thought this was a great idea.
When ego finds what it selfishly seeks it finds the absence of ego.
Realizing itself as nothing but an idea, it renders itself Extinguished.
I asked my friend and she said her boyfriend had exams, they had
just moved house, work was stressful and she may not get home in
time to even have a rest before her birthday was out.
What reality finds when it is rid of ego is that ..
I thought "and you, human, are the smart one?"
You can not become what you already are.
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