Simon Necronomicon Amulet of Protection.pdf

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An this is the amulet that I held in my hand, and hold to this very day, around my neck as
I write these words:
Of the three carved symbols, the first is the sign of our Race from beyond the Stars, and
is called ARRA in the tongue of the Scribe who taught it to me, an emissary of the Elder
Ones. In the tongue of the eldest city of Babylon, it was UR. It is the Sigil of the
Covenant of the Elder Gods, and when they see it, they who gave it to us, they will not
forget us. They have sworn!
Spirit of the Skies, Remember!
The second is the Elder Sign, and is the Key whereby the Powers of the Elder Gods may
be summoned, when used with the proper words and shapes. It has a Name, and is called
The third sign is the Sigil of the Watcher. It is called BANDAR. The Watcher is a Race
sent by the Elder Ones. It keeps vigil while one sleeps, provided the appropriate ritual
and sacrifice has been performed,: else, if called, it will turn upon you.
These seals, to be effective, must be graven on stone and set in the ground. Or, set upon
the altar of offerings. Or, carried to the Rock of Invocations. Or, engraved on the metal of
one's God or Goddess, and hung about the neck, but hidden from the view of the profane.
Of the three, the ARRA and the AGGA may be used separately, that is to say, singly and
alone. The BANDAR, however, must never be used alone, but with one or both of the
others, for the Watcher must needs be reminded of the Covenant it has sworn with the
Elder Gods and our Race, else it will turn upon thee and slay thee and ravage thy town
until succour is to be had from the Elder Gods by the tears of thy people and the wailing
of thy women.
The metal amulet that I retrieved from the ashes of the fire, and which caught the light of
the moon, is a potent seal against whatever may come in the Gate from the Outside for,
seeing it, they will retreat from thee
for, in the dark days of the moon, or in cloud, there can be little protection against the
fiends from the Ancient Lands should they break the barrier, or be let in by their servants
upon the face of the earth. In such a case, no recourse is to be had until the light of the
moon shines upon the earth, for the moon is the eldest among the Zonei, and is the starry
symbol of our Pact. NANNA, Father of the Gods, Remember!
Wherefore, the amulet must be engraved upon pure silver in the full light of the moon,
that the moon shine upon it at its working, and the essence of the moon incantations must
be performed, and the prescribed rituals as given forth in this Book. And the amulet must
never be exposed to the light of the Sun, for SHAMMASH called UDU, in his jealousy,
will rob the seal of its power. In such a case, it must be bathed in water of camphor, and
the incantations and ritual performed once again. But, verily, it were better to engrave
These secrets I give to thee at the pain of my life, never to be revealed to the profane, or
the banished, or the worshippers of the Ancient Serpent, but to keep within thine own
heart, always silent upon these things.
Peace be to thee!
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