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Liber Anon
Liber Anon
by WE additional commentary by Frater Adagio
Copyright 2000
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
The Work(s) of Intelligence [High Magick]
Invocation calls forth intelligence of transcendence to surpass
the limitation of self.
Evocation calls forth intelligence to the indulgence of transfinite
awareness and power of self.
Enchantment is the enactment of intelligence on Mind.
Divination is the pursuit of wisdom through intelligence.
Gnosis & Liberation are dual gateways of singularity cascading
the spirit towards it's reflection and rebirth.
• The Augoeides is the personal filter through and of which the
magus has determined the horizon of manifestation and
The works of High Magick involve the developing of the inner genius
towards recognition of itself.
The Work(s) of Flesh [Low Magick]
• The Alphabet of Desire is the exploration into the nature of, and
ecstasy in flesh.
• The Double represents the subtle ophidian body of sexual
Sorcery is a reflection of the perfection manifest in high magick
in Malkuth - Yesod and all across the worlds.
Random Belief prevents the restriction of any adopted path unto
• What more can be said of Ecstasy ?
Transmogrification is the Brotherhood of the Flesh (The Scarlet
Brotherhood) to the delight and exploration of Ecstasy.
The Works of Low Magick call forth the genius to the enactment and
realization of the raison d’être .
Both High and Low Magick converge as they are dual currents of movement
in Kia.
So ends Liber Anon
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
The Works of Intelligence together comprise the way of Kia in infinite
expansion to move beyond; a furthering of creation. The Works relate the
individual light of the inner being through the overcast shell, refracting the
Word in myriad ways.
The Works of the Flesh together comprise the way of Kia in intercourse of
that which is and that which is not. The works are attempts by the shell to
maintain its reality by bridging the gap between itself and Absolute Darkness.
The goal/ effect of traversing either (and both) results in Interface; sporadic
leaps through the void to allow for free-form ego manifestation. The works
themselves once the goal has been achieved must be perfected for the
exploration of being.
The discovery of/ acknowledgment with/ and resonance by the Word is not
the end (as such there never is until ecstasy is quenched by ecstasy), but the
enrichment of the Word is to follow. This spectrum is then cast across the
worlds for IT to judge ITSELF without resuscitation. The work is never
ending and as such, movement is always a requisite.
Now what of the Quliphoth?
Results of the intercourse of that which is and that which is not. An
alternate form of being comprising IT. When interacted with our own
manifestation, catastrophic results usually follow due to personal
imbalance in the magus. The Quliphoth additionally represent the
collective sub-stratum of creation (a drop of pre-cum if you will) and
so it is that the Works of the Flesh shall be discussed first.
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary |
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