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Liber II
The Message of The Master Therion
This Epistle first appeared in The Equinox III(1) (Detroit: Universal, 1919). The quotations are from
Liber LegisThe Book of the Law.H.B.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
There is no Law beyond Do what thou wilt.
The word of the Law is Velhma.
VelhmaThelemameans Will.
The Key to this Message is this wordWill. The first obvious meaning of
this Law is confirmed by antithesis; The word of Sin is Restriction.
Again: Thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that and no other shall say
nay. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is
every way perfect.
Take this carefully; it seems to imply a theory that if every man and every
woman did his and her willthe true willthere would be no clashing. Every
man and every woman is a star, and each star moves in an appointed path
without interference. There is plenty of room for all; it is only disorder that
creates confusion.
From these considerations it should be clear that Do what thou wilt does
not mean Do what you like. It is the apotheosis of Freedom; but it is also the
strictest possible bond.
Do what thou wiltthen do nothing else. Let nothing deflect thee from that
austere and holy task. Liberty is absolute to do thy will; but seek to do any other
thing whatever, and instantly obstacles must arise. Every act that is not in definite
course of that one orbit is erratic, an hindrance. Will must not be two, but one.
Note further that this will is not only to be pure, that is, single, as explained above,
but also unassuaged of purpose. This strange phrase must give us pause. It may
mean that any purpose in the will would damp it; clearly the lust of result is a
thing from which it must be delivered.
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But the phrase may also be interpreted as if it read with purpose
unassuagedi.e., with tireless energy. The conception is, therefore, of an eternal
motion, infinite and unalterable. It is Nirvana, only dynamic instead of static
and this comes to the same thing in the end.
The obvious practical task of the magician is then to discover what his will
really is, so that he may do it in this manner, and he can best accomplish this by
the practices of Liber Thisarb (see Equinox I(7), p. 105) or such others as may
from one time to another be appointed.
Thou must (1) Find out what is thy Will. (2) Do that Will with a) one-
pointedness, (b) detachment, (c) peace.
Then, and then only, art thou in harmony with the Movement of Things, thy
will part of, and therefore equal to, the Will of God. And since the will is but the
dynamic aspect of the self, and since two different selves could not possess
identical wills; then, if thy will be Gods will, Thou art That.
There is but one other word to explain. Elsewhere it is writtensurely for
our great comfortLove is the law, love under will.
This is to be taken as meaning that while Will is the Law, the nature of that Will is
Love. But this Love is as it were a by-product of that Will; it does not contradict
or supersede that Will; and if apparent contradiction should arise in any crisis, it
is the Will that will guide us aright. Lo, while in The Book of the Law is much of
Love, there is no word of Sentimentality. Hate itself is almost like Love! As
brothers fight ye! All the manly races of the world understand this. The Love of
Liber Legis is always bold, virile, even orgiastic.
There is delicacy, but it is the delicacy of strength. Mighty and terrible and
glorious as it is, however, it is but the pennon upon the sacred lance of Will, the
damascened inscription upon the swords of the Knight-monks of Thelema.
Love is the law, love under will.
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