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Volume 3
Fashion in
medieval France
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issn 1749–091X
General editor: sarah Kay
Gallica aims to provide a forum for the best current work in medieval French
studies. literary studies are particularly welcome and preference is given to works
written in english, although publication in French is not excluded.
Proposals or queries should be sent in the irst instance to the editor, or to the
publisher, at the addresses given below; all submissions receive prompt and informed
Professor sarah Kay, department of French and italian, Princeton University, 303
east Pyne, Princeton, nJ 08544, Usa
The managing editor, Gallica, Boydell & Brewer ltd., Po Box 9, Woodbridge,
suffolk iP12 3dF, UK
already Published
1 Postcolonial Fictions in the ‘Roman de Perceforest’: Cultural Identities and
Hybridities , sylvia huot
2 A Discourse for the Holy Grail in Old French Romance , Ben ramm
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Fashion in
medieval France
Sarah-Grace Heller
d. s. BreWer
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© sarah-Grace heller 2007
All Rights Reserved . except as permitted under current legislation no
part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval
system,published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast,
transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means,
without the prior permission of the copyright owner
The right of sarah-Grace heller to be identiied as the author of this
work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the
copyright, designs and Patents act 1988
First published 2007
d. s. Brewer, cambridge
isBn 978 1 84384 110 4
d. s. Brewer is an imprint of Boydell & Brewer ltd
Po Box 9, Woodbridge, suffolk iP12 3dF, UK
and of Boydell & Brewer inc.
668 mt hope avenue, rochester, nY 14620, Usa
a catalogue record for this title is available from the British library
This publication is printed on acid-free paper
Typeset by carnegie Book Production, lancaster
Printed in Great Britain by
antony rowe, chippenham, Wiltshire
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