CthulhuTech Core Book.pdf

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Cthulhutech and Framewerk created by
Matthew Grau
Written by
Matthew Grau, Fraser McKay
intellectual Property developer
Matthew Grau
Cthulhutech Framewerk Assistance
Fraser McKay
Cthulhutech Magic Framework Assistance
aron anderson
Jeanne Grau, Matthew Grau, JiM wonG
Art direction & Logo design
MiKe Vaillancourt
thanks to
Sam Araya, Devin Binger, Lara Dalch, Tim Erickson, Marius Kuyken-
dall, Gaylé Morrison, the Web (conceptart.org, rpg.net, yog-sothoth.
Cover design & Book Graphic design & Layout
Maria cabardo
special thanks
• WildFire, for pulling it all together.
• Flaming Cobra & Mongoose Publishing, for inally giving this a home.
• Trevor Claxton & Marco Nelor, for performance beyond the call of
• EOS Press – Aron Anderson, Hsin Hong Chen, Brad Elliott
• Dave Arneson, for always being the man.
• The Dreaming in Seattle, for being someplace that something like this
can happen.
• J Kovach, for starting the journey with us.
• Kathy Clark, Dennis Vaillancourt, Rachael Vaillancourt, and the
McDonalds for the constant support.
Additional Graphic design & Layout
Jason walKer
Cover Art
MiKe Vaillancourt (Pencils), treVor claxton (colors)
Concept design
MiKe Vaillancourt, treVor claxton (Migou Mecha),
louis holstein (Monsters), saM araya (Grave thing)
interior illustration
sriraM bhat (18, 97, 242, 245, 272-273), daVi bliGht (26-
27, 169, 170, 222), whit brachna (12-13, 37, 38-39, 40-
41, 81, 111, 163, 235, 277, 280), treVor claxton (3, 20,
30, 85, 172, 173, 174, 175, 205, 209, 212, 215, 271), troy
Galluzzi (32, 184), Jacob hallstroM (12-13, 38-39, 111,
228), brandon leach (21, 254), christian MacneVin
(164, 168, 202), Jon Mccoy (24, 51, 189, 225), Marco
nelor (end Papers, 10, 34, 90, 102, 107, 132, 138, 142, 159,
179, 249), Joe suitor (43, 56, 128, 211, 264), ed tadeM
(197, 216, 220, 255, 262), Matias taPia (4, 22), MiKe Vail-
lancourt (69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 176), chee
MinG wonG (8-9, 154), yi-Piao yeoh (150, 155, 158), Jen
zee (16, 19, 71, 93, 121, 236)
Forums, information, & downloads
wildFire llc
11700 Marine View drive
edmonds, wa 98026
black sky
CthulhuTech is a game. it is a work of iction intended as entertainment.
everything contained within is a product of imagination. None of it is
aron anderson, devin binger, hsin hong chen, alex chobot,
brad elliott, sylvia erickson, blake Fabian, J Kovach, bill Morse,
tom norman, Jennifer roberts, ean sager, Jim wong, the rest
of the dreaming seattle crew (brian, chris, Mark, raven)
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters, and themes. all
mystical and supernatural elements are iction and intended for enter-
tainment purposes only.
This book contains mature content. reader discretion is advised.
WildFire Business development
toM norMan
©2003, 2007, black sky studios llc. all rights reserved. cthulhutech and Framewerk are
trademarks of black sky studios llc. all rights reserved. all characters, names, places,
and text herein are copyrighted by black sky studios llc. references to the works of h. P.
lovecraft are from and remain in the public domain.
WildFire Operations Management:
Fraser McKay
First Printing (rev. b) ©2007, wildFire llc. all rights reserved.
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