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Practical Information for the New Millennium
Lee Carroll
He who reads this probably already familiar with the Kryon book series. Although this is only the 4th lIbro in
the series of teachings of Kryon books since 4th. and 5th. were written in the form of parables and fiction,
respectively, and published by Hay House.
The last of the teaching of Kryon books, book 3, was written almost two years before this so there are a lot of
new information available and this is the cause for this publication. It seems that every year the vibration of the
planet and humans in it is increasing to such an extent that the old information is being clarified in form and New
gifts are being presented each time step faster.
Kryon has now appeared in person before some 10,000 seminarians. The Kryon Quarterly Magazine has
3000 subscribers in nearly 12 countries. Almost all books are recorded on tapes (some abridged) and have been
translated into many languages around the world. Kryon seminars will soon in other continents and of course this
is not the last book.
In Book 1 (1993), Kryon said it had another 8 channelers in the mundo. Many have asked from other
countries "where is our channel for Kryon?". I put this question to Kryon while I showered, "Where are the other
channeling Kryon?" The answer surprised me and made me laugh. Kryon said: "You presume humanly evil that
they are all adults! The time is specific to each culture. "This means that some of them are children who are
scheduled to reveal a message when the planet is closer to 2012 (or better after 2012).
He questionsKryon tea if there was still time to give messages when these children grow. He informed me
that everyone is not as dense as our culture (Kryon Thanks!). I think with love and excitement, I was slightly
insulted. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Through all this I am still a conduit with a tendency to doubt and be suspicious, I'm still the guy who continues
to call for revalidation and testing work. This has allowed me to stay balanced and stepping firmly on the ground
and has also given me 3 new candidates with which to work:
Anyone can channel! It is not just a few people write books and give seminars. Some of you. are
channeling your Higher regularly. Not disturbing or supernatural (though your friends think so). If your
friends think you are weird, try not to channel in the supermarket anymore, or at least stay away from the
The Spirit (God) is not owned by anyone. So cualkyd can channel. The truth is available to everyone.
Some teachers may have been chosen to deliver it properly and maybe she should have been given
carefully to those who may be called His ministers, but the truth should not be kidnapped - never!
Therefore Kryon work teaches self-empowerment, raising human consciousness and self-esteem. It also
teaches that one should not buy stocks with the gloom and doom soothsayers of the millennium because
nosotrivers have completely changed the future!
Desengánchense of sensationalism regarding flying saucers, ET, and all other comets world visit from
your sources of spiritual learning. "What? You are telling us that these things do not exist? "Will tell you No
way! I am saying they do not belong to your heart! Kryon has messages for the ETs in the United Nations
(as seen later in this book) not once but twice! So I quand they exist. But the advice is not to worship or
revere and seeing all the time spent on this issue, many New Agers are very close. Study this issue all you
want, then they turn the page and return to their true interest, for example, create the love of God in their
lives so that you co-create your reality, be at peace with yourself and environment and begin to change the
planet as a result.
When reading this book are aware of other commentsKryon or from the beginning "Unless you are reading
this book as a group (which is not very likely) I will be communicating directly with their personal minds ".
Kryon information will be channeled directly to their two eyes as you read these pages.
This is the way Kryon tells us it is the individual heart and mind that individual will respond to messages here.
Consciences are not desired group or mass action. The goal is to reach the individual human beingl.
Discernment is the key and the vibrational and lighting increase the results. If you do not like, leave the book
aside. If you feel that it continue, do so. Individual human choice is the big task here. We are free to choose to
accept it or not.
Much of this book is transcription in vivo pipeline in the U.S. and Canada. In each city Kryon gave love and
wisdom as specific energy for each area but also for those who then treated preading or in any other area. Each
channel spoke to a crowd of between 200 to 700 people, depending on the city. As time went channels became
more clear, given the love he got older. Soon there were cures in almost every session. Kryon explains that
healing occurred when humans finally received the clear message and gave their OK and permission. In other
words, the human was healing. From now on it is put on the table to discuss issues and unspoken and it was
beginning to clearly distinguish what was truly the human role in this New Age and what is not.
Some of you subscribed to the Kryon Quarterly Magazine. They promised they would receive pipeline months
before you see us. We have fulfilled that promise and will recognize that the material in this book has been
published in magazines before. Read it again because something about them has changed (from channel to
channel). Kryon love to do that and update or clarify information debidamente in this ever-changing Earth.
Kryon's style to give a congratulatory message in the first ten minutes of each pipe. Some of these messages
are for new listeners every time but others will seem redundant. That's why I've taken some time to avoid
wasting time reading.
This book is about "Being Partnership with God" Can there be a greater goal?
The Chapter 1 prepares us with a message that Kryon given in two parts in two different cities in Canada.
The series of "Sit on your throne" should be read before anything else. Main idea is to form a good partnership
agreement and the first thing in the book. Later, in subsequent pipeline, Kryon use the phrase "Sit on your
throne" and should understand what that means.
The Chapter 2 fall within the concept of building society and shows virtually the "how."
The Chapter 3 tells us how to lay hands on the subject, with explanations of real world situations yrnswers
practices. My favorite is the last channel in Australia.
The short Chapter 4 talks about human biology and Chapter 5 is called Ascension. Ascension II called
because there were other chapters in previous books and tapes that provide preliminary information. You will
find this chapter more clear and understandable on a subject as high.
The Chapter 6 the full story and transcript of pipes made twice by invitation at the United Nations
headquartersas, in November 1995 and 1996.
The Chapter 7 This is my experience and what Kryon says about the new Indigo Children. It is practical
information that teaches how to treat these children and what to look for.
The Chapter 8 contains my favorite parable of the last two years and the discussion of intentionality and the
Co-Creation: the two most powerful attributes of the New Era.
The Chapter 9 is the longest. Kryon contains direct answers to questions do you most in letters and seminars
and even somenas issue.
The Chapter 10 gives scientific validation on some Kryon channeling the past and good scientific information
additional to what is happening now. There is also a brief speech by Carl Sagan in his book "The World of
Hunting Demons."
The rest is Kryon information about connections, how to make our magazine and join our mailing list.
Through this book I talk about Kryon as "he." I wish there was another word I could use. M sorryuch make
Spirit a being with gender but that communication is more accessible.
Enjoy this sixth book of Kryon. It was written for you. It is no accident that you are reading these words. Relax
and enjoy a voice that comes from your home!
Lee Carroll
For those friends who missed this year for Bob and Jo Muktabi:
We understand that your pass is your reward, and our test.
There will come a day when we embrace again and know that we are all eternal!
live channel at Banff - Canada
Greetings, my dear, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service and love deeply. My partner said the words of honor that
I have for you, oh dear! It is an honor for me to be with you now, while you get used to the sound of the voice of
my partner to spread my communications, I say that I'm here to wash their feet. And the food I bring home is the
command and if cny of you for a moment could be added here experience an incredible love. Now you sit on the
lesson of duality, in a place of honor. You, each one of you are priests in the New Era. We are here to tell you
that you are greatly loved by the work they do. Even those of you who have no idea what is happening now, even
those who do not believe that it may be possible that the Spirit is speaking and hope that this MeetingNION end
soon, you are all dearly loved.
There is no prosecution to humans from the Spirit (God), just an incredible love. You are here with a purpose!
It was never clearer commitment to you were here to hear these words (or read this later). Because in this
energy clearly have some messages for you that will be repeated several times by my partner because they are
very important. These messages do not talk about disasters world earth changes or terrifying. This is the voice
of home that you hear and read, which he loves and their arms wrapped in gold, which speaks to their hearts at
this time.
There is a message for you while you sit here. Before beginning this post has been a court of angels who
walk the halls and among you as I speak and visit your place when you read this. We ordered a cocoon of love
to accompany them and if you have never felt beforeThis is the moment we ask you to feel your guides. They
have come with you and remain with you, they give light touch to your intuition and love them dearly. They are
his best friends and you know them from the "other side" (before birth in this incarnation). When this is over and
you return to the Hall of Honor, you will spend a great time with them, who have spent their lives with you on this
planet. None of you are never alone.
The guides areso calm. Discuss this in a moment, but you can feel your hugs while sitting in this place and
are loved by God. The enormous energy of this room is amazing and we say to you tonight about what they
titled: THE WAY THINGS WORK. We want this to be a practical message and when you leave this place leave
or read, understand more about who you are and some of the potentials that exist in your life.
Before that review a parable that has been forwarded and published. We talk about the parable of "Who and
the rooms of the lesson" We know that some who are here and reading this are already familiar with it so I will
briefly review and especially see how it ends. This will be the knowledge necessary to understand the truth of
things to come.
"Who" was a human being when he came out of this life were shown at a time when, metaphorically, "the
rooms in your house living "rooms that your guides will show a" Who "before he entered the Hall of Honor were
amazing for him. While advancing the parable, the rooms that show were as follows: "Whoever opens a
bedroom door which was filled with a magnificent treasure and their guides will say:" this is your room in plenty,
and if you had had chosen open everything we had wanted while you were on Earth. " This was a metaphor to
show "who" riches fISIC which she would be at any time. Another room was filled with a white substance was the
room light and the inner peace of "Who". She showed a "Who" metaphorically, that at any moment he might
have wanted to get into that inner peace and feel the peace of God where there is concern. All he had to do was
get into it by intention. It was totally his, belonged to his house, his life and his spiritual name was written in your
The guides then showed him the golden room in which they could not enter, only "Who". This room was the
pure essence of "who" his "portion of God", this was the room of love "who", a room as sacred and sacrosanct
that only "who" could enter. Later guides will show other doors of rooms that during his life he had not opened.
On his way out of your home living room door showed him names that he does not comprendió as having
"names of unborn children." In a door saying "world leader" but not this time he opened them.
While he was moving parable understanding that these rooms would be available to him in his next
incarnation on Earth. So here was channeled the parable of "Who", but now we want to continue and involve
more than "who" would like to you will engage in it. You will see how this works. We will give some information
tonight to help them advance their lives.
You are important to this world! This planet is not negligible and there is much that revolves around him.
Ones, we hope you visualicéis yourselves in one of these rooms now. In the most important, which holds the key
to your whole life here. It is the room that "who" was like gold. Is the room in which the guides could not enter. In
that room there is something hidden gold. If "who" could have remained in andcall a little more had discovered
something wonderful, beyond all that can be imagined. And when he (and you) to explore the interior of this
room more carefully, you will discover a creature of immense power and beauty. There, sitting on a throne of
gold will be a splendid angel, gold, an angel whose wings can reach to touch the walls!
Who is this amazing angel? If it had been closer who had discovered that love was so intense that it would be
difficult breathing vibration emanating from the angel had been so high that he had done his knees looking at
that beautiful piece of God! And as she scanned the face of this great being, the angel's face had been taking
shape slowly: there, where "who" hoped to see the glorious face of a citizen of heaven, would change the very
features of "Who"!
I wonder what this means. "Who" was watching the angel who was His own higher! The body was sacred,
beyond description, but it was a part of "Who"! "Who" had discovered the secret of his own divinity .... Your
Share of God.
Dear, there's an angel with your own face sitting on the golden throne room of gold in each of your lives now.
Their presence screams that you belong here! Its existence gives them information that is most important to you:
That you are qualified and deserve to be on this planet!
We ask you to come and feel mentally andn the throne now. There is nobody around you there. Alone but will
be full of power! We want to feel this golden essence that fills every pore, and there is a reason why we invite
you to do this. This is the sacred golden essence of God serving you wear with you is your higher self and is
engaged in each of your cells, it speaks of home and its Contract and smiles and loves. Like a sponge absorbing
ask this golden light while they show what they are experiencing.
Some of you, in your last days and even to this day, I have fallen in love with God. Maybe they have entered
into an entity, some kind of teacher who stood before you with a great loving energy. It could have been
Yogananda, Muhammad, Buddha, or the energy of Sananda. Feel the love they had for that institution! Feel it
strongly! Maybe some of you have loved Kryon, or the Virgin Mary or the Archangel Michael. So many can have
received your love and they and we return that love to return permanently as consistent and wonderful! Now I tell
you a secret ones, something you have never really recognized. All the love you have for God (Spirit), for those
entities over your life is simply a direct mirror of your own love for yourself! Because in this metaphorical gold
room is your own essence. The portion of the Spirit of which you have fallen in love is what comes of Home has
always been yours.
And so dear, we say that the gold room where you sit now, absorbing this light, the love of your higher self.
He develops self-esteem your lives for you to understand that not only are important and loved but have listed
their potential for change. So for the rest of this message I ask you to stay there and never move its golden
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