Call of Cthulhu - Dark Ages - Ravenar Sagas.pdf

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The R ave nar
A V i ki n g Th emed M on ogr a ph f or
Cth ul h u D ar k A ges
B y Os c ar Ri os
Table of Contents
The Ravenar Sagas, An Introduction…… page 1
Part One, The Unsung Saga………. page 13
Part Two, The Second Saga………. page 35
Part Three, The Vinland Saga……. page 52
The Ravenar Saga Rediscovered………… page 83
The White Mice Team
Art - Gibel Attridge
Editing- Mitzi Rios
Play testers- Joel Jackel, Eric Zeller, Walter & Gibel Attridge,
Phredd Groves, Terry Hope Romero, John Stavropoulos and scores of
Norsemen who’ve rolled dice with me at more gaming conventions then I
can remember. The Ravenar belongs to you all. As always, you guys rock!
A special thanks goes out to the fearless, curly haired berserker warrior
whose battle cry could stop charging Voormis in their tracks. So, to my
daughter Melanie, this one is for you my dark beauty.
THE RAVENAR SAGAS is published by Chaosium Inc.
THE RAVENAR SAGAS is copyright © 2008 by Oscar Rios; all rights reserved.
Similarities between characters in Basic Roleplaying and persons living, dead, or otherwise are strictly coincidental.
The reproduction of material from within this book for the purposes of personal or corporate profit, by photographic,
optical, electronic, or other media or methods of storage and retrieval, is prohibited.
Address questions and comments by mail to
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Hayward CA 94541 U.S.A.
Please do not phone in game questions; the quickest answer may not be the best answer.
Our web site always contains latest release information and current prices.
Chaosium Publication 0348. ISBN 1-56882-240-5
Published in February 2008. Printed in USA.
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The Ravenar Sagas
By Oscar Rios
It ta k e s sh a rp wits to wa nd e r th ro u gh th e wo rld .
– Fro m th e Ha va m a l
Introduction – The Ravenar Sagas are a collection of three Cthulhu Dark Ages
scenarios spanning a thirteen-year period between 989AD and 1002AD. The Sagas take
place across Scandinavia and what will later be known as Nova Scotia. The scenarios are
called “The Ravenar Sagas” because players will be taking the roles of the crew of a
small Knorr (a Viking longship).
While pre-generated characters are provided keepers may allow players to create
their own. These characters will have many adventures during the Sagas, honing their
skills as they face countless challenges. Investigator’s skills may well increase from
scenario to scenario; Status and the character’s ages definitely will. Investigators will be
sailing dangerous waters and battling deadly adversaries, some may not survive.
Provisions are written in to allow “replacement” crew to be recruited between voyages
(see below).
The Havamal - First recorded from the oral tradition around 1200 AD by Icelandic
historian Snorri Sturluson, The Havamal is a collection of Old Norse poems. These short
poetic verses, said to be handed down from Odin himself, gives us a window into the life,
values and warrior traditions of Scandinavian culture during “The Viking Age” (790 –
1070 AD). It is part of a larger collection of pre-Christian lore called The Poetic Edda,
which includes many stories from Norse Mythology. Pieces of The Hamvamal are
sprinkled throughout this book, as well as other, more modern works where appropriate.
The Vikings People During the Viking Age no one, not the Scandinavian peoples
themselves or rest of world, used the term Viking. Scandinavia was without a central
ruler, a patchwork of small semi-independent kingdoms long before the formation of
countries like Norway, Sweden or Denmark. Outsiders referred to these northern
seafaring peoples by many different names. The Irish called them Gaill (Foreigners), the
Slaves and Greeks called them Rus, the Arabs called them Majus, the Anglo-Saxons
called them Danes and the Franks called them Normanni (Northmen). Of all these varied
names Northmen is the term used through this book when referring to native
Scandinavian peoples during The Viking Era.
The Saga of the Ravenar- The sagas of the Ravenar are three adventures that take
place in Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Vinland, between the years 989 AD and 1002
AD. The scenarios began with “The Unsung Saga”, a short high action demo posted on
the Chaosium Missionary website just after the release of Cthulhu Dark Ages. The
following scenarios kept to the theme of high action horror. Players expecting to read
ancient tomes in monastery libraries while carefully unraveling a mystery are in for a
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