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The Book of Lucifer
Livri Luciferius
The Book Of Lucifer
English Translation By
Sollog Immanuel Adoni Adoni
Copyright 1999 By Adoni Publishing All Rights Reserved
Distributed by 1 E Books
This work may not be copied or redistributed in any form, without the written permission of Adoni Publishing
Livri Luciferius
The Book Of Lucifer
By Ben Shakur
Within this tome is Libri Luciferius, The Book Of Lucifer.
It is said to have been originally written in human blood, upon the parchment of
human skin.
The oldest known form of this book, is the ancient vulgar of Pagan Rome from
about the 4 th Century.
You will find the 4 th Century Latin preceding the English translations in this
remarkable work throughout all of its chapters.
Beware of The Curse of Lucifer that precedes the chapters of this manuscript.
For you will indeed suffer the plagues contained within The Book Of Lucifer if
you add even one word to it!
Luciferius et tu Dominus!
Lucifer is your Lord!
The Legend
This is The Legend of The Book Of Lucifer, which has been handed down orally
through the ages by the devoted disciples of The Book:
The Legend says, The Book was originally written in the blood of its author on
parchment made from human skin.
The Legend says, The Book was originally written by a Jew named Ben Shakur.
The Legend says, Ben Shakur walked the earth during the reigns of Julius and
Augustus Caesar.
The Legend says, Ben Shakur was able to raise the dead.
The Legend says, Ben Shakur performed many miracles through the power of
Lucifer during his life time.
The Legend says, Ben Shakur shall return to claim the souls of those that worship
Lucifer and The Book.
The Legend says, The Book was translated into the Vulgar of Ancient Rome by an
early Pope named Sylvester, who reigned during the council of Nicaea in the early
4 th Century.
The Legend says, The Book is still worshipped today in high circles within the
Papacy of Rome.
The Legend says, The Book was first seen by common men after a copy was taken
during the sacking of Rome by the Vandals.
The Legend says, The Book was worshipped throughout the Ages by many Secret
Societies, such as The Templars and the Priory De Sion.
The Legend says, The Book gives great power to its disciples, and men such as
Copernicus, Galileo, Nostradamus and Isaac Newton have worshipped it.
The Legend says, you must create a copy of The Book with your own blood, when
you are elected as a leader in one of these Secret Societies that still worship The
Book today.
The Legend says, that if you add even one word to this book, you shall be cursed
by all the powers of Lucifer mentioned within…
The Curse!
Contestor ego omni audienti verba prophetiae libri huius si
quis adposuerit ad haec adponet Luciferius super illum
plagas scriptas in libro isto
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the
prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these
things, Lucifer shall add unto him the plagues that are
written in this book
Verbum Luciferius
The Words Of Lucifer
Verbum Luciferius
The Words Of Lucifer
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