Clifford D. Simak - Highway To Eternity.pdf

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New York
Ihe cable reached Boone in Singapore:
He caught the next plane out.
Corcoran's driver was waiting for him as he came
through Customs at Kennedy. The man took Boone's bag
and led the way to the limousine.
It had been raining, but the rain had stopped. Boone
settled back comfortably on the well-upholstered seat,
watching the scene unwind through the windows. How
long had it been, he asked himself, since he had been in
Manhattan? Ten years, perhaps more than ten.
By the time they reached Corcoran's apartment build-
ing, it had begun raining again. The driver gathered
Boone's bags, held an umbrella for him, and ushered him
to a private elevator to the penthouse. Corcoran was wait-
ing in the library. He rose from a chair in the comer and
came across the heavy carpeting with hand outstretched
and a look of relief on his face.
"Thanks for coming, Tom. Had a good flight?"
"Good enough," Boone told him. "I slept on the last
Corcoran nodded. "I remember you could always sleep
on planes. What are you drinking these days?"
"Scotch with a splash of soda." Boone sank into the
indicated chair and waited until the drink was handed him.
He took a long pull of it, glancing about at the appoint-
ments of the room. "You seem to be doing well these
"Quite well. I have wealthy clients who pay for what
they get. And operatives all over the world. If a diplomat
sneezes in Bogota, I hear of it within hours. What's doing
in Singapore?"
"Nothing. Just a layover between jobs. I can afford to
be selective about the stories I take to cover these days.
Not like it was when we used to see each other."
"How long ago was it?" asked Corcoran. "When we
first met, I mean."
"It must be fifteen years or more. That unpleasantness
in the East. You came in with the tanks."
"That's it. We got there too late. It was a massacre.
Bodies all piled up and no sign of anyone alive." Corcoran
grimaced at the memory. "Then suddenly, there you
were, unruffled, standing among the dead. You wore that
jacket with all the pockets for your notebooks, recorder,
tapes, camera, and films. You carried so much stuff you
seemed to bulge. And you told me you'd just stepped
around a comer."
Boone nodded. "Death was half a second away. So I
stepped around a corner. When I stepped back, there you
were. But don't ask me to explain. I couldn't tell you then
and I can't tell you now. The only answer is one I don't
like—that I'm some kind of a freak."
"Let's say a mutant. Have you tried it since?"
"I've never tried it. But it's happened twice more—
once in China and again in South Africa. When I did it,
it seemed natural—the kind of thing any man might do.
And now, what about you?"
"You heard what happened to me?"
"Some," Boone answered. "You were a spy—CIA
and all that. You were trapped, but you got word back,
and a fighter snatched you up. A daredevil landing out of
a grade-B movie. The plane was shot to hell and gone,
yet it made it back ..."
"That's right," said Corcoran. "Then it crashed. The
whole back of my head was smashed in, and I was so
close to dead it didn't matter. But I had information that
was vital, so they performed miracles saving my life
. . . Anyhow, they had to do some strange things in fixing
my head. Apparently some of the wiring in my brain got
crossed or something. I see things differently now some-
times—things others don't or can't. And I think in quirky
ways. I tie little items of information together in a sort of
sneaky deduction that defies straight-line thinking. I know
things with no reasonable way to know them. I've made
it pay, too."
"Fine. And does that have anything to do with your
calling me here from Singapore?" Boone asked.
Corcoran leaned back and took a sip of the drink he'd
mixed for himself, considering. Finally he nodded. "It has
to do with one of my clients. He came to me about six
years ago. Said his name was Andrew Martin. Maybe it
Martin had come in, aloof and cold, and wouldn't shake
hands. He refused absolutely to answer any questions.
Then, when Corcoran moved to show him out politely,
Martin reached into his breast pocket, took out an en-
velope, and pushed it across the desk. Inside were one
hundred thousand-dollar bills.
"That's just a retainer," he stated. "For any work you
do, I'll pay double your usual rates."
What he wanted were rumors from all over the world.
Not the usual political things, but unusual or outrageous
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