Battletech - Historical Turning Points - Glengarry.pdf

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©2010 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights Reserved. Historical Turning Points: Glengarry,
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17 APRIL 3056
“Any Legion unit this net, contact!” Tran shouted into his radios. He read o
coordinates. Part of Kellum’s mind listened but there was no reply. Every exercise
the Legion ran involved all combat arms—Grayson Death Carlyle had pioneered
mercenary combined arms when the rest of the Sphere was still using BattleMechs
for everything. His platoon— his blower! —shouldn’t be out here all alone like this.
“And the damn Skye Guards shouldn’t be shooting at us either,” Cannes said,
leaning over and holding his hand over his helmet microphone. “Get it together,
I said that out loud ? Kellum squeezed his eyes shut for an instant and then looked
at his screens. The caret indicating the Vindicator was still coming strong—not as
fast as the Condor could move, but it could go over the hillocks and boulders the
hovertank had to go around. More signals—phantoms, really, contacts the Con-
dor’s computer couldn’t identify—blurred the screen behind the Vindicator .
“Tran!” Kellum barked. “Anything from Watts?”
“Nothing, TC!”
The turret vibrated as Cannes rotated the Whirlwind toward the Condor’s rear.
A chunk-chunk announced the loading of a new cassette-round of ammunition.
Kellum touched a control and slaved his screen to Cannes’ gunnery screen. The dis-
tinctive head armor of the Vindicator appeared over the crest of a hillock. Cannes
dragged his controls, swinging the autocannon barrel to the left and up. The gong-
hammer of the Whirlwind’s ring lled the turret again. Shells exploded across the
Vindicator ’s left arm, smashing armor plates to the ground. Kellum grin bared his
teeth. The Vindicator ’s right arm cleared the rim of the hill—
—blue-white light—
—snap- boom
—the hairs on Kellum’s arms and neck stood on end as the Condor rocked. He
dialed his screen to a damage schematic but there were no new red scars on the
Condor’s armor. The PPC had missed, but only barely, and the explosion as it de-
stroyed the ground beside the speeding tank had rocked it as if it had hit. Kellum
breathed out—and was slammed against his restraints as the Condor lurched to
the other side. “Gomez!”
“It’s not my fault!” the driver screamed. A screech arose as the skirts dragged
the ground, and Kellum felt the tank lurch to the left and slow. “He threw us into
a boulder—“
“Get. Us. Moving .” Kellum ground out.
“I can’t—“
This time the Vindicator ’s PPC hit, tearing out the armor protecting the Condor’s
rear side and smashing the engine. The fans’s howl died immediately and the Whirl-
wind, which had been ring, cut out mid-cassette. Cannes swore and slammed his
sts against the console. His foot kicked the ring trip again and again.
“TC!” Tran shouted.
“Everybody out!” Kellum shouted. His hands were jerking at the hatch wheel
over his head. The lights in the turret ickered and died. “Now!” The hatch wouldn’t
“It’s Watts!” Tran said. “She says the ‘Mechs are here.”
“One just killed us, pendejo ,” Gomez spat. His voice echoed down the interior of
the tank.
“No, the Legion ‘Mechs!”
Kellum pulled his sidearm and slammed the butt of the pistol against the hatch.
The wheel shifted a centimeter or so. He spun it open and cracked the hatch—
smoke immediately bellowed into the turret. “Maybe they’ll have better luck,” he
said, and pulled himself out of the turret. He looked for the Vindicator , but it was
already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched.
“Or not…”
Sergeant Glenn Kellum held his teeth apart just far enough to let his tongue rest
between them. The soft tissue absorbed some of the vibration from the Condor’s
big Jones diesel and the lift fans, but his skin was still raw from rubbing against
the hard canvas-covered seat. He’d been in blowers for a decade but no one could
take four hours of ank running without side e ects. He rocked forward as far as
his restraints would allow, almost bringing his helmet into contact with the vision
blocks. Sinews in his neck and shoulders crackled. He touched the intercom. “Fuel?”
“Another hour—two, if we slow down,” the Condor’s driver, Corporal Gomez,
said. The driver’s compartment was two meters forward, behind a bulkhead and
shrouded in blast curtain. Kellum knew Gomez was su ering more than he was—
the commander’s cupola was in the turret, and the heavy casting absorbed a lot
of the vibration.
“We’re not slowing down,” Kellum mumbled. “Tran—anything?”
The commo tech in the bowels of the Condor broke squelch once in the
“De nitely not slowing down,” Kellum muttered. “Cannes?”
“Nothing, TC,” the gunner said from beside him. The gunner and the tank com-
mander shared the turret cupola. In smaller blowers the Legion usually made the
TC man the gun, but a Condor rated a dedicated gunner. Cannes had been in the
Legion for six months, joining from Coltbridge. He’d chafed a bit at being assigned
to Halidon when the Skye Guards hit Coltbridge, but the Separatist landing shut
him up.
The arrival of a Free Skye eet had turned Glengarry upside down. The landhold-
ers, the mercenary Gray Death Legion, had opposed the Separatists landings from
the start, even after that bastard DeVries tried to take over and killed Major de Villar.
The Colonel’s boy was doing a good job so far, slowing the Free Skye landings by
moving Legion ’Mechs around on the maglevs. Kellum eyed the landscape again.
That’s what I’m doing out here . Lieutenant Zappirelli’s platoon was tasked to slow
the Halidon landing long enough for the reaction ’Mech companies to get here.
Four blowers against two ’Mech companies .
Sergeant Wilke’s Saracen had fallen rst, its steel skirts taken out by the lead
Cataphract ’s cannon. M’Dahlia’s Scimitar died trying to draw the Separatists’ re
while Wilke’s crew bailed out. Emma Watts’ Drillson was o to the east, blowing up
a dust cloud trying to draw some ’Mechs away from the railhead. Where the Legion
’Mechs would appear.
“Contact!” Cannes shouted. A red caret appeared on Kellum’s screen as a Sepa-
ratist Vindicator strode over the hill. Hatches popped open on its chest and ve
long-range missiles arrowed toward the Condor, but Gomez ung the blower
aside by angling his thrust. Cannes grunted as he worked the controls, bringing
the big Whirlwind cannon to bear. The turret sang with the blam-blam-blam of the
cassette-round cycling, adding its own tremulous vibrations to the fans.
Kellum ignored it, watching the rounds track across the Vindicator ’s chest. “Tar-
get!” he shouted. “Gomez, go! Get us out of here.”
The wheel shifted a centimeter or so. He spun it open and cracked the hatch—
smoke immediately bellowed into the turret. “Maybe they’ll have better luck,” he
said, and pulled himself out of the turret. He looked for the
said, and pulled himself out of the turret. He looked for the
already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched.
already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched.
“Or not…”
said, and pulled himself out of the turret. He looked for the
already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched.
already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched.
“Or not…”
already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched.
get!” he shouted. “Gomez, go! Get us out of here.”
get!” he shouted. “Gomez, go! Get us out of here.”
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W elcome to Historical Turning Points: Glengarry, a campaign book designed to give players the opportunity to ght in one of the
landmark con icts of the Inner Sphere’s tumultuous history.
The general information contained in the Atlas and Combatants sections gives players the tools needed to ght an in nite
number of engagements on Glengarry, while the Track section gives details on some of the larger and more pivotal battles of the
planetary struggle. The Track sections can be used with stand-alone games set in 3056.
The Atlas section presents a global view followed by some quick facts about Glengarry. Included in this section you will nd terrain
tables broken into various categories. These tables can be used as a random chart to determine the maps used in the tracks, or simply
as a guide to give you ideas of the types of terrain found on the world. This section also contains a list of various additional terrain types,
environment and other rules that can be used to enhance your game experience. All players should agree whether or not to use any or
all of these features before play begins.
The Combatants section gives details on the units who participated in the con ict and can be used by players who wish to add
authenticity to their game. While the units who actually participated in the battles are noted, in most cases the numbers on each side are
left undetermined. This allows the players to pursue the tracks with di erent forces as they wish. The rough ratio of forces on each side is
provided as a guideline. Players should feel free to balance the forces in each track as they see t, whether by battle value, tonnage, total
number of ’Mechs, or whatever else suits them.
The Tracks section presents several key battles that occurred on the world, though they are not the only ones. Players wishing to
incorporate these tracks into their Chaos Campaign campaigns should use the Warchest Points (WP) listed in the brackets. Optional
points are awarded only if the group achieves at least one Objective while using the listed option. Objective points are cumulative as
they are achieved, unless otherwise noted.
The Annex section contains two o cial Record Sheets. First is the Zeus of Leonidas Brannock, combat commander of the Free Skye
ground forces on Glengarry. Next is the Hovercraft PPC Carrier, a low-cost conventional unit used by the Legion armored forces.
Project Development: Ben H. Rome
BattleTech Line Developer: Herb A. Beas II
Writing: Jason Schmetzer
Production Sta
Cover Design and Layout: Matt Heerdt
Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas, Ray Arrastia
Maps and Unit Logos: Ray Arrastia
Record Sheets: David L. McCulloch
Factchecking/Playtesting: Joel Bancroft-Connors,
Bruce Ford, Glenn Hopkins, Michael Koning, Darrell
Meyers, Mike Miller, Geoff Swift, John Unchelenko,
Chris Wheeler, Patrick Wynne
For more information about the Battle of Glengarry,
or the Gray Death Legion in general, see the source-
book Day of Heroes or the novel Blood of Heroes , by
J. Andrew Keith. Additional information about the
Legion can be found the novels Decision at Thunder
Rift, Mercenary’s Star, Price of Glory, Tactics of Betrayal,
and Operation: Excalibur by William H. Keith and The
Dying Time , by Thomas S. Gressman , as well as several
sourcebooks including Field Manual: Mercenaries and
The Gray Death Legion .
The last four pages of this PDF are sized for 11” x 17” paper. Please keep
this in mind when printing out the document.
W elcome to Historical Turning Points: Glengarry, a campaign book designed to give players the opportunity to ght in one of the
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Noble Ruler: Archon Prince Victor Steiner-Davion
Appointed Ruler: Baron Grayson Death Carlyle
Star Type (Recharge Time): K1IV (192 hours)
Position in System: 3 (of 4)
Time to Jump Point: 5.00 days
Number of Satellites: 1 (Celine)
Surface Gravity: 0.97
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 29° C (Arid)
Surface Water: 65 percent
Recharging Station: None
HPG Class Type: B
Highest Native Life: Reptile
Population: 123,334,000
Socio-Industrial Levels: C-C-B-C-B
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