Call of Cthulhu - Terror from the Stars v2.pdf

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~ __FrOD1 tile stars_------.",.,
by Scott Aniolowski
Doug Lyons
Andre Stalin
Michael Szymanski
Editing: Sand'y Petersen, Sherman Kahn
Illustrations: Kevin Ramos
Cover: Tom Sullivan
Maps and Diagrams: Carolyn Schultz
Layout and Design: Sherman Kahn
By permission of Arkham House
How.d Phillips Lovec:raft
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. page 2
The Pits of Bendal Dolum ....................... page 3
The Temple of the Moon ............... . ....... page 18
Theron Marks Manual (at center of book) .. . ... after page 20
TERROR FROM THE STARS is copyrighto 1986 by Chaosium Inc; all rights reserved.
Except in this publication and in related advertising, all original artwork for TERROR FROM THE STARS remains property of
the artists; all rights reserved. All material originally submitted by the authors remains under their separate copyrights: material
added by Chaosium Inc., remains the property of Chaosium Inc. Reproduction of the material within this book for purposes of
personal or corporate profit, by photographic, electronic, or other methods of duplication or retrieval, is strictly prohibited.
TERROR FROM THE STARS is intended for use with the roleplaying game CALL OF CTHULHU ®, which is the copyrighted
and registered product of Chaosium Inc. To fully enjoy this book, readers need famillority with the rules of CALL OF CTHUL·
HU To direct questions or comments concerning this book, or for a free catalog of Chaosium games and supplements, write
to Chaosium Inc., PO Box 6302·TFTS, Albany CA 94706, USA.
By permission ofAfkham House.
ISBN 0·933635·]]-7
Printed in the United Stiltes ofAmerica.
Chaosium has never provided Call of
Cthulhu players with a paternalistic
secret organization to pamper their
investigators, give them fancy equip-
ment, provide unrealistic excuses for
going on "missions", save their ba-
con, or otherwise hinder their free
choice of action. However, there is a
great difference between such a
"non-player-character" society and a
group organized by the players them-
selves, using their own investigators
as the primary and perhaps sole
members. The Theron Marks Manual
is intended to help inspire them to
create such a group.
The Theron Marks Manual,
stapled into the middle of this
booklet, purports to be a fie ld
guide for Cthulhu investigators.
Some of its advice is very good.
Some is bad. All is dangerous if
followed slavishly. This is intentional.
No band of investigators knows all
the answers, nor should they. Call of
Cthulhu is a game of mystery. To
remove the Theron Marks Manual
from the rest of the book,
carefully lift the top and bottom
staples and gently pull the manual up. Do not loosen the center staple; it holds together the
manual. After removing the manual, tamp the top and bottom staples back down.
If you wish to provide your players' investigators with access to the Theron Marks Manual,
we suggest that it be found in the ruins of the Society's devastated headquarters, or on the corpse
of someone who had been investigating the same mystery that your players are now checking out.
You may wish to change the dates in the manuscript to conform to your campaign. One pl,ace the
manual could be found is in the effects of one of the ill-fated graduate students killed on the first
Bendal-Dolum expedition.
Since the Theron Marks Society is defunct, your investigators are thrown back on their
own resources. At the same time, however, they are alerted to the fact that, at least for a while,
they were not alone in attempting to defeat the minions of the Great Old Ones.
In early 1986, Call of Cthulhu entered its third edition. Though the game's outward format
was considerably changed (the "Rulesbook" was split up into the "Keeper's Book" and "Investi-
gator's Book"), the rules themselves have not been altered, except for a few typos, and for the
rule on automatic weapons. If you own one of the earlier editions, and your pocketbook is too
slim to afford the new one, here is the change: w.hen firing automatic weapons, the firer may
choose how many bullets he will fire in his burst. For each extra bullet fired, he can add +5% to
his chances of hitting (up to a maximum of twice his normal skill in the weapon). If he scores a
hit, he rolls a die of the same magnitude as the burst to see how many shots hit. Thus, if he fired
a 6-round burst, he adds 30% to his chances to hit (up to a maximum of twice his normal chance)
and 1d6 rounds strike the target. Ilf he fired a 3-round burst, he adds +15% and 1d3 buHets hit. If
he fired a full magazine of 20 rounds, 1d20 rounds would hit. And so forth. If he rolls an impale,
only the first bullet of the burst impales.
Shu b·Niggurath
li:i! Shub-Niggurath!
Sandy Petersen
The Pits of
by Doug Lyons
The investigators are approached by Dr. Henry Armitage
of Miskatonic University (or any other professor they trust
and respect). The professor explains that a young colleague
of his, Jeremy Morgan, is organizing and heading a private-
ly backed expedition to the Central American jungles and
is looking for competent adventurous people to round out
his party. The purpose of Morgan's expedition is to dis-
cover the fate of Dr. Eric Williamson, one of Morgan's
former teachers and his good friend.
Dr. Williamson earlier led an expedition into the same
jungles to map Mayan ruins. All contact was lost with Wil-
liamson two weeks after his expedition started, and no
trace of his party has been found. Morgan wishes to locate
this previous expedition and continue Williamson's work:
Dr. Armitage feels that the search could provide valuable
experience for the investigators.
the investigators must first avoid becoming Morgan's sac-
Research and Clues
Before the investigators set out, they might wish to check
out a few details.
Professor Armitage's Background: All his colleagues
have concrete faith in Armitage's integrity and judgment.
Armitage himself knows nothing about Morgan's secret
worship and wholeheartedly tries to encourage the investi-
gators to take this opportunity for adventure.
Assistant Professor Morgan's Background: Morgan is
greatly respected in academic circles and is active in the
field of Archaeology. A successful Library Use looking up
Morgan's articles in the Miskatonic library reveals that for
the past few years he has published little following a self-
imposed sabbatical due to a period of ill-health_
Professor Williamson's Background: Dr. Williamson was
regarded as a bit of an eccentric. Some of his theories on
Mayan cultural background were very poorly accepted by
the academic community. A book was published on Wil-
liamson's theories, a copy of which is listed in the Miska-
tonic University Library's card catalog. However, a search
for the book itself reveals that it is missing.
The Williamson Expedition: the expedition set out in
late June 192-, and consisted of William'son, Associate
Professor Anthony Baldwin, and four graduate students of
Baldwin's. The common belief is that the expedition fell
afoul of black-marketeers trafficking in illegally exported
Mayan and Aztec relics.
Dr. Morgan is a secret devotee of Shub-Niggurath. He in-
tends to use his expedition to find an ancient Temple of
the Black Goat of the Woods and then to sacrifice his fel-
low expedition members in an effort to summon her. The
temple, called Bendal-Dolum in certain ancient records,
was also sought by the first expedition, but for purely
archaeological interest. The members of the fust expedi-
tion were murdered in the jungle by an accomplice of
Morgan's motivations mask powers even more sinister.
The colossally evil and stupendously powerful non-human
sorcerer Haon-Dor has prepared a special gate to link the
material world to his home citadel. Such a portal would
allow Haon-Dor to spread his influence over the face of
the Earth. The key to this portal lies in the ancient mystery
of Bendal-Dolum. Haon-Dor's magic cannot easily affect
the material world, so he has sent dreams to influence the
actions of Dr. Morgan, who is now the unknowing pawn
for Haon-Dor's design, believing that he fulfills only his
own desires.
The only fact that Haon-Dor has failed to take into ac-
count in his diabolical plan is the presence of the investi-
gators on the expedition.
The investigators' job is to piece together information
to learn the true nature of events, and to outwit Haon-Dor's
unspeakable designs. This will not be initially apparent, so
The Expedition
The investigators are expected to meet with Morgan in Be-
lize, the major town in tiny British Honduras. Their passage
there is paid for by the university. The trip is taken aboard
the Augusto Leguia, a ship ofPeruvian registry, which after
stopping at Belize travels on through the Panama Canal to
the Peruvian port of Callao. Upon their arrival, the inves-
tigators are mel by Morgan and the other team members
(none of whom know anything about Morgan's plot).
After equipping at Belize, the expedition is chartering a
boat on which to travel up the Belize river. Due to rough
travel conditions and the need to search the shores for
signs of the previous expedition, this trip upriver can take
up to seven days. A payment of $750 is made to each in-
vestigator in Belize before departure. Travel afoot is dif-
ficult in the rainforest and in the mangrove swamps, so
the party must travel as far as possible by riverboat.
4 -
Pits of Benda/-Do/urn
always tries to avoid combat situations to help conceal his
true nature, and sometimes pretends to be injured, in pain,
or fatigued to alleviate suspicion.
The keeper should ensure that Morgan survives until
the confrontation in Bendal-Dolum.
Dr. Jeremy Morgan
Professor Jeremy Morgan
Dr. Morgan was once an honest archaeologist. In his ex-
tensive studies, he came across many references to an evil
fertility deity worshiped in many cu l tures. He sought out
more evidence for this with almost fanatic energy and
traveled the world investigating this deity. Eventually his
enthusiasm involved him in arcane rituals and before he
was aware of it, Morgan became a worshiper of Shub-Nig-
During a ritual, one of Haon-Dor's familiars made con-
tact with the unfortunate professor. Haon-Dor now looks
over Morgan, giving him an inhuman luckiness which pro-
tects him from almost any harm short of direct assault.
All attacks directed towards Morgan by mortal creatures
have only half the normal chance of success. Any damage
done to Morgan is halved before applying it to his hit
pOints. Morgan has noticed his invulnerability and he be-
lieves it to be a blessing from Shub-Niggurath herself. He
APP 12
SKI LLS: Anthropology 40%, Archaeology 70%, Cthulhu Mythos
59%, History 50%, Make Maps 60%, Spot Hidden 50%.
LANGUAGES: English 90%, Mayan 30%, Spanish 70%.
WEAPONS: knife 35%, parry 35%, 106 damage.
.38 revolver 25%, 1010 damage.
SPELLS: Call Shub-Niggurath.
Dr. Dennis Franklin MD
Dr. Franklin is quiet and medically competent. However,
outside his field he has poor judgement and he takes a
CON 16
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