Call of Cthulhu - Return to Dunwich.pdf

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Return To Dunwich
Adventure and Background for a
Forgotten Village in Lovecraft Country
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Howard Phillips lovccrafl
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Keith Herber
cover painting by Lee Gibbons
Interior Illustrations by John T. Snyder
maps by Carol Triplett-Smith
editorial and layout by Les Brooks
cover design by Charlie Krank
copyreading by Anne Merritt and Sam Shirley
Chaosium Inc.
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--- -- ~
Region: 5 Sellfine/ Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Introduction. . . . . . • . . • . . . • •• • . • . . . . .. . 1
Region: 6 Eastern Uplands .. . . . . . . ..
Region: 7 Wheeler Ridge. . . . . . . . . . ..
He/Ilrt1 To DlIllw;ch . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . .. . Z
Region: 8 DUllIvich Valley . . . . . . . . . ..
Welcome To Dllll wich ......•..•....... 14
Chronology . ..... . ................ 16
Villag e Directory . . .. ..... •. . ...... 19
Region: 91ndial! Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Tlte U"dergro/Uu[ •...•....... . .•.... .. 97
The Upper Caves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98
71,e Mi-Go Complex . ...... • .... . .. . /09
11,c Greater Caverns . ... . . • . .. , .... III
71te Pyramid. . .
Surds Of Dllll wich . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . 10
. ......•... . ... 113
The Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . .• 15
Cefltral Dunwich .................. 29
The Mill Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44
Appendix: 1
The Dllll wich Horror ...... , ...........118
A Guidebook To Dunwich E lI l'iroll S ...... 47
Region: I Divide Ridge ......... . ... 47
Region: 2 Sulphur Springs. . . . . . . . . .. 53
Region: 3 North Fork Valley ......... 56
Region: 4 Prescott/Dunlock Valley ... .. 61
Appendix: 2
Secrets, Mysteries, Legelld.~, & Hutl/olls .. . 123
Player Hamlollts .............. . .. ,.,' ,126
For my Aunt Shirley.
numb for th e s up po rt , the backing, and
everything else. O ve r th e years you've dOlle
morc for me than you' ll probably ever rC3lizc.
Keith Herber
RETURN TO DUNWICH is pubhhed ~y Cllaosium IOC.
RETUflN TOOUNWICH is c:opyrigIolC 1991 by ChaosiIrn Inc.: •• ,ighl$'~.
CAU OF CTHLtH..e is !he ,egr. ...ed Uademark ot ~um IOC.
SmiI.ilies belWOetlchar_,.1n RETUR N TO DU NWIC H ...., PI' , ..",.1Mng or doood .... ,riclt\' ~1 ...
H.P. l.oYecr.ISw<:ltbar. eopy,;ghiC 1963.196'1. 1965 trv AuQus' Oe<Ielto and ... quoted lor pox poH. fA .... u.rion.
c;"..., peirning. Interior illustrations ...., ""'PI ... CQI¥igM 0 trY Lee G _. Jom T. Snydof• ...., c..ot TripIen·StriIII: .. rights ,e_
Ror\ l.......-.g <IepicIed H. P. loYeaa~.
Tho ,,,,,,oducIion fA mal.. iallfom WIII>irIIhi. _ lor 1he purpose ot per_ or OO\pOrate profil. trv p/IoIogoljlhic. ,ler:tronic. or Q!hor melhods 01 ,etrie.~. Is p-ohibrled.
Mdr.... quesOOns and com_ (:()fl(:tfnIng ".. _ as wei .s ,_ lor ,,"" catalog. 0/ Chaosun books. g........ and suppl&mems 10
Chaoslum 1nc.!<5().A!i061to Str"" , Ookland CA M/iOII·3129. U,S.A,
CIII.oaIm PublicaIlOn 2330. 1'\IbIisI>ed" ~ay 1991
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