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The PC Serial Ports
Chapter 22
. For those who need even more serial devices (e.g., to control an electronic bulletin board system
[BBS], you can even buy devices that let you add 16, or more, serial ports to the PC. Since most PCs only
have one or two serial ports, we will concentrate on how to use COM1: and COM2: in this chapter.
Although, in theory, the PC’s original design allows system designers to implement the serial commu-
nication ports using any hardware they desire, much of today’s software that does serial communication
talks directly to the 8250 Serial Communications Chip (SCC) directly. This introduces the same compatibil-
ity problems you get when you talk directly to the parallel port hardware. However, whereas the BIOS
provides an excellent interface to the parallel port, supporting anything you would wish to do by going
directly to the hardware, the serial support is not so good. Therefore, it is common practice to bypass the
BIOS int 14h functions and control the 8250 SCC chip directly so software can access every bit of every
register on the 8250.
Perhaps an even greater problem with the BIOS code is that it does not support interrupts. Although
software controlling parallel ports rarely uses interrupt driven I/O
, it is very common to find software that
provides interrupt service routines for the serial ports. Since the BIOS does not provide such routines, any
software that wants to use interrupt driven serial I/O will need to talk directly to the 8250 and bypass BIOS
anyway. Therefore, the first part of this chapter will discuss the 8250 chip.
Manipulating the serial port is not difficult. However, the 8250 SCC contains lots of registers and pro-
vides many features. Therefore it takes a lot of code to control every feature of the chip. Fortunately, you
do not have to write that code yourself. The UCR Standard Library provides an excellent set of routines
that let you control the 8250. They even an interrupt service routine allowing interrupt driven I/O. The sec-
ond part of this chapter will present the code from the Standard Library as an example of how to program
each of the registers on the 8250 SCC.
22.1 The 8250 Serial Communications Chip
The 8250 and compatible chips (like the 16450 and 16550 devices) provide nine I/O registers. Certain
upwards compatible devices (e.g., 16450 and 16550) provide a tenth register as well. These registers con-
sume eight I/O port addresses in the PC’s address space. The hardware and locations of the addresses for
these devices are the following:
Table 81: COM Port Addresses
Physical Base Address (in hex)
BIOS variable Containing Physical Address
a. Locations 40:4 and 40:6 contain the logical addresses for COM3: and COM4:, but
we will not consider those ports here.
1. Most programs support only COM1: and COM2:. Support for additional serial devices is somewhat limited among various applications.
2. Because many parallel port adapters do not provide hardware support for interrupts.
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The RS-232 serial communication standard is probably the most popular serial communication
scheme in the world. Although it suffers from many drawbacks, speed being the primary one, it use is
widespread and there are literally thousands of devices you can connect to a PC using an RS-232 interface.
The PC supports up to four RS-232 compatible devices using the COM1:, COM2:, COM3:, and COM4:
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Chapter 22
Like the PC’s parallel ports, we can swap COM1: and COM2: at the software level by swapping their
base addresses in BIOS variable 40:0 and 40:2. However, software that goes directly to the hardware, espe-
cially interrupt service routines for the serial ports, needs to deal with hardware addresses, not logical
addresses. Therefore, we will always mean I/O base address 3F8h when we discuss COM1: in this chapter.
Likewise, we will always mean I/O base address 2F8h when we discuss COM2: in this chapter.
The base address is the first of eight I/O locations consumed by the 8250 SCC. The exact purpose of
these eight I/O locations appears in the following table:
Table 82: 8250 SCC Registers
I/O Address (hex)
Receive/Transmit data register. Also the L.O. byte of the Baud Rate Divisor
Latch register.
Interrupt Enable Register. Also the H.O. byte of the Baud Rate Divisor
Interrupt Identification Register (read only).
Line Control Register.
Modem Control Register.
Line Status Register (read only).
Modem Status Register (read only).
Shadow Receive Register (read only, not available on original PCs).
The following sections describe the purpose of each of these registers.
22.1.1 The Data Register (Transmit/Receive Register)
The data register is actually two separate registers: the transmit register and the receive register. You
select the transmit register by writing to I/O addresses 3F8h or 2F8h, you select the receive register by
reading from these addresses. Assuming the transmit register is empty, writing to the transmit register
begins a data transmission across the serial line. Assuming the receive register is full, reading the receive
register returns the data. To determine if the transmitter is empty or the receiver is full, see the Line Status
Register. Note that the Baud Rate Divisor register shares this I/O address with the receive and transmit reg-
more information on the dual use of this I/O location.
22.1.2 The Interrupt Enable Register (IER)
When operating in interrupt mode, the 8250 SCC provides four sources of interrupt: the character
received interrupt, the transmitter empty interrupt, the communication error interrupt, and the status
change interrupt. You can individually enable or disable these interrupt sources by writing ones or zeros
to the 8250 IER (Interrupt Enable Register). Writing a zero to a corresponding bit disables that particular
interrupt. Writing a one enables that interrupt. This register is read/write, so you can interrogate the cur-
rent settings at any time (for example, if you want to mask in a particular interrupt without affecting the
others). The layout of this register is
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The PC Serial Ports
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data Available Interrupt
Transmitter Empty Interrupt
Error or Break Interrupt
Status Change Interrupt
Unused (should be zero)
Serial Port Interrupt Enable Register (IER)
The interrupt enable register I/O location is also common with the Baud Rate Divisor Register. Please
see the next section and “The Line Control Register” on page 1227 for more information on the dual use of
this I/O location.
22.1.3 The Baud Rate Divisor
The Baud Rate Divisor Register is a 16 bit register that shares I/O locations 3F8h/2F8h and 3F9h/2F9h
with the data and interrupt enable registers. Bit seven of the Line Control Register (see “The Line Control
Register” on page 1227) selects the divisor register or the data/interrupt enable registers.
The Baud Rate Divisor register lets you select the data transmission rate (properly called
, or
, not baud
bits per sec-
Table 83: Baud Rate Divisor Register Values
Bits Per Second
3F9/3F9 Value
3F8/2F8 Value
3. The term “baud” describes the rate at which tones can change on a modem/telephone line. It turns out that, with normal telephone lines, the
maximum baud rate is 600 baud. Modems that operate at 1200 bps use a different technique (beyond switching tones) to increase the data transfer
rate. In general, there is no such thing as a “1200 baud,” “9600 baud,” or “14.4 kbaud” modem. Properly, these are 1200 bps, 9600bps, and 14.4K bps
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). The following table lists the values you should write to these registers to control
the transmission/reception rate:
Chapter 22
You should only operate at speeds greater than 19.2K on fast PCs with high performance SCCs (e.g.,
16450 or 16550). Furthermore, you should use high quality cables and keep your cables very short when
running at high speeds.
22.1.4 The Interrupt Identification Register (IIR)
The Interrupt Identification Register is a read-only register that specifies whether an interrupt is pend-
ing and which of the four interrupt sources requires attention. This register has the following layout:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Interrupt pending if zero (no interrupt if one)
Interrupt source:
00: Status change interrupt
01: Transmitter empty interrupt
10: Data available interrupt
11: Error or break interrupt
Always zero.
Interrupt Identification Register (IIR)
Since the IIR can only report one interrupt at a time, and it is certainly possible to have two or more
pending interrupts, the 8250 SCC prioritizes the interrupts. Interrupt source 00 (status change) has the low-
est priority and interrupt source 11 (error or break) has the highest priority; i.e., the interrupt source num-
ber provides the priority (with three being the highest priority).
The following table describes the interrupt sources and how you “clear” the interrupt value in the IIR.
If two interrupts are pending and you service the higher priority request, the 8250 SCC replaces the value
in the IIR with the identification of the next highest priority interrupt source.
Table 84: Interrupt Cause and Release Functions
ID Value
Caused By
Reset By
Error or Break
Overrun error, parity error, framing
error, or break interrupt.
Reading the Line Status Register.
Next to
Data available
Data arriving from an external
source in the Receive Register.
Reading the Receive Register.
Next to
The transmitter finishes sending
data and is ready to accept addi-
tional data.
Reading the IIR (with an interrupt
ID of 01b) or writing to the Data
Modem Status
Change in clear to send, data set
ready, ring indicator, or received
line signal detect signals.
Reading the modem status register.
One interesting point to note about the organization of the IIR: the bit layout provides a convenient
way to transfer control to the appropriate section of the SCC interrupt service routine. Consider the follow-
ing code:
al, dx
;Read IIR.
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The PC Serial Ports
bl, al
bh, 0
HandlerTbl word
RLSHandler, RDHandler, TEHandler, MSHandler
When an interrupt occurs, bit zero of the IIR will be zero. The next two bits contain the interrupt source
number and the H.O. five bits are all zero. This lets us use the IIR value as the index into a table of pointers
to the appropriate handler routines, as the above code demonstrates.
22.1.5 The Line Control Register
The Line Control Register lets you specify the transmission parameters for the SCC. This includes set-
ting the data size, number of stop bits, parity, forcing a break, and selecting the Baud Rate Divisor Register
(see “The Baud Rate Divisor” on page 1225) . The Line Control Register is laid out as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Word length,
00= 5 bits, 01= 6 bits
10= 7 bits, 11= 8 bits.
Stop bits (0=1, 1=2)
Parity enable (0=diabled, 1=enabled)
Parity control
00 = odd parity
01 = even parity
10 = parity is always 1
11 = parity is always 0
Transmit break while 1.
Baud Rate Divisor Latch
Line Control Register (LCR)
. The
start bit is a special signal that informs the SCC (or other device) that data is arriving on the serial line. The
stop bits are, essentially, the absence of a start bit to provide a small amount of time between the arrival of
consecutive characters on the serial line. By selecting two stop bits, you insert some additional time
between the transmission of each character. Some older devices may require this additional time or they
will get confused. However, almost all modern serial devices are perfectly happy with a single stop bit.
Therefore, you should usually program the chip with only one stop bit. Adding a second stop bit increases
transmission time by about 10%.
The parity bits let you enable or disable parity and choose the type of parity. Parity is an error detec-
tion scheme. When you enable parity, the SCC adds an extra bit (the parity bit) to the transmission. If you
select odd parity, the parity bit contains a zero or one so that the L.O. bit of the sum of the data and parity
start bit
, five to eight
data bits
, and one or two
stop bits
Page 1227
The 8250 SCC can transmit serial data as groups of five, six, seven, or eight bits. Most modern serial
communication systems use seven or eight bits for transmission (you only need seven bits to transmit
ASCII, eight bits to transmit binary data). By default, most applications transmit data using eight data bits.
Of course, you always read eight bits from the receive register; the 8250 SCC pads all H.O. bits with zero if
you are receiving less than eight bits. Note that if you are only transmitting ASCII characters, the serial
communications will run about 10% faster with seven bit transmission rather than with eight bit transmis-
sion. This is an important thing to keep in mind if you control both ends of the serial cable. On the other
hand, you will usually be connecting to some device that has a fixed word length, so you will have to pro-
gram the SCC specifically to match that device.
A serial data transmission consists of a
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