RuneQuest 6 - Games Masters Pack.pdf

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R u n e Q u es T
T his pack contains two scenarios for RuneQuest: Meeros Falling - an introdutory sce-
nario that follows-on from the events described in Anathaym's Saga in the RuneQuest
rules; and he Exodus Matrix, a Sword and Sorcery adventure that formed part of the
playtet for the sixth edition rules.
he remainder of the pack is a compilation of the major charts and tables used in the rules.
Also included are a set of Combat Condition markers, a summary of Combat Special Efets for
use by players, the RuneQuest Charater Sheet and Combat Tracker sheet.
he Design Mechanism wishes to thank Shawn Tomkin for his work on the Condition Mark-
ers and Special Efets summaries.
T his is an introdutory RuneQuest
Anathaym, depite having helped save
Meeros from the beat hordes commanded by
Kratos and Xenos, was placed on trial for kill-
ing Xenos, thereby breaking an age-old edit.
During her trial Anathaym represented her-
self well until the lat day when Misogynites,
Xenos’s father, appeared with documentation
proving that Anathaym was, in fat, a traitor.
His arguments were so compelling that the
Senate Court found againt Anathaym and
she was sentenced to death. As the sentence
was handed-down by the relutant queen,
the whole city was rocked by a massive earth-
tremor that caused the treets to sunder,
buildings to collapse and the populace to lee
for their lives.
When the tremors subsided Anathaym was
gone. Her nemesis, Misogynites, was found
dead – crushed beneath the fallen tatue
of Myceras, the city’s patron god. Depite
Misogynites’ death the sentence till tands
againt Anathaym. If she is caught she will be
toned outside the Senate Building.
scenario set in the city-tate of Mee-
ros, the location used throughout
Anathaym’s Saga in the RuneQuest rules.
It follows on diretly from Anathaym’s trial
and betrayal at the hands of Misogynites and
involves the charaters in the aftermath of the
terrible earthquake that truck the city.
he scenario can, of course, be set any-
where Games Maters wish. However as the
aim is to introduce new players and charac-
ters to the game, using Meeros makes a cer-
tain degree of sense.
Players should create new charaters for
the scenario. hey should all be Civilised, citi-
zens of Meeros, and can be from any social
class – although having the same or similar
social class will help to a certain degree. Char-
aters can be from any profession and may be
initiates of the Cult of Myceras. In fat, we
recommend that at leat one charater be a
Myceras cultit and perhaps have access to
some Folk Magic and/or heism pells.
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2 RuneQuest 2 Meeros Falling
Anathaym’s siter, Kara, is a ranking priet-
ess of Myceras. She watched in horror as her
siter was condemned and, with no alterna-
tive, called on her god to send a symbol of
Anathaym’s innocence. Myceras is not a sub-
tle deity and he tormed across the God Plane
causing the very earth beneath to shake and
crumble. Misogynites certainly got what was
coming to him, and the earthquake gave Ana-
thaym a chance to escape, but her ordeal is
not over unless she can prove her innocence.
Misogynites, a wily and scheming politi-
cian, had fabricated the evidence againt Ana-
thaym. It was his scheme to help depose the
queen, her place being taken by his son, Xenos
and the sorcerer Kratos. Misogynites would
then rule from behind the scenes. Anathaym
ruined that plan and he was determined to
have his revenge. Misogynites bribed cer-
tain warriors of the Myceras cult to peak
againt her and employed forgers to fabricate
In the chaos of the earthquake Anathaym
led. Her old sword mater, Zamothis, helped
smuggle her out of the city and to safety.
He has secretly conveyed word to Kara and
pledged to do all he can to help her prove
Anathaym’s innocence. Kara is now planning
how to do this. She needs help – and help
from people unassociated with her family…
wall being extended successively to counter
both human and non-human invaders.
he city recognises many gods and a hand-
ful of ancetor pirits. he patron god is Myc-
eras, a god of war, thunder and protetion. He
is depited as either a bull or a minotaur and
the Meerish share worship of Myceras with
the neighbouring minotaur herds – although
they do not agree on how Myceras should be
worshipped, which leads to conlits.
Meeros is ruled by Queen Herothos. She
has been on the throne for eighteen years and
is well-loved. However in recent years some
have been openly critical of her tyle, particu-
larly in dealing with the Badoshi Warlords
who grow increasingly bold in their raids on
Meerish territories. Beneath the queen is the
Senate which consits of thirty eleted repre-
sentatives who peak for the people. A group
of six senators form the Queen’s Voice which
is the body that advises Herothos diretly.
hese are all loyal, truted, experienced politi-
cians with many years’ service. he queen also
has an inner council consiting of appointed
advisers, family members and the High Priets
of each major temple in the city.
Meeros is a busy port and boats the larg-
et deep-water harbour in the region. his
makes it rich as many come from all over the
world to trade. Trade levies are an important
source of revenue and so any threat from
outside that would injure port traic is taken
extremely seriously.
he city is proteted by the City Guard,
tationed inside the walls, and reponsible
for policing Meeros; and the army, which is
based outside the walls and is reponsible for
proteting the city as a whole. Every man and
woman over the age of 14 is expeted to serve
in either the Guard or Army for a minimum
of two years. Exemptions can be bought, but
mot choose to serve. Others become career
soldiers. here is considerable rivalry between
the Guard and Army even though they are
both highly trained and highly efetive.
he Scarlet Spears
his elite brotherhood
of warriors ats as the
queen's personal body-
guard and also ats as
a pecialised wing of the
City Guard, serving the
queen's needs diretly.
hey have powers of
arret and only the mot
trutworthy warriors
are allowed to join.
In the wake of the earth-
quake the Scarlet Spears
have been concerned
with securing the palace
and ensuring the queen's
safety. However they are
appalled at Anathaym's
apparent betrayal.
Meeros is a large city-tate of around
170,000 people. Built on a high, hilly penin-
sula it is walled on mot sides, with its south-
ern side facing towards the sea. he north-
ern part of the city is the oldet area and it
was originally a defensive outpot built on a
large promontory. Over three centuries it has
expanded to its current size, with its defensive
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RuneQuest 2 Meeros Falling
Within the walls the city is divided into
several ditrits:
the charaters in touch with Kara, brokering
their irt meeting. If Kara is involved diretly,
she requets, through the Myceras charater,
for a meeting with the whole group.
҉ Palace – the area surrounding the Royal
Palace buildings
҉ Temple – the area dominated by the
major temples of Meeros
҉ Senate – the area around the Senate
҉ Port – the harbour and port area, bor-
dering the sea
҉ Mercantile – in the eat of the city,
between Port and the North Gate. his
is where the main markets and bazaar
are located.
҉ Mansion – where the high-ranking and
wealthy live
҉ Metropolis – where the ret of the citi-
zenry lives; there are diferent regions,
ranging from opulent to pverty tricken,
as with any city.
he meeting takes place at the home of a
man named Abantes – a friend of both Mas-
ter Zamothis and Anathaym’s family. he
house is located in Mansion, on the wet side,
overlooking the sea. Abantes, a portly, bald
wine merchant, greets the charaters like old
friends, and shows them to the garden which,
in traditional Meerish tyle, is fully enclosed
by the four walls of the house. His house was
pared the rigors of the earthquake; ‘Some
broken tiles, a vase my wife adored but I hated,
and several urns of rather plendid wine that
will be diicult to replace.’ He sighs and mops
his brow. ‘Such is life.’
he garden is well-kept and tranquil. A
fountain in the shape of Tridea, the Meer-
ish Sea Goddess, bubbles in the centre and
arranged around it are several tone benches.
Seated at one is a petite, blond-haired young
woman who wears her hair piled in an ornate
tyle and the clean, white linen robes of a Myc-
eras prietess. his is Kara. Abantes fusses for
a little while, summoning his slaves with wine,
sweetmeats and other treats, but makes him-
self scarce when Kara gives him a curt little
nod and thanks him for his hopitality.
‘Mater Abantes gave me my irt tate of
wine,’ she says as he leaves. ‘I was four at the
time and dreadfully sick all night. He’s such a
rogue, but a good and truted friend of myself
and my siter.’
Of course, all the charaters have heard of
Anathaym: her trial was the talk of the city. But
the charaters may not know Kara. An Insight
or Locale roll can be used to undertand who
she is. Kara waits before introducing herself,
he earthquake Myceras created has
caused havoc across the city’s ditrits. As
this was not a natural earthquake the detruc-
tion does not follow the patterns of tetonic
ativity, but rather resembles the trampling
hooves of a colossal bull. Gods and Mansion
ditrits are the wort afeted, but damage
has been felt in all parts with many killed,
maimed or injured. Huge issures mark where
Myceras tamped and forced the earth to sun-
der; elsewhere buildings have been caused to
sag, partially collapse, or sufer nothing more
than cracks. Prayers and oferings to Myceras
have quadrupled in recent days.
Ideally one of the charaters should have
Kara or Mater Zamothis as a contat or ally.
If any of the charaters is a Myceras cultit,
then they will have had contat with Kara
during rituals and ceremonies. If not, then
perhaps they have received training at Mas-
ter Zamothis’s pretigious martial school –
the same where Anathaym herself trained. If
Mater Zamothis is the contat then he puts
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