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Layout 1
TS -590 S
Distinctive Performance
Uncover the Hidden
The TS-590S marks a bold new chapter in Kenwood’s proud
Best dynamic range in its class versus
off-frequency interference
history of manufacturing high-performance transceivers.
Featuring a narrow-band Roong Filter the TS-590S signicantly
500 Hz / 2.7 kHz Roong Filters
32-bit oating point DSP
reduces interference from unwanted signals, which results in
100 W heavy-duty design
Automatic antenna tuner
excellent RX performance revealing signals that would be hidden
to lesser rigs. With IF AGC based on advanced DSP technology,
USB port for PC connectivity
Kenwood has essentially redened HF performance.
Built to satisfy the most demanding DX’er, this high-performance
HFtransceivertakesAmateurRadiotothenextlevelcontinuing the
Kenwood tradition of operating ease and rugged reliability.
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SuperbRXPerformance: Excellent
Reciprocal Mixing
reciprocalmixing, anoff-channel
ofasignalgenerator, whichis
canbedetectedasnoise. Thehigher
thegure, thelessnoisewillbe
Thanks to a narrow-band Roong Filter and dedicated 1st
Mixer, this new transceiver offers the best dynamic range
in its class to handle adjacent unwanted signals.
Powerful500 Hz/2.7 kHzRoongFilter
On 15, 20, 40, 80 or 160 meters, the TS-590S employs down
conversion* for the rst IF (11.374 MHz). Having the 1st Roong
Filter (6 kHz BW) directly after the Mixer enhances the noise
blanker’s ability to deal with adjacent off-frequency signals.
What really determines RX performance is the 2nd Roong Filter,
after the post amplier. The TS-590S comes equipped with a
500 Hz and 2.7 KHz BW 6-pole MCF. This results in superb
dynamic range when adjacent signals are present, performance
that was not previously
possible using up conversion.
So even when an interfering
signal approaches the target
frequency, a virtually at
dynamic range is maintained.
Even with strong adjacent
interference, you can capture
a clear signal.
AD9951 from Analog Devices, Inc
In addition to basic functions such as AGC, digital IF
lters, detection and demodulation, a wide range of
features including noise reduction and IF notch are all
implemented with the latest algorithms.
*For1.8/3.5/7/14/21 MHzAmateurbands, whenreceivinginCW/FSK/SSBmodes
downconversionisselectedautomaticallyifthenalpassbandis2.7 kHzorless.
The TS-590S employs DSP from the IF stage onward. Kenwood
was the rst to offer DSP-based IF AGC in an Amateur radio
(TS-870) and this DSP technology has been further enhanced
for the TS-590S, resulting in the development of a unique
approach to IF AGC. It is possible to apply level-optimized AGC
even for signals that slip between the Roong Filter and the nal
IF passband. You can be condent of optimum operation at all
times, without having to think about the Roong Filter bandwidth.
Gain control performance has been greatly improved for the target
signal in the nal IF passband (RX band). This results in in-band
IMD (intermodulation distortion)
characteristics on a par with those
of top-of-the-line transceivers. You
can enjoy superb RX with
next-generation Kenwood sound.
Texas Instruments TMS320C6726B
characteristics, signicantlycuttingnoisegenerated
For the 1st local oscillator frequency, instead of employing
conventional PLL/VCO, the output of a DDS (Direct Digital
Synthesizer) is supplied directly to the following Mixer. When down
conversion is active, the oscillator frequency is lower than it is with up
conversion, so the output boasts even better C/N (Carrier to Noise
ratio) characteristics and a desirable level of reciprocal mixing.
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IF auto-notch* & manual notch**
Automatic and manual notch are both implemented at the IF
stage. By removing a powerful interfering signal with a notch lter,
you can capture a weak target signal. With the IF auto-notch,
notch frequency automatically tracks the beat frequency. The
notch lter has such sharp characteristics that it is not possible
to adjust it manually. Manual
notch, however, offers not
only manual adjustment of the
notch frequency, but also the
choice of either normal or wide
attenuation to suit the type of
interference being encountered.
Adjustable IF lter passband
By adjusting the DSP lter passband, you can tailor interference
removal to suit your needs. This provides slope tuning in SSB/AM/FM
modes, and bandwidth width/shift control for CW/FSK/SSB-DATA
Analog & Digital noise blanking (NB1 / NB2)
In addition to the analog noise blanker (NB1), which has a
proven track record for eliminating weak noise, this transceiver
is equipped with a newly developed digital noise blanker (NB2).
Just pick the blanker which is more effective for the type of noise
encountered and the RX conditions. NB1 offers stable noise
suppression independent of RX bandwidth because, during down
conversion, the noise that has passed through the 1st Roong
Filter (NB lter) is fed to the NB circuit. The NB2 employs a newly
developed envelope tracking method, making it effective against
noise that dees tracking by an analog noise blanker.
Slope Tune
By adjusting HI/LOW cut, it is possible to avoid
interference on one or both sides
of the target signal.
If the interference is on one side only,
you can shift the central frequency
without changing bandwidth.
You can also avoid an adjacent unwanted sig-
nal by narrowing the passband.
DSP noise reduction (NR1 / NR2)
In addition to conventional NR1 and NR2, NR1 now employs a
newly developed spectral-subtraction approach that is specially
designed to remove noise in speech modes. The optimum noise
reduction method is applied for each RX mode.
Options and defaults for each mode (default settings in bold)
Spectral-subtraction noise reduction has been developed with a
focus on improving speech clarity for weak SSB signals. Thanks
to this advanced technology, which makes use of the processing
power of the 32-bit oating-point DSP, you can capture a target
signal that is swamped by
noise, without suffering any
loss in quality. For the
non-speech modes (CW/FSK),
a line enhancer offers tried
and true noise reduction.
Whichever method is used, the
degree of attenuation can be
adjusted smoothly.
SSB mode
LOWCUT: 0, 50, 100, 200, 300 , 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000Hz
HICUT : 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 , 2.8, 3.0, 3.4, 4.0, 5.0kHz
CW mode
WIDTH : 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500 , 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500Hz
SHIFT : 300Hzto1kHz(50Hzsteps)
WIDTH : 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 Hz
SHIFT : 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 , 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2210Hz
AM mode (AF lter for LOW cut)
LOWCUT: 0, 100 , 200, 300Hz
HICUT : 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 kHz
FSK mode
WIDTH : 250, 500 , 1000, 1500Hz
FM mode (AF lter)
LOWCUT: 0, 50, 100, 200, 300 , 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000Hz
HICUT : 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 , 2.8, 3.0, 3.4, 4.0, 5.0kHz
Noise Reduction
NR1: Noise level is estimated and that
alone is subtracted, thus emphasizing
the target signal.
Kenwood’s original NR2 is SPAC-based noise reduction that ex-
tracts a periodic signal. SPAC is ideal for CW operations as it
can suppress noise at the same frequency as the target signal.
You can adjust correlation time
in 2 ms increments from 2 ms
to 20 ms (10 steps). NR2 is not
available for FM.
Simple IF lter A/B switching
You can, for example, set Filter A
for a wide passband, and Filter
B for a narrow passband. When
searching for a particular station
during CW operations you can
then use the Filter A, switching
to the narrower Filter B once communications are initiated. In this
way, you can easily switch between 2 preset DSP lters as needed.
Noise Reduction
IF Auto Notch
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Beat cancel (BC1 / BC2)
Whereas IF auto notch is
effective against a single,
powerful beat, the beat
cancel feature comes into
its own when there are
multiple, relatively weak
beats. Choose BC1 to remove
weak and/or continuous beat
interference, and BC2 to
handle intermittent beat, like that of a CW signal. Since this can
be used in conjunction with IF auto notch, even more effective
beat cancellation is possible. (SSB/AM/FM only)
Beat Cancel
Multiple beats can be cancelled.
Optional TCXO
The TCXO (temperature compensated crystal oscillator), which is
available as an option, ensures superb frequency stability (±0.5ppm)
throughout a wide temperature range, from -10°C to +50°C.
Drive output (including 135kHz band)
The DRV terminal provides external access to the TX drive
output (approx. 0 dBm). This is not just handy when a transverter
is attached: the main antenna terminal cannot be used for
transmission on the 135 kHz band, but this DRV terminal lls that
need. Convenience is further enhanced when combined with the
dedicated RX antenna terminal.
Note: Aseparatelicenserthe2200 meterbandmayberequired.
Beat Cancel OFF
Beat Cancel ON
Speech processor (SSB/AM/FM)
The speech processor enhances the clarity of messages for the
receiving station by raising average TX power. And as well as
adjusting compression level, you can switch between soft and
hard modes.
Kenwood’s attention to detail is evident in both TX and
RX performance.
Adjustable TX lter (SSB/AM)
The TX lter passband is switchable. Since the high-pass and
low-pass cut-off frequencies can be switched independently, you
can have ne control over lter operation.
TX equalizer (SSB/AM/FM)
The equalizer offers at (default), high boost (2 types), Formant
pass (to minimize extraneous sounds), bass boost (2 types),
conventional and user settings (using the ARCP-590). It is
possible to adjust frequency characteristics to suit the voice
quality and microphone characteristics on the transmitting end.
Stableoperationguaranteed. Designedfor
100Wheavy-duty design
The cooling system features a pair of 60 x 60 mm fans, the same
size as on the previous model. Having two fans provides sufcient
air ow at low rpm, ensuring quiet operation. Meticulous attention
has been paid not only to the fans and motors but also to the
size and shape of the intake/exhaust vents as a comprehensive
approach to noise reduction. The aluminum die-cast chassis
is combined with a large heat sink to enhance heat dissipation
efciency, minimizing the rise in
temperature in the nal section
during continuous TX sessions.
This heavy-duty design is
capable of withstanding long
hours of operation under
grueling conditions typical of
contests or DXpeditions.
TX monitor
This outputs the TX audio via the speaker allowing you to check
your own sound quality.
Other TX features
VOX function (adjustable gain, selectable delay time) Adjustable
TX power output Adjustable MIC gain Adjustable CAR level
CW auto tune
With just the press of a button, you can automatically zero in on a
target frequency for CW reception. During RIT operations, it will also
tune in to the RIT frequency.
Built-in automatic antenna tuner
(compatible with 5 MHz band)
The preset-type automatic antenna tuner enables quick band
changing and can even operate
when the TS-590S is receiving.
When the TX frequency
changes, the preset data
(stored separately for each
antenna band) is loaded into
the antenna tuner circuit to
ensure that optimum matching
is rapidly achieved without
having to retune.
2 key terminals on rear panel
Thanks to both an electronic keyer (built-in) paddle terminal and a
separate one for an external keyer, PC keying is possible even when
a paddle is connected.
Other CW features
Support for full break-in and semi break-in (semi break-in delay
time: 50ms~1000ms) Memory keyer (max. 4-channel message
memory) Pitch control (300~1000Hz) Side tone monitor with
10-step volume control Electronic keyer (selectable key speed,
squeeze A/B modes) Microphone paddle mode CW reverse
mode CW auto transmit (in SSB mode, a simple key-press will
switch automatically to CW)
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