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Radiol Clin N Am 45 (2007) 183–205
Imaging of Bladder Cancer
Jingbo Zhang, MD a, *, Scott Gerst, MD b , Robert A. Lefkowitz, MD a ,
Ariadne Bach, MD b
- Detection and staging
Major prognostic factors
CT imaging
MR imaging
Intravenous urography
Nuclear scintigraphy
Other diagnostic considerations
- Treatment planning
- Post-treatment imaging
- Summary
- References
Bladder cancer is the fourth most common can-
cer in men and the tenth most common cancer in
women in the United States, with 61,420 new diag-
noses and 13,060 deaths expected to occur in 2006
[1] . According to the National Cancer Institute’s
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
(SEER) Program, between 1998 and 2002, the
age-adjusted incidence and death rates for bladder
cancer were 21.3 and 4.4 per 100,000 population,
respectively. Between 1995 and 2001, the overall
5-year survival rate for bladder cancer was 81.8%
[2] . Bladder cancers occur three to four times
more often in men than in women [2,3] . The age
at diagnosis is generally older than 40 years; the me-
dian age is in the mid-60s.
The urinary bladder is an extraperitoneal struc-
ture surrounded by pelvic fat. The peritoneum
forms a serosal covering that is present only over
the bladder dome. The bladder wall consists of
four layers: uroepithelium lining the bladder lu-
men, the vascular lamina propria, the muscularis
propria consisting of bundles of smooth detrusor
muscle, and the outermost adventitia formed by
connective tissue [4] .
More than 95% of bladder tumors arise from
the uroepithelium (epithelial tumors), including
urothelial tumors (over 90%), squamous cell carci-
nomas (6% to 8%), and adenocarcinomas (2%)
[5,6] . Urothelial tumors (or transitional cell carci-
noma, TCC) exhibit a spectrum of neoplasia rang-
ing from a benign papilloma through carcinoma
in situ to invasive carcinoma [5] . Adenocarcinomas
may be of urachal origin or of nonurachal origin
[7] , with the urachal type typically occurring in
the dome of the bladder in the embryonal remnant
of the urachus [8] . Squamous cell carcinoma is as-
sociated strongly with a history of recurrent urinary
tract infection or bladder calculus [9] . Much rarer
epithelial tumors include small cell/neuroendo-
crine carcinoma (1%, with or without associated
paraneoplastic syndrome), carcinoid tumors, and
melanoma [10] . Epithelial tumors may have
a mixed histology, such as urothelial and squamous
or urothelial and adenocarcinoma. These are
treated as urothelial carcinomas [11] .
Mesenchymal bladder tumors can be benign (leio-
myoma, paraganglioma, fibroma, plasmacytoma,
hemangioma, solitary fibrous tumor, neurofibroma,
a Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, C278D, New York, NY 10021, USA
b Cornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, NY, USA
* Corresponding author. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, C278D, New York, NY
E-mail address: zhangj12@mskcc.org (J. Zhang).
0033-8389/07/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Zhang et al
and lipoma) or malignant (rhabdomyosarcoma, leio-
myosarcoma, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma) [10] .
The pathogenesis of urothelial tumors is direct
prolonged contact of the bladder urothelium with
urine containing excreted carcinogens [10] . This is
reflected in the propensity for urothelial carcinoma
to be multicentric with synchronous and metachro-
nous involvement of the entire urinary tract (blad-
der and upper tract) [10] . Approximately 30% of
bladder cancer patients present with multifocal dis-
ease in the bladder and sometimes widespread asso-
ciated areas of squamous metaplasia and carcinoma
in situ [12] . Out of the patients who initially present
with upper tract lesions, 11% to 13% percent will
develop additional upper tract neoplasms, while
up to 50% will develop metachronous tumors in
the urinary bladder. Only approximately 5% of pa-
tients who initially present with bladder TCC, how-
ever, will develop metachronous tumors in the
upper urinary tract, (this is especially likely to occur
when multiple bladder lesions are present) [13–
15] . Patients may start with papillary low-grade tu-
mors, which subsequently may develop into sessile,
diffuse high-grade tumors that are much more
likely to be invasive at recurrence [16] . The presence
of carcinoma in situ is associated with an increased
incidence of recurrence and an increased likelihood
of developing invasive disease [12] .
The most well-established risk factor for bladder
cancer is cigarette smoking [4] , but chemical carcin-
ogens (such as aniline, benzidine, aromatic amines,
and azo dyes) also are thought to predispose to the
development of TCC; these substances are metabo-
lized and excreted into the urine as carcinogens that
act upon the urothelium. Therefore occupation is
the second most important risk factor after smok-
ing, estimated to account for as much as 20% of
all bladder cancer in the past [17] . Increased risk
of bladder cancer still exists for workers and former
workers in the dye, rubber, and chemical industries,
and probably among painters, leather workers, and
shoemakers, as well as metal workers [18–25] . Die-
sel exhaust also has been shown to moderately in-
crease the risk of bladder cancer [26] . Analgesic
abuse and urine stasis from structural abnormali-
ties, such as horseshoe kidneys, also are associated
with an increased incidence of these tumors [13] .
A history of recurrent urinary tract infection or blad-
der calculus is related strongly to the development
of bladder cancer, squamous cell carcinoma in par-
ticular [9] . This is also evidenced by elevated risk of
bladder cancer in patients with spinal cord injury in
whom chronic cystitis is inevitable [4] . Squamous
cell carcinoma also is associated with Schistosoma
haematobium infection and accounts for 40% of ep-
ithelial tumors in endemic areas [4,27] . Adenocar-
cinoma of nonurachal origin generally is thought
to arise from metaplasia of chronically irritated
transitional epithelium. Other important risk fac-
tors associated with the patient’s medical history in-
clude prior radiation therapy to the pelvis [28] and
prior treatment for malignancy with certain chemo-
therapy agents, in particular cyclophosphamide
[4,29] . In addition, hormonal factors may play
a role in oncogenic process of bladder cancer [4] .
Although only a small fraction of patients has an
affected family member, heredity may play a role in
some cases of bladder cancer, as the risk of develop-
ing the disease increases almost twofold when
a first-degree relative carries the diagnosis of urothe-
lial tumor [30–33] . Familial clustering of urothelial
carcinoma also has been reported [30,32] . Cytoge-
netic and molecular genetic analyses of tumors car-
ried by these families may contribute substantially
to the understanding of urothelial tumor pathogen-
esis on a molecular level [34] .
Detection and staging
It is thought that patients at high risk for bladder
cancer probably benefit from screening, although
there are no conclusive data proving that screening
reduces mortality from bladder cancer [4] . Screen-
ing has been conducted mainly by hematuria test-
ing and urine cytology, although the optimal
screening test and testing interval are uncertain [4] .
The most common symptom leading to the detec-
tion of bladder cancer is hematuria, typically macro-
scopic and painless, in over 80% of patients [4,35] .
If enough urine samples are tested, nearly all pa-
tients with cystoscopically detectable bladder cancer
have at least microhematuria [36] . Among patients
presenting with macroscopic hematuria, up to
13% to 28% have bladder cancer [4] . Although
the incidence of bladder cancer is low in patients
who have microscopic hematuria, in some investi-
gations, it increases up to 7.5% in patients over 50
years of age [4,37] . The second most common pre-
sentation of bladder cancer is urinary frequency, ur-
gency, and dysuria resulting from irritation and
reduced bladder capacity [4] . Less commonly,
patients may present with urinary tract infection,
or for a more advanced lesion, urinary obstruction,
pelvic pain and pressure, or a palpable pelvic mass
[4] . Very rarely, patients present with symptoms of
advanced disease such as weight loss and abdomi-
nal or bone pain from distant metastases [4] .
When bladder cancer is suspected, numerous
diagnostic tests or procedures can be performed
to evaluate the patient, including urinalysis and
voided urine cytology, cystoscopy, and imaging
studies such as CT, MR imaging, and less frequently,
intravenous urography (IVU) [38] . Typically a pa-
tient with suspicious presentations is evaluated by
Bladder Cancer Imaging 185
office cystoscopy to determine whether a lesion is
present. For purely papillary lesions or cases in
which only the mucosa appears abnormal, suggest-
ing carcinoma in situ, CT is not recommended, as it
rarely alters the management in these circum-
stances. Clinical staging for disease of stage T2
and above, however, is less accurate. It is estimated
that clinical staging is inaccurate in 25% to 50% of
patients who have invasive cancers [39] . Therefore
if cystoscopic appearance of the bladder tumor is
sessile, high-grade, or includes other signs sugges-
tive of invasion into muscle, CT of the abdomen
and pelvis is recommended for staging before the
patient undergoes transurethral resection of the
bladder tumor (TURBT) to confirm the diagnosis
and determine the extent of tumor within the blad-
der. When muscle invasive disease in the bladder is
found by TURBT, evaluation of upper tract collect-
ing system, examination under anesthesia, and
further staging with chest radiograph and cross-
sectional imaging of the abdomen and pelvis are
recommended for complete staging. A bone scan
should be obtained when alkaline phosphatase is
elevated or a patient presents with symptoms.
Box 1: TNM staging table for bladder cancer
T—Primary tumor
TX—Primary tumor cannot be assessed.
T0—No evidence of primary tumor
Ta—Noninvasive papillary carcinoma
Tis—Carcinoma in situ
T1—Tumor invades subepithelial connective
T2—Tumor invades muscle.
pT2a—Tumor invades superficial muscle.
pT2b—Tumor invades deep muscle.
T3—Tumor invades perivesical tissue.
pT3a—Tumor invades perivesical tissue
pT3b—Tumor invades perivesical tissue
T4—Tumor invades any of the following: pros-
tate, uterus, vagina, pelvic wall, or abdomi-
nal wall.
T4a—Tumor invades the prostate, uterus, or
T4b—Tumor invades the pelvic wall, abdom-
inal wall (The suffix ‘‘m’’ is added to the ap-
propriate T category to indicate multiple
lesions. The suffix ‘‘is’’ may be added to any
T to indicate the presence of associated carci-
noma in situ.)
N—Regional lymph nodes
NX—Regional lymph nodes cannot be
N0—No regional lymph node metastasis
N1—Metastasis in a single lymph node less
than or equal to 2 cm in greatest dimension
N2—Metastasis in a single lymph node, greater
than 2 cm but less than or equal to 5 cm in
greatest dimension; or multiple lymph no-
des, less than or equal to 5 cm in greatest
N3—Metastasis in a lymph node, greater than
5 cm in greatest dimension
M—Distant metastasis
MX—Distant metastasis cannot be assessed.
M0—No distant metastasis
M1—Distant metastasis
Major prognostic factors
Bladder cancer is a heterogeneous and frequently
multifocal disease with a variable clinical course.
The major prognostic factors in carcinoma of the
bladder are the depth of invasion into the bladder
wall and the degree of differentiation or pathologic
grade of the tumor. Approximately 70% to 80% of
patients with newly diagnosed bladder cancer will
present with superficial bladder tumors (ie, stage
Ta, Tis, or T1) that are mostly well differentiated
and often can be cured. The pathologic grade of tu-
mor has a greater impact on the management of
these noninvasive tumors, because most muscle-
invasive tumors (T2 and above) are high grade.
The most commonly used staging system is that
of the American Joint Committee on Cancer
(AJCC), the TNM system [40] ( Box 1 ). The patient’s
overall disease stage is determined by AJCC stage
groupings ( Box 2 ). Cancer-specific survival for pa-
tients who have bladder cancer is correlated highly
with the tumor stage ( Table 1 ). The 5-year survival
rate is 55% to 80% for patients with bladder cancer
confined to the lamina propria treated with cystec-
tomy, but it drops to 40% with muscular invasion,
20% with perivesical invasion, and 6% with meta-
static disease [41] .
Precise staging is critical for preoperative plan-
ning and prognosis. The clinical staging of bladder
cancer is determined by the depth of invasion of the
bladder wall, performed with a cystoscopic exami-
nation that includes a biopsy, and examination un-
der anesthesia to assess the size and mobility of
palpable masses, the degree of thickening of the
bladder wall, and the presence of extravesical exten-
sion or invasion of adjacent organs. Clinical staging
often underestimates the extent of tumor, particu-
larly in cancers that are less differentiated and
more deeply invasive.
CT imaging
CT is the imaging modality of choice for the work-
up of patients presenting with hematuria. It also is
indicated in patients with high-grade bladder can-
cer raising suspicion for muscle invasion. Routine
contrast-enhanced CT examinations are useful for
Zhang et al
Box 2: Stage grouping for bladder cancer
Stage 0a—Ta, N0, M0
Stage 0is—Tis, N0, M0
Stage I—T1, N0, M0
Stage II
T2a, N0, M0
T2b, N0, M0
Stage III
T3a, N0, M0
T3b, N0, M0
T4a, N0, M0
Stage IV
T4b, N0, M0
Any T, N1, M0
Any T, N2, M0
Any T, N3, M0
Any T, any N, M1
iodinated intravenous contrast. The advantages of
CTU are made possible by multidetector helical
CT with volumetric acquisition, which provides
fast acquisition of high-resolution images and al-
lows multiplanar reconstruction.
Although some institutions use combined axial
CTU with conventional overhead radiograph or
CT scanned projection radiograph (tomogram/
topogram) imaging [44] , dedicated CTU with im-
age postprocessing has proven to be robust and ver-
satile, supplanting combined imaging at many
institutions. Protocols differ among institutions.
At the authors’ institution, CTU is performed with-
out oral contrast, using combined intravenous non-
ionic iodinated contrast (150 mL at 2.5 mL/s in
a patient with normal renal function) and saline
bolusing (400 cc). Thin-section precontrast, post-
contrast, and delayed excretory phase images are
obtained. Precontrast images covering the area
from the top of the kidneys to the bottom of the
bladder are essential for evaluating the presence of
urinary calculi. They also provide a baseline attenu-
ation measurement for evaluating the degree and
pattern of enhancement for any incidentally identi-
fied lesions of the urinary tract [45] . Postcontrast
images typically are performed during the renal pa-
renchymal phase (approximately 90 seconds after
initiation of the intravenous contrast injection),
and they cover the entire abdomen and pelvis.
These images are helpful in the identification of en-
hancing urothelial lesions, incidental renal cortical
masses, and other abdominal/pelvic abnormalities
such as hepatic metastases and lymphadenopathy
Earlier phase imaging, such as arterial phase imag-
ing targeting the kidneys or bladder, has been sug-
gested by some investigators to be useful for
evaluating TCC [46] . The excretory phase images
(typically achieved with a scan delay of 10 minutes
or more) provide substantial additional informa-
tion, both in confirming enhancing lesions as true
lesions and not pseudolesions related to focal opa-
cified urine arising from a ureteral jet within the
bladder lumen [47] , and in demonstrating discrete
filling defects caused by tumor not evident on ear-
lier scans. If the urinary tract is not well distended
and opacified with contrast throughout its entire
course, then additional delayed images may be ac-
quired targeting the nonopacified portion up to
two times. Putting the patient in the prone position,
applying abdominal compression, or both, may
help distend the urinary collecting system. In the
setting of frank hydronephrosis, the patient may
be allowed to return to the CT department 30 or
60 minutes later for delayed imaging. The excretory
phase images are reconstructed further into thin
overlapping sections, which then are transferred
to a workstation for three-dimensional post-
detecting metastases, but they may be inadequate
for detecting and staging local urothelial lesions.
In the setting of hematuria, CT urography (CTU)
can be used as a one-stop-shop examination to eval-
uate the entire urinary system and diagnose possi-
ble causes of hematuria, including lithiasis, other
benign etiologies, renal parenchymal lesions, and
urothelial neoplasms, thus eliminating the need
for additional imaging. In the presence of urothelial
tumor, the detailed evaluation of the entire urinary
system provided by CTU [42] is essential, as pa-
tients with urothelial tumor may have multifocal
disease. In terms of cancer staging, CTU can detect
direct perirenal, periureteral, and extravesical tumor
spread, as well as lymphadenopathy and distant
metastases. Compared with traditional excretory ur-
ography, CTU requires a shorter examination time
and has greater accuracy for detecting urothelial le-
sions [43] . CTU also allows more detailed evalua-
tion of the renal parenchyma and perirenal tissues
and permits better evaluation of obstructed collect-
ing systems than does excretory urography [13] .
Therefore, for evaluating urinary tract neoplasms
and the work-up for hematuria, CTU is the imaging
modality of choice for patients who can tolerate
Table 1: Survival rates for bladder cancer
by stage
Bladder cancer
Relative 5-year survival
Data from the National Cancer Database. Comission on
cancer, American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL.
Bladder Cancer Imaging 187
Fig. 1. A coronal maximum intensity projection image
obtained from excretory phase CT urography (CTU)
shows bilateral urinary collecting systems and blad-
der are opacified with contrast.
on the postprocessed images, however, needs to be
confirmed on the axial source images. In addition,
three-dimensional reconstructions alone have
been shown to have a suboptimal sensitivity in de-
tecting upper tract lesions, even in retrospect [48] .
Therefore they are considered supplementary only
and do not replace acquired axial source images
for accurate interpretation. In one study by Caoili
and colleagues, 24 of 27 upper urinary tract neo-
plasms were detected with CTU. Of note, 21 of 27
lesions in this study were missed using the three-
dimensional reconstructed images alone (especially
small tumors or tumors that presented with wall
thickening without distortion of the lumen; similar
types of tumors frequently are missed on excretory
urography). Twenty of the 24 detected lesions
were visible on the axial source images using
a soft tissue window that allowed visualization of
ureteral or pelvic wall thickening. The remaining
four lesions only could be seen using a wide win-
dow (bone window) that allowed visualization of
small intraluminal lesions that were obscured on
soft tissue windows by the high density of the ex-
creted contrast material [43] . Therefore it was sug-
gested that the axial source images should be
viewed with both bone and soft tissue windows to
achieve the highest diagnostic accuracy [43] .
Virtual cystoscopy, obtained by manipulating
CTU data acquired through the contrast-filled blad-
der during the excretory phase, allows navigation
within a three-dimensional model, and has shown
promise for detecting bladder mucosal lesions [49] .
Further investigation to assess for added value of
virtual cystoscopy, when compared with current
processing ( Fig. 1 ). Table 2 shows a typical CTU
protocol at the authors’ institution for a 16-slice
multidetector scanner (LightSpeed 16; General
Electric, Milwaukee, Wisconsin).
Numerous different image postprocessing algo-
rithms (either volume rendering of entire data set,
thick slab averaging, or maximum intensity projec-
tions), are available for CTU to provide three-di-
mensional visualization of the urinary tract, or
reconstruct IVP-like projectional images. The major
role of postprocessed images is to provide a general
overview of the anatomy and accentuate the areas
of abnormality ( Fig. 2 ). Any abnormality visualized
Table 2: CT urography
Scan rotation speed
18.75 mm/rotation
18.75 mm/rotation
13.75 mm/rotation
Slice thickness/
spacing (mm)
2.5 2.5 mm
2.5 2.5 mm
2.5 2.5 mm
Tube rotation speed
0.8 s rotation
0.8 s rotation
0.8 s rotation
Anatomical coverage
Top of kidneys to
pubic symphysis
Top of liver to pubic
Top of kidneys to
pubic symphysis
1.25 0.8 mm
Injection (rate/time/
1. 200 cc intravenous
saline bolus
2. 150 cc at 2.5 cc/s
3. 200 cc intravenous
saline bolus
Injection to scan
delay (sec)
92 s after beginning
of intravenous
contrast injection
10 minutes
Oral contrast
Abdominal compression
Apply unless patient has known hydronephrosis/obstruction, recent surgery, or abdominal pain. Apply just before begin-
ning injection and release at 5 minutes.
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