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Alterations in the
Endocrine System
Organization and Control
of the Endocrine System
T he endocrine system is involved in all of the integrative
The Endocrine System
Paracrine and Autocrine Actions
Eicosanoids and Retinoids
Structural Classification
Synthesis and Transport
Metabolism and Elimination
Mechanisms of Action
Control of Hormone Levels
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Regulation
Feedback Regulation
Diagnostic Tests
Blood Tests
Urine Tests
Stimulation and Suppression Tests
Genetic Tests
aspects of life, including growth, sex differentiation,
metabolism, and adaptation to an ever-changing en-
vironment. This chapter focuses on general aspects of endo-
crine function, organization of the endocrine system, hormone
receptors and hormone actions, and regulation of hormone
The endocrine system uses chemical substances called hor-
mones as a means of regulating and integrating body func-
tions. The endocrine system participates in the regulation of
digestion, use, and storage of nutrients; growth and develop-
ment; electrolyte and water metabolism; and reproductive
functions. Although the endocrine system once was thought
to consist solely of discrete endocrine glands, it is now known
that a number of other tissues release chemical messengers that
modulate body processes. The functions of the endocrine sys-
tem are closely linked with those of the nervous system and
the immune system. For example, neurotransmitters such as
epinephrine can act as neurotransmitters or as hormones. The
functions of the immune system also are closely linked with
those of the endocrine system. The immune system responds
to foreign agents by means of chemical messengers (cyto-
kines, e.g. , interleukins, interferons) and complex receptor
mechanisms (see Chapter 8). The immune system also is ex-
tensively regulated by hormones such as the adrenal cortico-
steroid hormones.
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Unit Eight: Alterations in the Endocrine System
Hormones generally are thought of as chemical messengers
that are transported in body fluids. They are highly specialized
organic molecules produced by endocrine organs that exert
their action on specific target cells. Hormones do not initiate
reactions; they are modulators of systemic and cellular re-
sponses. Most hormones are present in body fluids at all times
but in greater or lesser amounts, depending on the needs of
the body.
A characteristic of hormones is that a single hormone can
exert various effects in different tissues or, conversely, a single
function can be regulated by several hormones. For example,
estradiol, which is produced by the ovary, can act on the ovar-
ian follicles to promote their maturation, on the uterus to stim-
ulate its growth and maintain the cyclic changes in the uterine
mucosa, on the mammary gland to stimulate ductal growth, on
the hypothalamic-pituitary system to regulate the secretion of
gonadotropins and prolactin, and on general metabolic pro-
cesses to affect adipose tissue distribution. Lipolysis, which is
the release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue, is an example
of a single function that is regulated by several hormones, in-
cluding the catecholamines, glucagon, and secretin. Table 30-1
lists the major functions and sources of body hormones.
pancreatic beta cells can inhibit its release from the same cells.
Juxtacrine refers to a mechanism whereby a cytokine that is em-
bedded in, bound to, or associated with the plasma membrane
of one cell interacts with a specific receptor in a juxtaposed cell.
Eicosanoids and Retinoids
A group of compounds that have a hormone-like action are
the eicosanoids, which are derived from polyunsaturated fatty
acids in the cell membrane. Among these, arachidonic acid is
the most important and abundant precursor of the various
eicosanoids. The most important of the eicosanoids are the
prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes. These fatty
acid derivatives are produced by most body cells, are rapidly
cleared from the circulation, and are thought to act mainly by
paracrine and autocrine mechanisms. Eicosanoid synthesis
often is stimulated in response to hormones, and they serve as
mediators of hormone action. Retinoids ( e.g. , retinoic acid)
also are derived from fatty acids and have an important role in
regulating nuclear receptor action.
Structural Classification
Hormones have diverse structures, ranging from single amino
acids to complex proteins and lipids. Hormones usually are
divided into four categories according to their structures:
(1) amines and amino acids; (2) peptides, polypeptides, glyco-
proteins, and proteins; (3) steroids; and (4) fatty acid deriva-
tives (Table 30-2). The first category, the amines, includes
norepinephrine and epinephrine, which are derived from a
single amino acid ( i.e. , tyrosine), and the thyroid hormones,
which are derived from two iodinated tyrosine amino acid
residues. The second category, the peptides, polypeptides,
glycoproteins, and proteins, can be as small as thyrotropin-
releasing hormone (TRH), which contains three amino acids,
and as large and complex as growth hormone (GH) and
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which have approxi-
mately 200 amino acids. Glycoproteins are large peptide hor-
mones associated with a carbohydrate ( e.g. , FSH). The third
category comprises the steroid hormones, which are deriva-
tives of cholesterol. The fourth category, the fatty acid deriva-
tives, includes the eicosanoids and retinoids.
Paracrine and Autocrine Actions
In the past, hormones were described as chemical substances
that were released into the bloodstream and transported to dis-
tant target sites, where they exerted their action (Fig. 30-1).
Although many hormones travel by this mechanism, some hor-
mones and hormone-like substances never enter the blood-
stream but instead act locally in the vicinity in which they are
released. When they act locally on cells other than those that
produced the hormone, the action is called paracrine . The ac-
tion of sex steroids on the ovary is a paracrine action. Hor-
mones also can exert an autocrine action on the cells from which
they were produced. For example, the release of insulin from
Synthesis and Transport
The mechanisms for hormone synthesis vary with hormone
structure. Protein and peptide hormones are synthesized and
stored in granules or vesicles in the cytoplasm of the cell until
secretion is required. The lipid-soluble steroid hormones are re-
leased as they are synthesized.
Protein and peptide hormones are synthesized in the rough
endoplasmic reticulum in a manner similar to the synthesis
of other proteins (see Chapter 1). The appropriate amino acid
sequence is dictated by messenger RNAs from the nucleus.
Usually, synthesis involves the production of a precursor hor-
mone, which is modified by the addition of peptides or sugar
units. These precursor hormones often contain extra peptide
units that ensure proper folding of the molecule and insertion
of essential linkages. If extra amino acids are present, as in in-
sulin, the precursor hormone is called a prohormone. After
synthesis and sequestration in the endoplasmic reticulum, the
protein and peptide hormones move into the Golgi complex,
where they are packaged in granules or vesicles. It is in the
Golgi complex that prohormones are converted into hormones.
Hormones function as chemical messengers, moving
through the blood to distant target sites of action, or
acting more locally as paracrine or autocrine mes-
sengers that incite more local effects.
Most hormones are present in body fluids at all
times but in greater or lesser amounts, depending
on the needs of the body.
Hormones exert their actions by interacting with
high-affinity receptors, which in turn are linked to
one or more effector systems in the cell. Some hor-
mone receptors are located on the surface of the cell
and act through second messenger mechanisms,
and others are located in the cell, where they modu-
late the synthesis of enzymes, transport proteins, or
structural proteins.
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Chapter 30: Organization and Control of the Endocrine System
Major Action and Source of Selected Hormones
TABLE 30-1
Major Action
Releasing and inhibiting hormones
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
Growth hormone-releasing hormone
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Growth hormone (GH)
Controls the release of pituitary hormones
Anterior pituitary
Stimulates growth of bone and muscle, promotes protein syn-
thesis and fat metabolism, decreases carbohydrate metabolism
Stimulates synthesis and secretion of adrenal cortical hormones
Stimulates synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone
Female: stimulates growth of ovarian follicle, ovulation
Male: stimulates sperm production
Female: stimulates development of corpus luteum, release of
oocyte, production of estrogen and progesterone
Male: stimulates secretion of testosterone, development of inter-
stitial tissue of testes
Increases water reabsorption by kidney
Stimulates contraction of pregnant uterus, milk ejection from
breasts after childbirth
Increases sodium absorption, potassium loss by kidney
Affects metabolism of all nutrients; regulates blood glucose
levels, affects growth, has anti-inflammatory action, and
decreases effects of stress
Have minimal intrinsic androgenic activity; they are converted to
testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the periphery
Serve as neurotransmitters for the sympathetic nervous system
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Posterior pituitary
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Adrenal cortex
Mineralocorticosteroids, mainly aldosterone
Glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol
Adrenal androgens, mainly dehydroepiandros-
terone (DHEA) and androstenedione
Thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T 3 ),
thyroxine (T 4 )
Adrenal medulla
(follicular cells)
Increase the metabolic rate; increase protein and bone turnover;
increase responsiveness to catecholamines; necessary for fetal
and infant growth and development
Lowers blood calcium and phosphate levels
Regulates serum calcium
Lowers blood glucose by facilitating glucose transport across cell
membranes of muscle, liver, and adipose tissue
Increases blood glucose concentration by stimulation of
glycogenolysis and glyconeogenesis
Delays intestinal absorption of glucose
Stimulates calcium absorption from the intestine
Affects development of female sex organs and secondary sex
Influences menstrual cycle; stimulates growth of uterine wall;
maintains pregnancy
Affect development of male sex organs and secondary sex
characteristics; aid in sperm production
Thyroid C cells
Parathyroid glands
Pancreatic islet cells
Parathyroid hormone
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D
Androgens, mainly testosterone
Steroid hormones are synthesized in the smooth endoplas-
mic reticulum, and steroid-secreting cells can be identified by
their large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Certain
steroids serve as precursors for the production of other hor-
mones. For example, in the adrenal cortex, progesterone and
other steroid intermediates are enzymatically converted into
aldosterone, cortisol, or androgens (see Chapter 31).
Hormones that are released into the bloodstream circulate
as either free, unbound molecules or as hormones attached to
transport carriers (Fig. 30-2). Peptide hormones and protein
hormones usually circulate unbound in the blood. Steroid
hormones and thyroid hormone are carried by specific carrier
proteins synthesized in the liver. The extent of carrier binding
influences the rate at which hormones leave the blood and
enter the cells. The half-life of a hormone—the time it takes for
the body to reduce the concentration of the hormone by one
half—is positively correlated with its percentage of protein
binding. Thyroxine, which is more than 99% protein bound,
has a half-life of 6 days. Aldosterone, which is only 15%
bound, has a half-life of only 25 minutes. Drugs that compete
with a hormone for binding with transport carrier molecules
increase hormone action by increasing the availability of the
active unbound hormone. For example, aspirin competes with
thyroid hormone for binding to transport proteins; when the
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Unit Eight: Alterations in the Endocrine System
Endocrine gland (thyroid)
Distant target cell
FIGURE 30-2 Relationship of free and carrier-bound hormone.
form. Hormones secreted by endocrine cells must be inacti-
vated continuously to prevent their accumulation. Intracellular
and extracellular mechanisms participate in the termination of
hormone function. Some hormones are enzymatically inacti-
vated at receptor sites where they exert their action. The cate-
cholamines, which have a very short half-life, are degraded by
catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) and monoamine oxi-
dase (MAO). Because of their short half-life, their production is
measured by some of their metabolites. In general, peptide hor-
mones also have a short life span in the circulation. Their major
mechanism of degradation is through binding to cell surface re-
ceptors, with subsequent uptake and degradation by enzymes
in the cell membrane or inside the cell. Peptide hormones have
a short life span and are inactivated by enzymes that split pep-
tide bonds. Steroid hormones are bound to protein carriers for
transport and are inactive in the bound state. Their activity de-
pends on the availability of transport carriers. Unbound adre-
nal and gonadal steroid hormones are conjugated in the liver,
which renders them inactive, and then excreted in the bile or
urine. Thyroid hormones also are transported by carrier mole-
cules. The free hormone is rendered inactive by the removal of
amino acids ( i.e. , deamination) in the tissues, and the hormone
is conjugated in the liver and eliminated in the bile.
Paracrine cell
target cell
Autocrine cell
FIGURE 30-1 Examples of endocrine ( A ), paracrine ( B ), and
autocrine ( C ) secretions.
drug is administered to persons with excessive levels of circu-
lating thyroid hormone, such as during thyroid crisis, serious
effects may occur.
Metabolism and Elimination
Metabolism of hormones and their precursors can generate
more or less active products or it can degrade them to inactive
forms. In some cases, hormones are eliminated in the intact
Classes of Hormones Based on Structure
TABLE 30-2
Fatty Acid
Amines and Amino Acids
Peptides, Polypeptides, and Proteins
Thyroid hormone
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
Growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH)
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Growth hormone (GH)
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Parathyroid hormone
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
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Chapter 30: Organization and Control of the Endocrine System
Mechanisms of Action
Hormones produce their effects through interaction with high-
affinity receptors, which in turn are linked to one or more ef-
fector systems within the cell. These mechanisms involve many
of the cell’s metabolic activities, ranging from ion transport at
the cell surface to stimulation of nuclear transcription of com-
plex molecules. The rate at which hormones react depends on
their mechanism of action. The neurotransmitters, which con-
trol the opening of ion channels, have a reaction time of mil-
liseconds. Thyroid hormone, which functions in the control of
cell metabolism and synthesis of intracellular signaling mole-
cules, requires days for its full effect to occur.
CHART 30-1 Hormone–Receptor Interactions
Surface (Second Messenger) Receptors
Parathyroid hormone
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Receptors. Hormones exert their action by binding to high-
affinity receptors located either on the surface or inside the
target cells. The function of these receptors is to recognize a spe-
cific hormone and translate the hormonal signal into a cellular
response. The structure of these receptors varies in a manner
that allows target cells to respond to one hormone and not to
others. For example, receptors in the thyroid are specific for
thyroid-stimulating hormone, and receptors on the gonads re-
spond to the gonadotropic hormones.
The response of a target cell to a hormone varies with the
number of receptors present and with the affinity of these recep-
tors for hormone binding. A variety of factors influence the
number of receptors that are present on target cells and their
affinity for hormone binding.
There are approximately 2000 to 100,000 hormone recep-
tor molecules per cell. The number of hormone receptors on
a cell may be altered for any of several reasons. Antibodies
may destroy or block the receptor proteins. Increased or de-
creased hormone levels often induce changes in the activity of
the genes that regulator receptor synthesis. For example, de-
creased hormone levels often produce an increase in receptor
numbers by means of a process called up-regulation ; this in-
creases the sensitivity of the body to existing hormone levels.
Likewise, sustained levels of excess hormone often bring about
a decrease in receptor numbers by down-regulation , producing
a decrease in hormone sensitivity. In some instances, the re-
verse effect occurs, and an increase in hormone levels appears
to recruit its own receptors, thereby increasing the sensitivity
of the cell to the hormone. The process of up-regulation and
down-regulation of receptors is regulated largely by inducing
or repressing the transcription of receptor genes.
The affinity of receptors for binding hormones also is af-
fected by a number of conditions. For example, the pH of the
body fluids plays an important role in the affinity of insulin re-
ceptors. In ketoacidosis, a lower pH reduces insulin binding.
Some hormone receptors are located on the surface of the
cell and act through second messenger mechanisms, and others
are located within the cell, where they modulate the synthesis
of enzymes, transport proteins, or structural proteins. The re-
ceptors for thyroid hormones, which are found in the nucleus,
are thought to be directly associated with controlling the ac-
tivity of genes located on one or more of the chromosomes.
Chart 30-1 lists hormones that act through the two types of
Intracellular Interactions
Adrenal cortical hormones
Thyroid hormones
cites the generation of an intracellular signal or message. The
intracellular signal system is termed the second messenger , and
the hormone is considered to be the first messenger (Fig. 30-3).
For example, the first messenger glucagon binds to surface re-
ceptors on liver cells to incite glycogen breakdown by way of
the second messenger system.
The most widely distributed second messenger is cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). cAMP is formed from
Surface receptor
Enzyme activity
Surface Receptors. Because of their low solubility in the lipid
layer of cell membranes, peptide hormones and catechol-
amines cannot readily cross the cell membrane. Instead, these
hormones interact with surface receptors in a manner that in-
FIGURE 30-3 The two types of hormone–receptor interactions:
the surface receptor (A) and the intracellular receptor (B) .
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