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Alterations in Blood Flow
Disorders of the Arterial Circulation
Risk Factors
Pathology and Pathogenesis
Clinical Manifestations
Aneurysms and Dissection
Aortic Aneurysms
Aortic Dissection
The Vasculitides
Arterial Disease of the Extremities
Acute Arterial Occlusion
Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease
Thromboangiitis Obliterans
Raynaud’s Disease and Phenomenon
Disorders of the Venous Circulation
Venous Circulation of the Lower Extremities
Varicose Veins
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Venous Thrombosis
Disorders of Blood Flow Caused by
Extravascular Forces
Compartment Syndrome
Pressure Ulcers
Mechanisms of Development
Staging and Treatment
trients to the tissues and in the removal of waste products
from the tissues. Unlike disorders of the respiratory sys-
tem or central circulation that cause hypoxia and impair oxy-
genation of tissues throughout the body, the effects of blood
vessel disease usually are limited to local tissues supplied by a
particular vessel or group of vessels.
Disturbances in blood flow can result from pathologic
changes in the vessel wall ( i.e. , atherosclerosis, vasculitides),
acute vessel obstruction caused by thrombus or embolus,
vasospasm ( i.e. , Raynaud’s phenomenon), abnormal vessel di-
lation ( i.e. , arterial aneurysms or varicose veins), or compres-
sion of blood vessels by extravascular forces ( i.e. , tumors,
edema, or firm surfaces such as those associated with pressure
The arterial system distributes blood to all the tissues in the
body. There are three types of arteries: large arteries, includ-
ing the aorta and its distal branches; medium-size arteries,
such as the coronary and renal arteries; and small arteries and
arterioles that pass through the tissues. Each of these different
types of arteries tends to be affected by different disease
Pathology of the arterial system affects body function by
impairing blood flow. The effect of impaired blood flow on
the body depends on the structures involved and the extent of
altered flow. The term ischemia ( i.e. , holding back of blood)
denotes a reduction in arterial flow to a level that is insufficient
to meet the oxygen demands of the tissues. Infarction refers to
an area of ischemic necrosis in an organ produced by occlu-
sion of its blood supply. The discussion in this section focuses
on hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, arterial aneurysms, vas-
culitides, and arterial disease of the extremities.
Hyperlipidemia with elevated cholesterol levels is a major
cause of atherosclerosis with its attendant risk of heart attack
and stroke. An estimated 41.3 million Americans have high
B lood vessels function in the delivery of oxygen and nu-
Chapter 15: Alterations in Blood Flow
80% 90% triglycerides,
2% protein
The arterial system delivers oxygen and nutrients to
the tissues. Disorders of the arterial circulation pro-
duce ischemia owing to narrowing of blood vessels,
thrombus formation associated with platelet adhe-
sion, and weakening of the vessel wall.
55% 65% triglycerides,
10% cholesterol,
5% 10% protein
Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease characterized
by the formation of fibrofatty plaques in the intima
of large and medium-sized arteries, producing a de-
crease in blood flow due to a narrowing of the vessel
10% triglycerides,
50% cholesterol,
25% protein
Aneurysms represent an abnormal localized dilatation
of an artery due to a weakness in the vessel wall. As
the aneurysm increases in size, the tension in the wall
of the vessel increases, predisposing it to rupture.
5% triglycerides,
20% cholesterol,
50% protein
serum cholesterol levels that could contribute to a heart
attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular event associated with
atherosclerosis. 1
Because cholesterol and triglyceride are insoluble in plasma,
they are encapsulated by special fat-carrying proteins called
lipoproteins for transport in the blood. There are five types of
lipoproteins, classified by their densities as measured by ultra-
centrifugation: chylomicrons, very–low-density lipoprotein
(VLDL), intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), low-density
lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (see
Fig. 15-1).
Each type of lipoprotein consists of a large molecular com-
plex of lipids combined with proteins called apoproteins . 2,3 The
major lipid constituents are cholesterol esters, triglycerides,
nonesterified cholesterol, and phospholipids. The insoluble
cholesterol esters and triglycerides are located in the hydro-
phobic core of the lipoprotein macromolecule, surrounded
by the soluble phospholipids, nonesterified cholesterol, and
apoproteins (Fig. 15-2). Nonesterified cholesterol and phos-
pholipids provide a negative charge that allows the lipoprotein
to be soluble in plasma. The apoproteins control the inter-
actions and ultimate metabolic fate of the lipoproteins. Some
of the apoproteins activate the lipolytic enzymes that facilitate
the removal of lipids from the lipoproteins; others serve as a
reactive site that cellular receptors can recognize and use in
the endocytosis and metabolism of the lipoproteins.
There are two sites of lipoprotein synthesis: the small intes-
tine and the liver. The chylomicrons, which are the largest of
the lipoprotein molecules, are synthesized in the wall of the
small intestine. They are involved in the transport of dietary
triglycerides and cholesterol that have been absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract. Chylomicrons transfer their triglycerides
to the cells of adipose and skeletal muscle tissue. The remnant
chylomicron particles, which contain cholesterol, are then
taken up by the liver, and the cholesterol is used in the synthe-
sis of VLDL or excreted in the bile.
FIGURE 15-1 Lipoproteins are named based on their protein
content, which is measured as density. Because fats are less dense
than proteins, as the proportion of triglycerides decreases, the
density increases.
The liver synthesizes and releases VLDL and HDL. The VLDLs
contain large amounts of triglycerides and lesser amounts
of cholesterol esters. 4 They provide the primary pathway for
transport of the triglycerides produced in the liver, as opposed
to those obtained from the diet. Like chylomicrons, VLDLs
carry their triglycerides to fat and muscle cells, where the tri-
glycerides are removed. The resulting IDL fragments are re-
duced in triglyceride content and enriched in cholesterol. They
FIGURE 15-2 General structure of a lipoprotein. The cholesterol
esters and triglycerides are located in the hydrophobic core of the
macromolecule, surrounded by phospholipids and apoproteins.
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Unit Four: Alterations in the Cardiovascular System
are taken to the liver and recycled to form VLDL, or converted
to LDL in the vascular compartment. The pathways for triglyc-
eride and cholesterol transport are shown in Figure 15-3.
LDL, sometimes called the bad cholesterol , is the main carrier
of cholesterol. The IDLs are the main source of LDL. The LDL
is removed from the circulation by either LDL receptors or by
scavenger cells such as monocytes or macrophages. Approx-
imately 70% of LDL is removed by way of the LDL receptor-
dependent pathway. 4 Although LDL receptors are widely dis-
tributed, approximately 75% are located on hepatocytes; thus
the liver plays an extremely important role in LDL metabolism.
Tissues with LDL receptors can control their cholesterol intake
by adding or removing LDL receptors.
The scavenger cells, such as the monocytes and macro-
phages, have receptors that bind LDL that has been oxidized or
chemically modified. The amount of LDL that is removed by
the “scavenger pathway” is directly related to the plasma cho-
lesterol level. When there is a decrease in LDL receptors or
when LDL levels exceed receptor availability, the amount of
LDL that is removed by scavenger cells is greatly increased. The
uptake of LDL by macrophages in the arterial wall can result in
the accumulation of insoluble cholesterol esters, the formation
of foam cells, and the development of atherosclerosis.
HDL is synthesized in the liver and often is referred to as the
good cholesterol . Epidemiological studies show an inverse relation
between HDL levels and the development of atherosclerosis. 5 It
is thought that HDL, which is low in cholesterol and rich in sur-
face phospholipids, facilitates the clearance of cholesterol from
atheromatous plaques and transports it back to the liver, so that
it can be excreted in the bile. HDL also is believed to inhibit the
uptake of LDL into the arterial wall. It has been observed that reg-
ular exercise and moderate alcohol consumption increase HDL
levels. Smoking and diabetes, which are in themselves risk factors
for atherosclerosis, are associated with decreased levels of HDL. 4
The Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Pro-
gram (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treat-
ment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults has published a
classification system for hyperlipidemia that list the laboratory
values for optimal to very high levels of LDL cholesterol, desir-
able to high levels of total cholesterol, and low and high levels
of HDL cholesterol (see Table 15-1). 6 The NCEP recommends
that all adults 20 years of age and older should have a fasting
lipoprotein profile (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL
cholesterol, and triglycerides) measured once every 5 years. 6 If
testing is done in the nonfasting state, only the total cholesterol
and HDL are considered useful. A follow-up lipoprotein profile
should be done on persons with nonfasting total cholesterol
200 mg/dL or HDL levels
and cholesterol
Bile acid
and cholesterol
Blood vessels
Adipose and skeletal muscle tissue
FIGURE 15-3 Schematic representation
of the exogenous and endogenous pathways
for triglyceride and cholesterol transport.
40 mg/dL. Lipoprotein mea-
surements are particularly important in persons at high risk for
the development of coronary heart disease (CHD).
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Chapter 15: Alterations in Blood Flow
NCEP Adult Treatment
Panel III Classification of LDL,
Total, and HDL Cholesterol
dependent mechanisms, blood cholesterol levels are markedly
elevated in persons with this disorder. The disorder is probably
one of the most common of all mendelian disorders; the fre-
quency of heterozygotes is 1 in 500 persons in the general pop-
ulation. 2 Although heterozygotes commonly have an elevated
cholesterol level from birth, they do not experience symptoms
until adult life, when xanthomas ( i.e. , cholesterol deposits) de-
velop along the tendons and atherosclerosis occurs (Fig. 15-4).
Myocardial infarction before the age of 40 years is common.
Homozygotes are much more severely affected; they develop
cutaneous xanthomas in childhood and may experience myo-
cardial infarction by the age of 20 years. 2
Secondary causes of hyperlipoproteinemia include diets
high in saturated fats and cholesterol, obesity caused by high-
calorie intake, and diabetes mellitus. Diets that are high in tri-
glycerides and saturated fats increase cholesterol synthesis and
suppress LDL receptor activity. Excess ingestion of cholesterol
reduces the formation of LDL receptors and thereby decreases
LDL removal. In diabetes mellitus, metabolic derangements
cause an elevation of lipoproteins. 7
The management of hyperlipidemia focuses on dietary and
lifestyle modifications; when these are unsuccessful, pharma-
cologic treatment may be necessary. Lifestyle modification in-
cludes increased emphasis on physical activity, dietary mea-
sures to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and weight reduction for
people who are overweight. The aim of dietary therapy is to re-
duce total and LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL levels.
Three dietary elements affect serum cholesterol and its lipopro-
tein fractions: excess calorie intake, saturated fats, and choles-
terol. High-calorie diets increase the production of VLDL, with
triglyceride elevation and high conversion of VLDL to LDL.
Saturated fats and cholesterol in the diet tend to increase LDL
cholesterol levels.
The third report of the NCEP continues to identify reduction
in LDL cholesterol as the primary target for cholesterol-lowering
therapy, particularly in people at risk for CHD. 6 Lipid-lowering
drugs work mainly by decreasing cholesterol absorption from
the intestine, decreasing cholesterol synthesis by the liver, or
Cholesterol Level (mg/dL) Classification
LDL Cholesterol
Near optimal/above optimal
Borderline high
Very high
Total Cholesterol
Borderline high
HDL Cholesterol
National Institutes of Health Expert Panel. (2001). Third Report of the National
Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation,
and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) .
(NIH publication no. 01-3670). Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of
Causes. Three factors—genetics, nutrition, and metabolic
diseases—contribute to an increase in blood lipid levels. Many
types of hyperlipidemia have a genetic basis. There may be a de-
fective synthesis of the apoproteins, a lack of LDL receptors, de-
fective LDL receptors, or defects in the intracellular handling of
cholesterol. 2 The LDL receptor is deficient or defective in the ge-
netic disorder known as familial hypercholesterolemia . This auto-
somal dominant type of hyperlipoproteinemia results from
a mutation in the gene specifying the receptor for LDL. Because
most of the circulating cholesterol is removed by receptor-
FIGURE 15-4 Xanthomas in the skin and tendons
( A, C, D ). Arcus lipoides represents the deposition of
lipids in the peripheral cornea ( B ). (Rubin E., Farber
J.L. [1999]. Pathology [3rd ed., p. 506]. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
TABLE 15-1
Unit Four: Alterations in the Cardiovascular System
inhibiting VLDL release. Drugs that act directly to decrease cho-
lesterol levels also have the beneficial effect of further lowering
cholesterol levels by stimulating the production of additional
LDL receptors. Because many of these drugs have significant ad-
verse effects, they usually are used only in persons with signif-
icant hyperlipidemia that cannot be controlled by other means,
such as diet.
clude age, male gender, and family history of premature coro-
nary heart disease.
The tendency to develop atherosclerosis appears to run in
families. Persons who come from families with a strong his-
tory of heart disease or stroke caused by atherosclerosis are at
greater risk for developing atherosclerosis than are those with
a negative family history. Several genetically determined al-
terations in lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism have
been identified, and it seems likely that others will be identi-
fied in the future. The incidence of atherosclerosis also increases
with age. Other factors being equal, men are at greater risk for
coronary heart disease than are premenopausal women, prob-
ably because of the protective effects of natural estrogens.
After menopause, the incidence of atherosclerotic-related dis-
eases in women increases, and by the 7th to 8th decade of life,
the frequency of myocardial infarction in the two sexes tends
to equalize. 4
The major risk factors that can be affected by a change in
health behaviors include hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking,
hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. These risk factors can
often be modified or controlled by a change in diet, exercise,
health care practices, or medications. The presence of hyper-
lipidemia is the strongest risk factor for atherosclerosis in per-
sons younger than 45 years of age. Both primary and secondary
hyperlipidemia increase the risk. Cigarette smoking is closely
linked with coronary heart disease and sudden death. Cessa-
tion of smoking reduces the risk substantially. High blood pres-
sure produces mechanical stress on the vessel endothelium. It
is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis in all age groups and may
be as important or more important than hypercholesterolemia
after the age of 45 years. Both systolic and diastolic pressures are
important in increasing risk. Diabetes mellitus (type 2) typically
develops in middle-aged persons and those who are overweight.
Diabetes elevates blood lipid levels and otherwise increases the
risk of atherosclerosis (see Chapter 32). Controlling other risk
factors, such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, is par-
ticularly important in persons with diabetes.
Other factors, known as “soft” risk factors, are not as con-
vincing as the established risk factors. These include insufficient
physical activity, a stressful lifestyle, and obesity. These “soft”
risk factors commonly are linked with the established and
other contributing risk factors. For example, obesity and phys-
ical inactivity often are observed in the same person. Both con-
ditions are reported to bring about elevations in blood lipid
levels. Likewise, major risk factors such as cigarette smoking are
closely associated with stress and personality patterns.
There are a number of other less well-established risk factors
for atherosclerosis, including high serum homocysteine levels,
elevated serum C-reactive protein, and infectious agents. 9,10
Homocysteine is derived from the metabolism of dietary me-
thionine, an amino acid that is abundant in animal protein.
Homocysteine inhibits elements of the anticoagulant cascade
and is associated with endothelial damage, which is thought
to be an important first step in the development of athero-
sclerosis. 10 Factors tending to increase plasma levels of homo-
cysteine include lower serum levels of folate and vitamins B 6
and B 12 ; genetic defects in homocysteine metabolism; renal im-
pairment; malignancies, increasing age; male gender; and female
menopause. 11 C-reactive protein (CRP) is a serum marker for
systemic inflammation. Several prospective studies have indi-
cated that elevated CRP levels are associated with vascular dis-
Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the
arteries. The term atherosclerosis , which comes from the Greek
words atheros (meaning “gruel” or “paste”) and sclerosis (mean-
ing “hardness”), denotes the formation of fibrofatty lesions in
the intimal lining of the large and medium-size arteries such as
the aorta and its branches, the coronary arteries, and the large
vessels that supply the brain. Atherosclerosis contributes to
more mortality and more serious morbidity than any other dis-
order in the western world. 4 The major complications of ather-
osclerosis, including ischemic heart disease, stroke, and periph-
eral vascular disease, account for more than 40% of the deaths
in the United States. 8
Risk Factors
The cause or causes of atherosclerosis have not been determined
with certainty. However, epidemiologic studies have identified
predisposing risk factors, which are listed in Chart 15-1. 2,4
Some risk factors can be affected by a change in health behav-
ior and others cannot. Risk factors that cannot be changed in-
CHART 15-1 Risk Factors in Coronary Heart
Disease Other Than Low-Density Lipoproteins
Positive Risk Factors
Men: 45 years
Women: 55 years or premature menopause without
estrogen replacement therapy
Family history of premature coronary heart disease (definite
myocardial infarction or sudden death before 55 years of
age in father or other male first-degree relative, or before
65 years of age in mother or other female first-degree
Current cigarette smoking
Hypertension ( 140/90 mm Hg* or on antihypertensive
Low HDL cholesterol (<40 mg/dL*)
Diabetes mellitus
Negative Risk Factor
High HDL cholesterol ( 60 mg/dL)
HDL, high-density lipoprotein.
* Confirmed by measurements on several occasions.
(Modified from National Institute of Health Expert Panel [2001]. Third
Report of the National Cholesterol Program [NCEP] Expert Panel on
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults
[Adult Treatment Panel III]. [NIH Publication No. 01-3670]. Bethesda,
MD: National Institutes of Health.)
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