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Inflammation, Tissue
Repair, and Fever
The Inflammatory Response
Acute Inflammation
Cardinal Signs
The Vascular Response
The Cellular Stage
Inflammatory Mediators
Chronic Inflammation
Nonspecific Chronic Inflammation
Granulomatous Inflammation
Local Manifestations of Inflammation
Systemic Manifestations of Inflammation
Acute-Phase Response
White Blood Cell Response (Leukocytosis and
Tissue Repair and Wound Healing
Connective Tissue Repair
Inflammatory Phase
Proliferative Phase
Remodeling Phase
Factors That Affect Wound Healing
Blood Flow and Oxygen Delivery
Impaired Inflammatory and Immune Responses
Infection, Wound Separation, and Foreign Bodies
Temperature Regulation and Fever
Body Temperature Regulation
Mechanisms of Heat Production
Mechanisms of Heat Loss
Diagnosis and Treatment
Fever in Children
Fever in the Elderly
microbial agents, and repair damaged tissue is dependent
upon the inflammatory reaction, the immune system re-
sponse, and tissue repair and wound healing. Although the ef-
fects of inflammation are often viewed as undesirable because
they are unpleasant and cause discomfort, the process is essen-
tially a beneficial one that allows a person to live with the ef-
fects of everyday stress. Without the inflammatory response,
wounds would not heal, and minor infections would become
overwhelming. Inflammation also produces undesirable ef-
fects. For example, the crippling effects of rheumatoid arthritis
result from chronic inflammation.
This chapter focuses on the manifestations of acute and
chronic inflammation, tissue repair and wound healing, and
temperature regulation and fever. The immune response is dis-
cussed in Chapter 8.
Inflammation is the reaction of vascularized tissue to local in-
jury. The causes of inflammation are many and varied. Inflam-
mation commonly results because of an immune response to
infectious microorganisms. Other causes of inflammation are
trauma, surgery, caustic chemicals, extremes of heat and cold,
and ischemic damage to body tissues.
Inflammatory conditions are named by adding the suffix
-itis to the affected organ or system. For example, appendicitis
refers to inflammation of the appendix, pericarditis to inflam-
mation of the pericardium, and neuritis to inflammation of a
nerve. More descriptive expressions of the inflammatory pro-
cess might indicate whether the process was acute or chronic
and what type of exudate was formed ( e.g., acute fibrinous
Acute Inflammation
Acute inflammation is the early (almost immediate) response
to injury. It is nonspecific and may be evoked by any injury
short of one that is immediately fatal. It is usually of short du-
ration and typically occurs before the immune response be-
comes established and is aimed primarily at removing the in-
jurious agent and limiting the extent of tissue damage.
T he ability of the body to sustain injury, resist attack by
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Chapter 9: Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Fever
Cardinal Signs
The classic description of acute inflammation has been handed
down through the ages. In the first century AD , the Roman
physician Celsus described the local reaction of injury in terms
that have come to be known as the cardinal signs of inflamma-
tion. These signs are rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), calor
(heat), and dolor (pain). In the second century AD , the Greek
physician Galen added a fifth cardinal sign, functio laesa, or loss
of function. These signs and symptoms, which are apparent
when inflammation occurs on the surface of body, may not be
present when internal organs are involved. For example, in-
flammation of the lung does not usually cause pain unless the
pleura, where pain receptors are located, is affected. In addi-
tion, an increase in heat is uncommon in inflammation in-
volving internal organs, where tissues are normally maintained
at core temperature.
In addition to the cardinal signs that appear at the site of in-
jury, systemic manifestations ( e.g., fever) may occur as chemi-
cal mediators produced at the site of inflammation gain en-
trance to the circulatory system. The constellation of systemic
manifestations that may occur during an acute inflammatory
response is known as the acute-phase response (to be discussed).
The manifestation of acute inflammation can be divided
into two categories: vascular and cellular responses. 1,2,3 At the
biochemical level, many of the responses that occur during
acute inflammation are associated with the release of chemical
redness (erythema) and warmth associated with acute inflam-
mation. Accompanying this hyperemic vascular response is an
increase in capillary permeability, which causes fluid to move
into the tissues and cause swelling, pain, and impaired func-
tion. The exudation or movement of the fluid out of the capil-
laries and into the tissue spaces dilutes the offending agent. As
fluid moves out of the capillaries, stagnation of flow and clot-
ting of blood in the small capillaries occurs at the site of injury.
This aids in localizing the spread of infectious microorganisms.
Depending on the severity of injury, the vascular changes
that occur with inflammation follow one of three patterns of
response. 3 The first is an immediate transient response, which
occurs with minor injury. The second is an immediate sus-
tained response, which occurs with more serious injury and
continues for several days and damages the vessels in the area.
The third type of response is a delayed hemodynamic response,
which involves an increase in capillary permeability that occurs
4 to 24 hours after injury. A delayed response often accompa-
nies radiation types of injuries, such as sunburn.
The Cellular Stage
The cellular stage of acute inflammation is marked by move-
ment of phagocytic white blood cells (leukocytes) into the
area of injury. Two types of leukocytes participate in the acute
inflammatory response—the granulocytes and monocytes.
Granulocytes. Granulocytes are identifiable because of their
characteristic cytoplasmic granules. These white blood cells
have distinctive multilobed nuclei. The granulocytes are divided
into three types ( i.e., neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils)
according to the staining properties of the granules (Fig. 9-2).
The neutrophil is the primary phagocyte that arrives early at
the site of inflammation, usually within 90 minutes of injury.
The neutrophils’ cytoplasmic granules contain enzymes and
other antibacterial substances that are used in destroying and
degrading the engulfed particles. They also have oxygen-
dependent metabolic pathways that generate toxic oxygen
( e.g., hydrogen peroxide) and nitrogen ( e.g., nitric oxide)
products. Because these white blood cells have nuclei that are
divided into three to five lobes, they often are called polymor-
phonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) or segmented neutrophils (segs).
The neutrophil count in the blood often increases greatly dur-
ing the inflammatory process, especially with bacterial infec-
tions. After being released from the bone marrow, circulating
neutrophils have a life span of only approximately 10 hours
and therefore must be constantly replaced if their numbers
are to remain adequate. This requires an increase in circulat-
ing white blood cells, a condition called leukocytosis. With ex-
cessive demand for phagocytes, immature forms of neutro-
phils are released from the bone marrow. These immature
cells often are called bands because of the horseshoe shape of
their nuclei.
The cytoplasmic granules of the eosinophils stain red with the
acid dye eosin. These granulocytes increase in the blood dur-
ing allergic reactions and parasitic infections. The granules of
eosinophils contain a protein that is highly toxic to large para-
sitic worms that cannot be phagocytized. They also regulate in-
flammation and allergic reactions by controlling the release of
specific chemical mediators during these processes.
The granules of the basophils stain blue with a basic dye. The
granules of these granulocytes contain histamine and other
The Vascular Response
The vascular, or hemodynamic, changes that occur with in-
flammation begin almost immediately after injury and are
initiated by a momentary constriction of small blood vessels
in the area. This vasoconstriction is followed rapidly by va-
sodilation of the arterioles and venules that supply the area
(Fig. 9-1). As a result, the area becomes congested, causing the
Inflammation represents the response of body tissue
to immune reactions, injury, or ischemic damage.
The classic response to inflammation includes red-
ness, swelling, heat, pain or discomfort, and loss
of function.
The manifestations of an acute inflammatory re-
sponse can be attributed to the immediate vascular
changes that occur (vasodilation and increased capil-
lary permeability), the influx of inflammatory cells
such as neutrophils, and, in some cases, the wide-
spread effects of inflammatory mediators, which pro-
duce fever and other systemic signs and symptoms.
The manifestations of chronic inflammation are due
to infiltration with macrophages, lymphocytes, and
fibroblasts, leading to persistent inflammation, fibro-
blast proliferation, and scar formation.
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Unit Two: Alterations in Body Defenses
Acute inflammation
FIGURE 9-1 Vascular phase of acute inflammation. ( A ) Normal capillary bed. ( B ) Acute inflamma-
tion with vascular dilation causing increased redness (erythema) and heat (calor), movement of fluid into
the interstitial spaces (swelling), extravasation of plasma proteins into the extracellular spaces (exudate),
and emigration of leukocytes.
bioactive mediators of inflammation. The basophils are in-
volved in producing the symptoms associated with inflamma-
tion and allergic reactions. The mast cell, which is widely dis-
tributed in connective tissues throughout the body, is very
similar in many of its properties to the basophil. It can partici-
pate in acute and chronic inflammatory responses. 2 Sensitized
mast cells, which are “armed” with IgE, play a central role in
allergic and hypersensitivity responses (see Chapter 10). They
also may play a role in parasitic infections. Mast cells can also
elaborate tumor necrosis factor (TNF), thereby participating in
chronic inflammatory responses.
Mononuclear Phagocytes. The monocytes are the largest of the
white blood cells and constitute 3% to 8% of the total blood
leukocytes. The circulating life span of the monocyte is three to
four times longer than that of the granulocytes, and these cells
survive for a longer time in the tissues. These longer-lived
phagocytes help to destroy the causative agent, aid in the sig-
naling processes of specific immunity, and serve to resolve the
inflammatory process.
The monocytes, which migrate in increased numbers into
the tissues in response to inflammatory stimuli, mature into
macrophages. Within 24 hours, mononuclear cells arrive at the
inflammatory site, and by 48 hours, monocytes and macro-
phages are the predominant cell types. The macrophages engulf
larger and greater quantities of foreign material than do the
neutrophils. They also migrate to the local lymph nodes to
prime specific immunity. These leukocytes play an important
role in chronic inflammation, where they can surround and
wall off foreign material that cannot be digested.
Band cell
Cellular Response. The sequence of events in the cellular
response to inflammation includes: (1) pavementing, (2) em-
igration, (3) chemotaxis, and (4) phagocytosis (Fig. 9-3).
During the early stages of the inflammatory response, fluid
leaves the capillaries, causing blood viscosity to increase. The
release of chemical mediators ( i.e., histamine, leukotrienes,
and kinins) and cytokines affects the endothelial cells of the
capillaries and causes the leukocytes to increase their expres-
sion of adhesion molecules. As this occurs, the leukocytes slow
their migration and begin to marginate, or move to and along
the periphery of the blood vessels.
Emigration is a mechanism by which the leukocytes extend
pseudopodia, pass through the capillary walls by ameboid
movement, and migrate into the tissue spaces. The emigra-
tion of leukocytes also may be accompanied by an escape
of red blood cells. Once they have exited the capillary, the
leukocytes wander through the tissue guided by secreted
cytokines (chemokines; interleukin [IL]-8), bacterial and
cellular debris, and complement fragments (C3a, C5a). The
process by which leukocytes migrate in response to a chemi-
cal signal is called chemotaxis. The positive movement up the
FIGURE 9-2 White blood cells.
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Chapter 9: Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Fever
Blood vessel
complement, its adherence is increased because of binding
to complement. This process of enhanced binding of an anti-
gen caused by antibody or complement is called opsonization
(Chapter 8). Engulfment follows the recognition of the agent
as foreign. Cytoplasmic extensions (pseudopods) surround
and enclose the particle in a membrane-bounded phagocytic
vesicle or phagosome. In the cell cytoplasm, the phagosome
merges with a lysosome containing antibacterial molecules and
enzymes that can digest the microbe.
Intracellular killing of pathogens is accomplished through
several mechanisms, including enzymes, defensins, and toxic
oxygen and nitrogen products produced by oxygen-dependent
metabolic pathways. The metabolic burst pathways that gen-
erate toxic oxygen and nitrogen products ( i.e., nitric oxide,
peroxyonitrites, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorous acid)
require oxygen and metabolic enzymes such as myeloperoxi-
dase, NADPH oxidase, and nitric oxide synthetase. Individuals
born with genetic defects in some of these enzymes have
immunodeficiency conditions that make them susceptible to
repeated bacterial infection.
Inflammatory Mediators
Although inflammation is precipitated by injury, its signs and
symptoms are produced by chemical mediators. Mediators can
be classified by function: those with vasoactive and smooth
muscle-constricting properties such as histamine, prostaglan-
dins, leukotrienes, and platelet-activating factor; chemotactic
factors such as complement fragments and cytokines; plasma
proteases that can activate complement and components of
the clotting system; and reactive molecules and cytokines lib-
erated from leukocytes, which when released into the extra-
cellular environment can damage the surrounding tissue.
Table 9-1 describes some chemical mediators and their major
impact on inflammation.
FIGURE 9-3 Cellular phase of acute inflammation. Neutrophil
margination, pavementing, chemotaxis, and phagocytosis.
concentration gradient of chemical mediators to the site of
injury increases the probability of a sufficiently localized cel-
lular response.
During the next and final stage of the cellular response, the
neutrophils and macrophages engulf and degrade the bacteria
and cellular debris in a process called phagocytosis. Phagocytosis
involves three distinct steps: (1) adherence plus opsonization,
(2) engulfment, and (3) intracellular killing (see Fig. 9-4).
Contact of the bacteria or antigen with the phagocyte cell mem-
brane is essential for trapping the agent and triggering the final
steps of phagocytosis. If the antigen is coated with antibody or
Histamine. Histamine is widely distributed throughout the
body. It is found in high concentration in platelets, basophils,
and mast cells. Histamine causes dilation and increased per-
meability of capillaries. It is one of the first mediators of an in-
flammatory response. Antihistamine drugs inhibit this imme-
diate, transient response.
Plasma Proteases. The plasma proteases consist of the ki-
nins, activated complement proteins, and clotting factors.
One kinin, bradykinin, causes increased capillary permeabil-
ity and pain. The clotting system (see Chapter 12) contributes
to the vascular phase of inflammation, mainly through fibrino-
peptides that are formed during the final steps of the clotting
formation and
Prostaglandins. The prostaglandins are ubiquitous, lipid-
soluble molecules derived from arachidonic acid, a fatty acid
liberated from cell membrane phospholipids. Several prosta-
glandins are synthesized from arachidonic acid through the
cyclooxygenase metabolic pathway (Fig. 9-5). Prostaglandins
contribute to vasodilation, capillary permeability, and the pain
and fever that accompany inflammation. The stable prosta-
glandins (PGE 1 and PGE 2 ) induce inflammation and poten-
tiate the effects of histamine and other inflammatory media-
tors. The prostaglandin thromboxane A 2 promotes platelet
aggregation and vasoconstriction. Aspirin and the nonsteroidal
FIGURE 9-4 Phagocytosis of a particle ( e.g., bacterium): op-
sonization, attachment, engulfment, and intracellular killing.
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Unit Two: Alterations in Body Defenses
Signs of Inflammation and Corresponding Chemical Mediator
Inflammatory Response
Chemical Mediator
Swelling, redness, and tissue warmth
(vasodilation and increased capillary permeability)
Tissue damage
Histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, bradykinin, platelet-activating factor
Lysosomal enzymes and products released from neutrophils, macrophages,
and other inflammatory cells
Complement fragments
Interleukin-1 and interleukin-6
Tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-8
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce inflammation by
inactivating the first enzyme in the cyclooxygenase pathway for
prostaglandin synthesis.
wheal-and-flare reaction and the leukocyte infiltrate character-
istic of immediate hypersensitivity reactions. When inhaled,
PAF causes bronchospasm, eosinophil infiltration, and non-
specific bronchial hyperreactivity.
Leukotrienes. Like the prostaglandins, the leukotrienes are
formed from arachidonic acid, but through the lipoxygenase
pathway (see Fig. 9-5). Histamine and leukotrienes are com-
plementary in action in that they have similar functions.
Histamine is produced rapidly and transiently while the more
potent leukotrienes are being synthesized. Leukotrienes C4 and
D4 are recognized as the primary components of the slow-
reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) that causes slow and
sustained constriction of the bronchioles and is an important
inflammatory mediator in bronchial asthma and anaphylaxis.
The leukotrienes also have been reported to affect the perme-
ability of the postcapillary venules, the adhesion properties of
endothelial cells, and the chemotaxis and extravascularization
of neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes.
Chronic Inflammation
Acute infections usually are self-limiting and rapidly controlled
by the host defenses. In contrast, chronic inflammation is self-
perpetuating and may last for weeks, months, or even years. It
may develop during a recurrent or progressive acute inflam-
matory process or from low-grade, smoldering responses that
fail to evoke an acute response.
Characteristic of chronic inflammation is an infiltration by
mononuclear cells (macrophages) and lymphocytes, instead of
the influx of neutrophils commonly seen in acute inflamma-
tion. Chronic inflammation also involves the proliferation of
fibroblasts instead of exudates. As a result, the risk of scarring
and deformity usually is considered greater than in acute in-
flammation. Agents that evoke chronic inflammation typically
are low-grade, persistent irritants that are unable to penetrate
deeply or spread rapidly. Among the causes of chronic inflam-
mation are foreign bodies such as talc, silica, asbestos, and
surgical suture materials. Many viruses provoke chronic in-
flammatory responses, as do certain bacteria, fungi, and larger
parasites of moderate to low virulence. Examples are the
tubercle bacillus, the treponema of syphilis, and the actino-
myces. The presence of injured tissue such as that surrounding
a healing fracture also may incite chronic inflammation.
Immunologic mechanisms are thought to play an important
role in chronic inflammation. The two patterns of chronic
inflammation are a nonspecific chronic inflammation and
granulomatous inflammation.
Nonspecific Chronic Inflammation
Nonspecific chronic inflammation involves a diffuse accumu-
lation of macrophages and lymphocytes at the site of injury.
Ongoing chemotaxis causes macrophages to infiltrate the in-
flamed site, where they accumulate because of prolonged sur-
vival and immobilization. These mechanisms lead to fibroblast
proliferation, with subsequent scar formation that in many
cases replaces the normal connective tissue or the functional
parenchymal tissues of the involved structures. For example,
scar tissue resulting from chronic inflammation of the bowel
causes narrowing of the bowel lumen.
Platelet-Activating Factor. Platelet-activating factor (PAF),
which is generated from a complex lipid stored in cell mem-
branes, affects a variety of cell types and induces platelet aggre-
gation. It activates neutrophils and is a potent eosinophil
chemoattractant. When injected into the skin, PAF causes a
Disturbance in cell membrane
Membrane phospholipids
Arachidonic acid
FIGURE 9-5 The cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways.
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