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Alterations in Cell Growth
and Replication: Neoplasia
Concepts of Cell Growth
The Cell Cycle
Cell Proliferation
Cell Differentiation
Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasms
Benign Neoplasms
Malignant Neoplasms
Cancer Cell Characteristics
Invasion and Metastasis
Tumor Growth
Carcinogenesis and Causes of Cancer
Oncogenesis: The Molecular Basis of Cancer
Tumor Cell Transformation
Carcinogenic Agents
Chemical Carcinogens
Radiation Carcinogenesis
Oncogenic Viruses
Immunologic Defects
Clinical Features
Diagnosis and Staging
The Pap Smear
Tumor Markers
Staging and Grading of Tumors
Cancer Treatment
Radiation Therapy
Systemic Cancer Therapy
Childhood Cancers
Diagnosis and Treatment
Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer
States after cardiovascular disease. The disease affects all
age groups, causing more death in children 3 to 15 years
of age than any other disease. The American Cancer Society es-
timates that 1.3 million Americans will develop cancer in 2003,
and that one in two males and one in three females will have
cancer during their lifetime. It also is estimated that approxi-
mately 556,500 Americans will die in the year from neoplastic
diseases. 1 As age-adjusted cancer mortality rates increase and
heart disease mortality decreases, it is predicted that cancer will
become the leading cause of death in a few decades. 2 Trends in
cancer survival demonstrate that relative 5-year survival rates
have improved since the early 1960s. It is estimated that ap-
proximately 59% of people who develop cancer each year will
be alive 5 years later.
Cancers result from a process of altered cell differentiation and
growth. The resulting tissue is called neoplasia. The term neo-
plasm comes from a Greek word meaning new formation. Unlike
the tissue growth that occurs with hypertrophy and hyperpla-
sia, the growth of a neoplasm is uncoordinated and relatively
autonomous in that it lacks normal regulatory controls over
cell growth and division. Neoplasms tend to increase in size
and continue to grow after the stimulus has ceased or the needs
of the organism have been met.
Cancer is not a single disease. The term describes almost all
forms of malignant neoplasia. Cancer can originate in almost
any organ, with the prostate being the most common site in
men and the breast in women. The ability of cancer to be cured
varies considerably and depends on the type of cancer and
the extent of the disease at diagnosis. Cancers such as acute
lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, testicular cancer,
and osteosarcoma, which only a few decades ago had poor
prognoses, are today cured in many cases. However, lung
cancer, which is the leading cause of death in men and women
in the United States, is resistant to therapy, and although some
progress has been made in its treatment, mortality rates remain
Tissue renewal and repair involves cell proliferation and dif-
ferentiation. Proliferation, or the process of cell division, is an
C ancer is the second leading cause of death in the United
Chapter 5: Alterations in Cell Growth and Replication: Neoplasia
inherent adaptive mechanism for replacing body cells when
old cells die or additional cells are needed. Differentiation is the
process of specialization whereby new cells acquire the struc-
ture and function of the cells they replace. In adult tissues, the
size of a population of cells is determined by the rates of cell
proliferation, differentiation, and death by apoptosis. 3 Apop-
tosis, which is discussed in Chapter 2, is a form of programmed
cell death designed to eliminate senescent cells or unwanted
cells. A balance of cellular signals that regulate cell prolifera-
tion, differentiation, and apoptosis regulates the size of cell
tinually dividing cells, such as the crypt cells in the intestinal
mucosa, pass through restriction point (R) in G 1 that commits
them to progression to the synthesis (S) phase and a new round
of cell division. During the S phase, DNA synthesis occurs, giv-
ing rise to two separate sets of chromosomes, one for each
daughter cell. G 2 ( gap 2 ) is the premitotic gap and is similar to
G 1 in that DNA synthesis ceases while RNA and protein syn-
thesis continues. The M phase is the phase of cellular division
or mitosis. Stable cells, such as hepatocytes, enter a quiescent
period in the cell cycle, the G 0 gap. These quiescent cells re-
enter the cell cycle in response to extracellular nutrients, growth
factors, hormones, and other signals, such as blood loss or
tissue injury, that signal for cell renewal. 4,5
The duration of the phases of the cell cycle vary depending
on the cell type, the frequency with which the cells divide,
and host characteristics, such as the presence of appropriate
growth factors. Very rapidly dividing cells can complete the
cell cycle in less than 8 hours, whereas others can take longer
than 1 year. Most of this variability occurs in the G 0 and G 1
phases. The duration of the S phase (10 to 20 hours), the
G 2 phase (2 to 10 hours), and the M phase (0.5 to 1 hour)
appears to be relatively constant. 5
The Cell Cycle
The cell cycle is the interval between each cell division. It regu-
lates the duplication of genetic information and appropriately
aligns the duplicated chromosomes to be received by the
daughter cells. In addition, pauses or checkpoints in the cell
cycle determine the accuracy with which deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) is duplicated. These checkpoints allow for any defects
to be edited and repaired, thereby assuring that the daughter
cells receive the full complement of genetic information, iden-
tical to that of the parent cell. 3
The cell cycle is divided into four distinct phases referred to
as G 1 , S, G 2 , and M (Fig. 5-1). G 1 ( gap 1 ), is the postmitotic
phase during which DNA synthesis ceases while ribonucleic
acid (RNA) and protein synthesis and cell growth take place.
This is the phase during which cells pursue their own special-
ized type of function. Some cells such as neurons become ter-
minally differentiated after mitosis and remain in G 1 . Con-
Cell Proliferation
Cell proliferation is the process by which cells divide and re-
produce. Cell division provides the body with the means for
replacing cells that have a limited life span such as skin and
blood cells, increasing tissue mass during periods of growth,
and providing for tissue repair and wound healing. In normal
Labile cell
FIGURE 5-1 The cell cycle. ( A ) Labile
cells ( e.g., intestinal crypt cells) undergo con-
tinuous replication and the interval between
two consecutive mitoses is designated the
cell cycle. After division, the cells enter a gap
(G 1 ) during which DNA synthesis ceases and
RNA and protein synthesis takes place as
the cell develops its own specialized type of
function. Cells that continue in the cell cycle
pass the restriction point (R), which commits
them to a new round of cell division and con-
tinuation to the synthesis (S) phase during
which all the chromosomes are replicated.
The S phase is followed by the short gap (G 2 )
during which DNA synthesis ceases and pro-
tein synthesis continues. The M phase is
the period of mitosis. After each cycle, one
daughter cell will become committed to dif-
ferentiation and the other will continue
cycling. ( B ) Some cell types, such as hepato-
cytes, are stable. After cell mitosis, the cells
take up their specialized functions (G 0 ) and
not reenter the cell cycle unless stimulated by
the loss of other cells. ( C ) Permanent cells
(neurons) become terminally differentiated
after mitosis and cannot reenter the cell
cycle. (Rubin E., Farber J.L. [1999]. Pathology
[3rd ed., p. 85]. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins)
G 2
Permanent cell
(e.g., neuron)
G 1
G 0
Stable cell
(e.g., hepatocyte)
G 1 -Diploid labile cells
(e.g., stem cells of intestinal crypts)
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Unit One: Mechanisms of Disease
tissue, cell proliferation is regulated so that the number of
cells actively dividing is equivalent to the number dying or
being shed.
In terms of cell proliferation, the 200 or more cell types
of the body can be divided into 3 large groups: the well-
differentiated neurons and cells of skeletal and cardiac muscle
that are unable to divide and reproduce; the parent, or progen-
itor cells, that continue to divide and reproduce, such as blood
cells, skin cells, and liver cells; and the undifferentiated stem
cells that can be triggered to enter the cell cycle and produce
large numbers of progenitor cells when the need arises. The
rates of reproduction of these cells vary greatly. White blood
cells and cells that line the gastrointestinal tract live several days
and must be replaced constantly. In most tissues, the rate of cell
reproduction is greatly increased when tissue is injured or lost.
For example, bleeding stimulates the rapid reproduction of the
blood-forming cells of the bone marrow. In some types of tis-
sue, the genetic program for cell replication normally is re-
pressed but can be resumed under certain conditions. For ex-
ample, the liver has extensive regenerative capabilities under
certain conditions.
volves the expression of specific genes and external stimuli
provided by neighboring cells, exposure to substances in the
maternal circulation, and a variety of growth factors, nutrients,
oxygen, and ions. 6 What makes the cells of one organ different
from those of another organ is the type of gene that is ex-
pressed. Although all cells have the same complement of genes,
only a small number of these genes are expressed in postnatal
life. When cells, such as those of the developing embryo, dif-
ferentiate and give rise to committed cells of a particular tissue
type, the appropriate genes are maintained in an active state
while the remainder are inactive. Normally, the rate of cell re-
production and the process of cell differentiation are precisely
controlled in prenatal and postnatal life so that both of these
mechanisms cease once the appropriate numbers and types of
cells are formed.
The process of differentiation occurs in orderly steps; with
each progressive step, increased specialization is exchanged for
a loss of ability to develop different cell characteristics and dif-
ferent cell lines. The more highly specialized a cell becomes, the
more likely it is to lose its ability to undergo mitosis. Neurons,
which are the most highly specialized cells in the body, lose
their ability to divide and reproduce once development of
the nervous system is complete. More important, there are no
reserve or parent cells to direct their replacement. However, ap-
propriate numbers of these cell types are generated in the em-
bryo such that loss of a certain percentage of cells does not
affect the total cell population. Although these cells never
divide and are not replaced if lost, they exist in sufficient num-
bers to carry out their specific functions. In other, less special-
ized tissues, such as the skin and mucosal lining, cell renewal
continues throughout life.
Even in the continuously renewing cell populations, highly
specialized cells are similarly unable to divide. An alternative
mechanism provides for their replacement. There are progeni-
tor cells of the same lineage that have not yet differentiated to
the extent that they have lost their ability to divide. These cells
are sufficiently differentiated that their daughter cells are lim-
ited to the same cell line, but they are insufficiently differenti-
ated to preclude the potential for active proliferation. As a
result, these parent or progenitor cells are able to provide large
numbers of replacement cells. However, the progenitor cells
have limited capacity for self-renewal and they become re-
stricted to producing a single type of cell.
Another type of cell, called a stem cell, remains incompletely
differentiated throughout life. Stem cells are reserve cells that
remain quiescent until there is a need for cell replenishment,
in which case they divide, thereby producing other stem cells
and cells that can carry out the functions of the differentiated
cell (Fig. 5-2). There are several types of stem cells, some of
which include the muscle satellite cell, the epidermal stem cell,
the spermatogonium, and the basal cell of the olfactory ep-
ithelium. These stem cells are unipotent in that they give rise
to only one type of differentiated cell. Oligopotent stem cells
can produce a small number of cells, and pluripotent stem
cells, such as those involved in hematopoiesis, give rise to nu-
merous cell types. 4 Stem cells are the primary cellular compo-
nent of bone marrow transplantation, in which the stem
cells in the transplanted marrow re-establish the recipient’s
blood production and immune system. Peripheral blood stem
cell transplantation is a transplantation procedure that by-
Cell Differentiation
Cell differentiation is the process whereby proliferating cells
are transformed into different and more specialized cell types.
This process leads to a fully differentiated, adult cell that has
achieved its specific set of structural, functional, and life
expectancy characteristics. For example, a red blood cell is
programmed to develop into a concave disk that functions
as a vehicle for oxygen transport and lives approximately
120 days.
All of the different cell types of the body originate from a
single cell—the fertilized ovum. As the embryonic cells in-
crease in number, they engage in an orderly process of differ-
entiation that is necessary for the development of all the
various organs of the body. The process of differentiation is
regulated by a combination of internal programming that in-
Tissue growth and repair involve cell proliferation
and differentiation.
Cell proliferation is the process whereby tissues ac-
quire new or replacement cells through cell division.
Cell differentiation is the orderly process in which
proliferating cells are transformed into different and
more specialized types. It determines the micro-
scopic characteristics of the cell, how the cell
functions, and how long it will live.
Cells that are fully differentiated are no longer capa-
ble of cell division.
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Chapter 5: Alterations in Cell Growth and Replication: Neoplasia
Stem cell
Stem cell
Progenitor cell
Neoplasms are composed of two types of tissue: parenchymal
tissue and the stroma or supporting tissue. The parenchymal
cells represent the functional components of an organ. The sup-
porting tissue consists of the connective tissue, blood vessels,
and lymph structure. The parenchymal cells of a tumor deter-
mine its behavior and are the component for which a tumor is
named. The supporting tissue carries the blood vessels and
provides support for tumor survival and growth.
Daughter cells
Differentiated cells
FIGURE 5-2 Mechanism of stem cell–mediated cell replace-
ment. Division of a stem cell with an unlimited potential for prolif-
eration results in one daughter cell, which retains the characteris-
tics of a stem cell, and a second daughter cell, which differentiates
into a progenitor or parent cell, with a limited potential for differ-
entiation and proliferation. As the daughter cells of the progeni-
tor cell proliferate, they become more differentiated, until reach-
ing the stage where they are fully differentiated and no longer able
to divide.
By definition, a tumor is a swelling that can be caused by a num-
ber of conditions, including inflammation and trauma.
Although they are not synonymous, the terms tumor and neo-
plasm often are used interchangeably. Neoplasms usually are
classified as benign or malignant. Neoplasms that contain well-
differentiated cells that are clustered together in a single mass
are considered to be benign. These tumors usually do not cause
death unless their location or size interferes with vital func-
tions. In contrast, malignant neoplasms are less well differen-
tiated and have the ability to break loose, enter the circulatory
or lymphatic systems, and form secondary malignant tumors
at other sites. Malignant neoplasms usually cause suffering and
death if untreated or uncontrolled.
Tumors usually are named by adding the suffix -oma to the
parenchymal tissue type from which the growth originated.
Thus, a benign tumor of glandular epithelial tissue is called an
adenoma, and a benign tumor of bone tissue is called an
osteoma. The term carcinoma is used to designate a malignant
tumor of epithelial tissue origin. In the case of a malignant
adenoma, the term adenocarcinoma is used. Malignant tumors
of mesenchymal origin are called sarcomas ( e.g., osteosarcoma).
Papillomas are benign microscopic or macroscopic fingerlike
projections that grow on any surface. A polyp is a growth that
projects from a mucosal surface, such as the intestine. Although
the term usually implies a benign neoplasm, some malignant
tumors also appear as polyps. 3 Oncology is the study of tumors
and their treatment. Table 5-1 lists the names of selected
benign and malignant tumors according to tissue types.
Benign and malignant neoplasms usually are differentiated
by their (1) cell characteristics, (2) manner of growth, (3) rate
of growth, (4) potential for metastasizing or spreading to other
parts of the body, (5) ability to produce generalized effects,
(6) tendency to cause tissue destruction, and (7) capacity
to cause death. The characteristics of benign and malignant
neoplasms are summarized in Table 5-2.
passes the need for bone marrow infusion by infusing stem
cells that have been separated and removed from the donor
In summary, the term neoplasm refers to an abnormal
mass of tissue in which the growth exceeds and is uncoordi-
nated with that of the normal tissues. Unlike normal cellular
adaptive processes such as hypertrophy and hyperplasia,
neoplasms do not obey the laws of normal cell growth. They
serve no useful purpose, they do not occur in response to an
appropriate stimulus, and they continue to grow at the
expense of the host.
Cell proliferation is the process whereby cells divide and
bear offspring; it normally is regulated so that the number of
cells that are actively dividing is equal to the number dying or
being shed. The process of cell growth and division is called
the cell cycle. It is divided into four phases: G 1 , the postmitotic
phase, during which DNA synthesis ceases while RNA and
protein synthesis and cell growth take place; S, the phase dur-
ing which DNA synthesis occurs, giving rise to two separate
sets of chromosomes; G 2 , the premitotic phase, during which
RNA and protein synthesis continues; and M, the phase of cell
mitosis or cell division. The G 0 phase is a resting or quiescent
phase in which nondividing cells reside.
Cell differentiation is the process whereby cells are trans-
formed into different and more specialized cell types as they
proliferate. It determines the structure, function, and life span
of a cell. There are three types of cells: well-differentiated cells
that are no longer able to divide, progenitor or parent cells
that continue to divide and bear offspring, and undifferenti-
ated stem cells that can be recruited to become progenitor
cells when the need arises. As a cell line becomes more differ-
entiated, it becomes more highly specialized in its function
and less able to divide.
Benign Neoplasms
Benign tumors are characterized by a slow, progressive rate of
growth that may come to a standstill or regress, an expansive
manner of growth, the presence of a well-defined fibrous cap-
sule, and failure to metastasize to distant sites. Benign tumors
are composed of well-differentiated cells that resemble the cells
of the tissue of origin. For example, the cells of a uterine
Unit One: Mechanisms of Disease
Names of Selected Benign and Malignant Tumors
According to Tissue Types
Tissue Type
Benign Tumors
Malignant Tumors
Blood vessels
Lymph vessels
Lymph tissue
Neural Tissue
Nerve cell
Glial tissue
Nerve sheaths
Plasma cells
Endothelial Tissue
Blood vessels
Lymph vessels
Squamous cell carcinoma
Glioma (benign)
Glioblastoma, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, oligodendroglioma
Neurilemmal sarcoma
Meningeal sarcoma
Myelocytic leukemia
Erythrocytic leukemia
Multiple myeloma
Lymphocytic leukemia or lymphoma
Monocytic leukemia
Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasms
Cell characteristics
Well-differentiated cells that resemble normal cells
of the tissue from which the tumor originated
Tumor grows by expansion and does not infiltrate
the surrounding tissues; usually encapsulated
Rate of growth usually is slow
Cells are undifferentiated and often bear little resemblance
to the normal cells of the tissue from which they arose
Grows at the periphery and sends out processes that infil-
trate and destroy the surrounding tissues
Rate of growth is variable and depends on level of differ-
entiation; the more anaplastic the tumor, the more
rapid the rate of growth
Gains access to the blood and lymph channels and metas-
tasizes to other areas of the body
Often causes generalized effects such as anemia, weak-
ness, and weight loss
Mode of growth
Rate of growth
Does not spread by metastasis
General effects
Usually is a localized phenomenon that does not
cause generalized effects unless its location
interferes with vital functions
Usually does not cause tissue damage unless its
location interferes with blood flow
Tissue destruction
Often causes extensive tissue damage as the tumor out-
grows its blood supply or encroaches on blood flow to
the area; also may produce substances that cause cell
Usually causes death unless growth can be controlled
Ability to cause death
Usually does not cause death unless its location
interferes with vital functions
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