Mongoose Runequest 1e - Elric Cults of the Young Kingdoms.pdf

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Cults of the Young Kingdoms
Lawrence Whitaker
Charlotte Law
Chad Sergesketter,
Furman, Leonardo
Borazio and Phil
Introduction 2
Law and Chaos 4
The Elementals 9
The Powers of Growth 13
Cult Nomenclature 15
Cults of Chaos 26
Cults of Law 74
Cults of the Elements 98
Ancestor and Personality Cults 117
Societies and Secrets
Will Chapman
Cover Art
Pascal Quidault
Iordanis Lazaridis
Special Thanks
Michael Moorcock &
Richard Watts
Ian Kaufman & John
Grand Passions
Copyright Information
Elric of Melnibone; Cults of the Young Kingdoms ©2008 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work
by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All art and text herein are copyrighted by
Mongoose Publishing. All signifi cant characters, names, places and items featured in Elric of Melnibone; Cults of the Young Kingdoms
the distinctive likenesses thereof and related elements are trademarks of Michael Moorcock and Multiverse Inc.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written
permission. To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity to
actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
RuneQuest is a trademark (TM) of Issaries, Inc. Produced under license from Issaries. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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supernatural forces abroad in the Young Kingdoms. It aims
to extrapolate material from the Elric saga, adding depth
to the intrigue Michael Moorcock has created, allowing
Games Masters and Players to become greater exponents of
the higher powers as they characters struggle to make sense
of the world around them.
While the Gods Laugh
Elric, most astute of the scholars of the Young Kingdoms,
mires himself in hopelessness but shrieks the truth –
perhaps to the mirth of the gods. There is no salvation in
this world. Only malevolent doom. Aye, Elric understands
the truth of it but his knowledge and understanding are
unique. Around him, throughout the Young Kingdoms,
humans search for what Elric knows can never exist:
salvation; hope; a meaning for existence; a reason for why
they struggle and toil.
Chapter One – Law and
Chaos: The
Eternal Struggle
This important chapter outlines the nature of the Eternal
Struggle between Law and Chaos. It lays the foundations
for the way the cults of the Young Kingdoms work and
provides context for the philosophies that they embody.
To answer these questions, the most ardent searchers look
to the higher powers; the Lords of Law and Entropy; the
Elemental Lords and Lords of Beasts and Plants. Ancestors
and demons are summoned from the abyss to offer hints
and clues as to the meaning of existence. In his bid to
understand – in his futile bid to gain some control – man
places his faith in these higher powers believing that,
through veneration, devotion and sacrifi ce, they will share
some of their knowledge with his frail, mortal mind. In
his folly man pledges his very soul to serve one Lord or
another, attempting to surround their primeval, essential
natures in ritual, oath and ceremony. The greater the mortal
demonstration, it is hoped, then the greater the glory and
recognition. The men of the Young Kingdoms continue
to plough this futile furrow, blissfully ignorant of the fact
that one man, Elric of Melniboné, has already deduced the
answer – and it has driven him to despair.
Chapter Two – The
Elemental Powers:
Battle for the
Form of the Earth
The role of the Elemental Lords in the formation of the
Young Kingdoms and politics of the Higher Planes
Chapter Three –
The Powers of Growth;
Beast Lords
and Plant Lords
An overview of how the Lords of Nature are engaged in the
Eternal Struggle.
Chapter Four – Cult
Nomenclature and
Presenting the format used for the cult descriptions, advice
on what makes for a Player Character cultist and a complete
listing of Gifts and Compulsions along with how these can
be used as part of cult benefi ts.
This book expands upon the material found in the Lord of
the Million Spheres chapter of the Elric of Melniboné rules.
Herein you will fi nd more information concerning the
natures of the Lords of the Higher Planes, new cults, new
Gifts and Compulsions, new religious approaches and new
professions related to them. Essentially, this book is for those
Elric Games Masters and characters who wish to immerse
themselves in the ways of Law, Chaos, Elements and other
Chapter Five –
Cults of Chaos
Expansions to the each of the cults of Chaos, with
detailed myths, reasons for being and the agendas of the
Lords of Chaos.
‘Would that we’d never met, Shaarilla of the Dancing Mist.
For a while, you gave me hope - I had thought to be at last
at peace with myself. But, because of you. I am left more
hopeless than before. There is no salvation in this world - only
malevolent doom!’
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Chapter Six –
Cults of Law
Expanded descriptions of the cults of Order, with detailed
myths for the Lords of Law and the addition of Pozz-man-
Llyr, Lord of the Sea.
Chapter Ten – Grand
Love and Hate and how to use them as part of the Elric of
Melniboné game mechanics.
Chapter Seven –
Cults of the Elements
Expanded treatments of the Elemental Cults, their
interactions and detail on their views of each other.
What Else Do I Need
to Use This Book?
Aside from the Elric of Melniboné rulebook, the most
useful supplementary book is Magic of the Young
Kingdoms . The Elric of Melniboné Companion may
also prove to be of use but is by no means essential.
Chapter Eight – Ancestor
and Personality Cults
Several new cults of both Law and Chaos: Aubec, Terhali
and the Ancestor Worship of Oin and Yu.
However the chief adjunct is your own imagination –
and the willingness of the characters to risk their souls
in the pursuit of the veneration of the Higher Powers.
Chapter Nine – Secret
and Esoteric Societies
Introducing the Mereghn – spies and assassins of
Ilmiora; and the Sorcerer Adventurers of Quarzhasaat.
Not cults per se but useful new societies to help and
hinder adventuring characters.
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‘I seek in it the Truth,’ Elric said guardedly.
For the Eternal Struggle is little more than an Eternal Game.
Mortals are playing pieces and the rules are both fi xed and
uncertain. For most, the game is removed and remote from
their lives. Things happen and people accept it. Across the
Young Kingdoms countless individuals are born, live and
die, completely ignorant of the cosmic game that goes on
about them. However those who seek to understand the
nature of the board, the pieces and the rules of the game
mark themselves out as willing pawns to manipulated by the
Higher Power they choose to favour. The Eternal Struggle is
never to the advantage of the human condition. The Lords
of Law and Chaos will argue passionately otherwise but they
are lying (or merely playing the game). The Eternal Struggle
serves only those supernatural entities that represent and
personify the essential nature of the two forces. Human life
– all life – is secondary, abstract and expendable.
‘There is no Truth but that of Eternal struggle,’ the scarlet-
fl amed giant said with conviction.
‘What rules above the forces of Law and Chaos?’ Elric asked.
‘What controls your destinies as it controls mine?’
The giant frowned. ‘That question, I cannot answer. I do not
know, There is only the Balance.’
While the Gods Laugh
The Multiverse is the province of two, diametrically opposed
powers: Law, which seeks stability and rational progression,
ultimately to stagnation; and Chaos, which perpetuates
continual, incessant, ungovernable change. These two
forces, represented and personifi ed by the Lords of Law and
Chaos, are locked in a perpetual battle for supremacy. The
mortal worlds about them are the spoils; the ultimate prize
the ability to manipulate, mould and assert their will over
what has been and what can be, created.
Fighting, Not
Left unchecked, either of these powers results in destruction
and doom. Chaos continually dissembles, mutates and
corrupts. Law represses, codifi es, machinates and strangles.
Singularly, neither force ultimately sustains life but when
held in equilibrium, life fl ourishes and prospers. A stable
universe requires balanced amounts of Law and Chaos if it
is to function. So it is that the Cosmic Balance stands above
Law and Chaos, checking the sway and list of each across
a million spheres, attempting to ensure that neither side
fatally overbalances the scales.
‘I have been told that the knowledge contained in the Book
could swing the balance on the side of the forces of Law. This
disturbs me - but, it appears, there is another possibility which
disturbs me even more.’
‘What is that?’ Elric said.
‘It could create such a tremendous impact on the Multiverse
that complete entropy would result. My Masters do not desire
that, for it could mean the destruction of all matter in the
end. We exist only to fi ght - not to win, but to preserve the
eternal struggle.’
In some realms one of the forces dominates completely and
in such realms, life is secondary to the whims and natures
of the Lord or Lords who rule. However, in worlds such as
the Young Kingdoms, neither Law nor Chaos has the upper
hand; and in worlds such as the Young Kingdoms, where
minds, souls and beliefs are malleable, the plane becomes a
battleground – a cosmic chessboard – where the Lord of the
Higher Powers joust for position, infl uence and control.
While the Gods Laugh
Orunlu the Keeper, the Guardian of a book that, so
Elric is led to believe, defi nes the nature of the cosmic
struggle, encapsulates the philosophy and game-plan of
Chaos perfectly. Its true intention is not to defeat Law
completely but to continue the game and preserve the
The Chaos
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