Mongoose Runequest 1e - Hawkmoon - Hunters Of Granbretan.pdf

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Hunters of Granbretan
Bryan Steele
RuneQuest Logo
Anne Stokes
A Dark Night in Karlye
Richard Ford
Interior Illustrations
Leonardo Borazio, Martin
Hanford, Javier Charro Martinez,
Regis Moulun, Sean Parnell, &
Chad Sergesketter
Bloody Streets
No Way Out
Will Chapman
When Destiny Calls
Characters and Beasts
Cover Art
Pascal Quidault
Sean Brown, Tina Cook, Cindy
Freeman, Craige Freeman, Brian
Gellinault, Paul Palmer, Robert
Cover Design
Iordanis Lazaridis
Special Thanks
Michael Moorcock
Copyright Information
Hawkmoon - Hunters of Granbretan ©2009 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work by
any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All art and text herein are copyrighted by
Mongoose Publishing. All signifi cant characters, names, places and items featured in Hawkmoon - Hunters of Granbretan the
distinctive likenesses thereof and related elements are trademarks of Michael Moorcock and Multiverse Inc.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written
permission. To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity
to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
RuneQuest is a trademark (TM) of Issaries, Inc. Produced under license from Issaries. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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Risidious looked back over his shoulder, panting and
out of breath, seeing the expanse of the Silver Bridge
slowly being swallowed by the churning morning fog.
It should buy him just enough time to fi nd a buyer for
these…these…tragically wonderful items. Maybe he
will actually make it this time.
universe lies behind your own. There are thousands
upon thousands of worlds and time streams; one
never knows just how many devils, heroes, magics,
and horrors beyond comprehension one might fi nd
within them. While it is true that Dorian Hawkmoon
was made into the Eternal Champion of his era and his
world, even he sees only a frayed thread of the tapestry
of fate.
Then he heard them again…wings of metal and wood.
Clockwork cranking and electric engines humming,
growing closer in the gloom. Ornithopters. The fl ying
menaces had not given up chase since he left the west
isle, and they are getting better at tracking him.
The Dark Empire of Granbretan is engaged in the
conquest of Europe. King-Emperor Huon and his
lackeys have manipulated the Eternal Champion into
crossing the Silver Bridge into Europe bearing a black
jewel in his skull that serves as both spy and leash. The
lord-nobles wait with baited breath for the endgame of
the King-Emperor, when they will have an iron-fi sted
control all of Europe as they have created on their own
So tired…
He cannot run much farther, and they will be able to
see him in no time. Looking down at the stump of a
hand that he gave up to pass them on to better suited
folk, he wished away the dull throb in his head. The
fever was getting thicker, and his legs were like rubber
vines beneath him.
In this scenario, players of RuneQuest: Eternal
Champion will fi nd themselves in the wake of a great
man, caught between their own survivals and possibly
stopping a great tragedy. Hunters of Granbretan is
a scenario for moderately experienced characters
playing the Hawkmoon piece of the Eternal Champion
No more running…
He had to fi nd someone to take them. He cursed his
weakness for being able to do it himself, and even
more so for having to pass this responsibility onto
someone else…
In this adventure…
Dorian Hawkmoon, Duke of Köln, has recently passed
over the Silver Bridge into Europe on his long journey
to Persia as part of his forced mission from the King-
Emperor. The black-market city of Karlye barely even
knew he had come and gone, before he already had
done so. Shortly after his passing, another special
adventurer from Granbretan follows. This man, a
refugee from the bull-masked Tauran Lords, carries
with him a very special sword and gauntlet that he
claims must never fall into the hands of his former
captors. Knowing that anything can be bought or sold
in the streets of Karlye, he was hoping to break up the
two pieces of the artefact, selling them separately in an
effort to keep the Taurans from getting their hands on
them. This was not to be, however. Destiny, it seems,
had a different plan.
…but he was so very tired of running.
In the multiverse of the Eternal Champion , the
collection of all possible universes, dimensions and
time streams, destiny itself is dominated by the confl ict
between Law and Chaos. When these metaphysical
forces clash, a mirrored soul – the Eternal Champion
– often found in the midst of the confl ict. Whoever fi lls
this role serves as the champion and the very essence
of Humanity for that dimension – although he is not
necessarily a Man, and not destined to be Human. The
Eternal champion’s purpose is to force the confl ict
back towards a state of Equilibrium, but he often ends
up serving Law or Chaos (willingly or not), or even
trying to deny the destiny laid out before him.
The multiverse is as vast as the imagination, with no
laid boundaries beyond the knowledge that another
Wounded, poisoned and exhausted…the man dies,
leaving the interesting artefact in the hands of the
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Player Characters. Now they are the ones that are
being hunted for possessing it, and they can only hope
to escape the city and the many soldiers of the Tauran
Lords – unless they can fi nd someone foolish enough
to take the mighty weapon off their hands (literally)
so they can avoid capture and torture by the Taurans.
Everywhere the Player Characters go they will fi nd that
Karlye is a dangerous and deadly place when it wants
to be, and the powerful magic at work in the artefact is
doing little to help them in staying unnoticed.
odds, but still one fi lled with many opportunities for
adventure. Sometimes the players may wish to talk
or bribe their way out of an ugly situation, where
they simply cannot avoid some confl icts. Depending
on their views of Granbretan and its lord-nobles, the
biggest threat in this scenario may not be a cutthroat or
beast…but the idea of standing against such an endless
and powerful foe. The soldiers sent to Karlye can be
fought or killed blade and bludgeon, but the Empire’s
evil cannot be destroyed by a simple sword or arrow.
The Player Characters will have more than a few
chances to cross blades with Tauran soldiers or make
deals with some of the least trustworthy bits of Karlye’s
undercity; they will have to survive in situations that
would have seemed unreal to them before their fated
meeting with a wounded man in a dark alley.
A copy of the RuneQuest Core Rulebook , RuneQuest
– Hawkmoon , a notepad, pencils and a full set of
dice (at least one of each of the following; d20, d12,
d10, d8, d6 and d4) will be needed to play Hunters of
Granbretan . Players and Games Masters may also fi nd
a copy of the RuneQuest Companion a good reference
point for several of the skills and sorcery possibly used
in this scenario. It is by no means necessary, as every
encounter in the scenario has statistics or alternate
rules listed in the last section for those involved; but
some Games Masters may wish to have that extra
information at their fi ngertips. This comes in readily
handy when players take interesting turns off the
beaten path of the written scenario. It may also be
helpful to have a few miniatures or counters and some
form of erasable map handy for when battles to break
out, but these are also not essential.
By the end of the scenario, if the Player Characters
have managed to avoid capture, torture and painful
execution by the Tauran Lord, they will have one last
duty – to wield the Sword Magistrate for as long as
they can, or fi nd a place to hide it from the hunters
of Granbretan. Whatever they choose to do, the
multiverse will respond appropriately.
Good deeds rarely go unnoticed…by both sides of
Getting Ready to Play
Hunters of Granbretan is a scenario that gives players
a chance to possess a true piece of the multiverse, if
they want to take on all the baggage that comes with it.
Unlike most roleplaying adventures, where the answer
to any problem is strong morals and stronger blades,
the problems facing the Player Characters in Karlye
are likely to be diffi cult (but not impossible!) to solve
in such a way. They might require the players and
their characters to take different approaches to their
situation. The decision to hide rather than fi ght should
be a wise one, and wanton battle is likely to cause
more ill than good.
Hunters of Granbretan combines several aspects of
the roleplaying game into one continuous stream of
plotline complete with many situations and problems
that the Player Characters may want a diverse set of
skill specialities to overcome or bypass successfully.
A party of adventurers that is completely focused on
one facet of game play may have some trouble with
these instances, while a more varied group might do
better as it progresses.
Games Masters should read and become familiar with
the entire scenario before attempting to subject their
players in it. This should allow the Games Master
to follow each encounter together with the next
seamlessly, or to alter his methods to meld the written
encounters with the often random actions of his Player
Characters. This is extremely important, as Hunters
of Granbretan has many places where free-formed
For the Games Masters who are concerned their game
is about to take the path leading away from fast-paced
action and adventure…do not. We have tried to create
an atmosphere of dark shadows and overwhelming
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