Comparative Primate Socioecology - P. Lee (Cambridge, 2004) WW.pdf

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Comparative Primate Socioecology
Comparative Primate Socioecology
Comparative studies have become both more frequent and more impor-
tantasameansforunderstandingthe biology,behaviourandevolutionof
mammals. Primates have complex social relationships and diverse ecolo-
gies, and represent a large species radiation. This book draws together a
wide range of experts from fields as diverse as reproductive biology and
foraging energetics to place recent field research into a synthetic perspec-
tive. The chapters tackle controversial issues in primate biology and
behaviour, including the role of brain expansion and infanticide in the
evolution of primate behavioural strategies. The book also presents an
overview of comparative methodologies as applied to recent primate
researchthatwillprovidenew approachesto comparativeresearch.Itwill
be of particular interest to primatologists, behavioural ecologists and
those interested in the evolution of human social behaviour.
P.C. Lee is a lecturer in Biological Anthropology at the University of
Cambridge and Fellow of Downing College. She began field work on
baboons in 1975 and has maintained an interest in the socioecology and
behaviour of primates and other large mammals ever since. She has
written numerous papers and has co-edited three previous volumes on
primates — Primate Evolution , Primate Ecology and Conservation and
Primate Ontogeny, Cognition and Behaviour (all 1986) and has co-
authored The Threatened Primates of Africa (1988).
CambridgeStudiesin BiologicalAnthropology
Human ecology C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor,
University of Cambridge
Michael A. Little,
State University of New York, Binghamton
Genetics Kenneth M. Weiss,
Pennsylvania State University
Human evolution Robert A. Foley,
University of Cambridge
Nina G. Jablonski,
California Academy of Science
Karen B. Strier,
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Emeritus Professor Derek F. Roberts
Emeritus Professor Gabriel W. Lasker
Selectedtitlesalso in the series
11 Kenneth M. Weiss Genetic Variation and HumanDisease
0 521 33660 0 (paperback)
12 Duane Quiatt & Vernon Reynolds PrimateBehaviour
0 521 49832 5 (paperback)
13 Gabriel W. Lasker & C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor (eds) Research
Strategiesin BiologicalAnthropology 0 521 43188 3
14 Stanley J. Ulijaszek and C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor (eds) Anthropometry
0 521 41798 8
15 C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor and Barry Bogin (eds) Human Variability
and Plasticity 0 521 45399 2
16 Stanley J. Ulijaszek HumanEnergeticsin BiologicalAnthropology
0 521 43295 2
17 Roy J. Shephard and Anders Rode HealthConsequencesof
‘Modernisation’ 0 521 47401 9
18 Marta M. Lahr TheEvolution ofModernHumanDiversity
0 521 47393 4
19 Lyliane Rosetta and C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor (eds) Variabilityin
HumanFertility 0 521 49569 5
20 G. Richard Scott and Christy G. Turner II AnthropologyofModern
Human Teeth 0 521 45508 1
21 Clark S. Larsen Bioarchaeology 0 521 4964 1 (hardback),
0 521 65834 9 (paperback)
22 P. C. Lee (ed) ComparativePrimateSociology 0 521 59336 0
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