Functional Strength Training vs Bodybuilding-Venuto.pdf

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Functional Strength training Vs Bodybuilding
Functional Strength training Vs Bodybuilding
Is Bodybuilding the Worst thing that ever happened to strength training?
By Tom Venuto
Being involved in the strength and bodybuilding world for the last 20 years, including
14 years in the health club and personal training business, has given me a very
unique perspective on a trend that’s been taking place recently. It’s one that’s
somewhat disturbing to we, the dyed in the wool “old school” bodybuilders. Quite
simply, we are being attacked! We are being accused of training “all wrong!” Those
machines we use? Utterly worthless. The leg press? Non-functional. Our strength?
Pathetic compared to our size. Our speed? Bwahhhh haa haa ha! Our flexibility?
Like taffy at the north pole. “Big, slow, weak, stiff, bloated, useless muscles” – that’s
us – the bodybuilders. Or so says a certain group of vehement strength and athletic
coaches. One well-known strength guru even went as far as saying, "The worst thing
to ever happen to strength training was bodybuilding."
Well, after being “picked on” for a long time for being a “vain” bodybuilder only
interested in how I look (not caring about my athletic abilities), I figured it was time
someone finally tackled the “functional” strength training versus “cosmetic”
bodybuilding issue head on. In this article, you will learn the answers these
questions: What is “functional” training? What is “cosmetic” training? What’s the
difference between the two? Should bodybuilders train like athletes? Should athletes
train like bodybuilders? Will the two ever meet in the middle? How should you train
if you’re just an “Average Joe” (or Jane) who wants to look good, feel good, play
recreational sports and stay injury free? Do you listen to the heavily-muscled
bodybuilding champ at your local gym, or to the strength/athletic coach?
Truth is, bodybuilders really can learn a thing or two from strength athletes, but
ultimately, neither bodybuilders nor strength athletes have a training methodology
superior to the other. Each is simply training to achieve the specific requirements of
their respective sports – and those requirements can be very, very different indeed.
What is the difference between “Bodybuilding training” and “Functional
Training” anyway?
Bodybuilding training , by definition, is “cosmetic.” In a bodybuilding competition,
you are judged on the way you look, not by the way you perform. Whether you use
light weights or heavy weights, slow reps or fast reps, long workouts or short
workouts is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that on the day of
the contest, your physique is visually the best one onstage. This means having the
perfect package of low body fat, muscular size and classical symmetry.
Bodybuilding training therefore, is not aimed at increasing strength, flexibility, speed
or other athletic factors as ends in themselves. In competitive bodybuilding,
improving performance is only sought to the extent to which it helps the bodybuilder
build more muscle and stay injury free so they can ultimately, look better onstage.
(Or as one functional training expert kindly put it, “The only athletic component
bodybuilders encounter is having to walk across a stage and selectively spasm
muscles to their favorite tune!”)
Functional training emerged primarily from the sports conditioning and
rehabilitation world and refers to the prescription of exercises that contribute to
better, more efficient and safer performance of real world activities or sports
For example, functional training would help the average person develop strength that
carries over into daily activities such as pulling open a heavy door, hiking up a rocky,
uneven trail, starting a lawnmower, carrying a child, unloading heavy packages from
the trunk of a car, or reaching up and pulling down a bulky box from an overhead
If you’re an athlete, functional training will help you improve your performance in
your event. You will improve your swing, kick or throw further, run faster or increase
your vertical jump - and do these things without getting injured.
The terms “core training” and “functional training” are often used interchangeably,
although core training is just one modality of functional training. Core training means
doing exercises that activate the “core” muscles of the torso, neck, pelvis, lower
back and abdominals. Basically, your core is everything except your arms and legs.
Core training doesn’t just work the muscles you can see – it also works the deep
muscles like the quadratus lumborum and transversus abdominus (aka the TVA),
which are important in strengthening and stabilizing the lower back and torso.
The most common example of a core-training apparatus is the “stability ball,” which
is used for full range abdominal work, resistance training and numerous other
exercises to develop balance, stability, coordination and core strength.
Why functional training caught the eye of an “old school bodybuilder”
Functional training is old news in the sports and rehabilitation world. I’ve been aware
of the various functional training modalities for a long time, but it wasn’t until just a
few years ago that it REALLY came to my attention because I started seeing it catch
on in a big way inside our health clubs. All of a sudden, the trainers had medicine
balls, core boards, rubber tubing, stability balls, rollers and foam pads all over the
place, whereas just five years ago, there wasn’t a single ball to be found in the entire
One day, as I was doing my weekly “white glove” gym inspection, I witnessed a jaw-
dropping spectacle that literally stopped me dead in my tracks. I watched open
mouthed in astonishment, as one of our trainers did full squats standing on top of a
stability ball while holding a medicine ball at arms length out in front of him. I later
observed him take his clients through workouts including lunging and leg pressing off
of foam pads, jumping on and off platforms, “playing catch” and doing all kinds of
“weird twisting stuff” with medicine balls and a variety of other “unique” movements
that you hardly ever see bodybuilders doing.
At the time, I thought this was interesting, but very bizarre. It looked to me like they
were training for Cirque Du Soleil rather than getting in shape, so initially I just
ignored them and continued on with my merry old bodybuilding ways, rowing,
squatting and bench pressing for multiple sets of 6-12 controlled reps.
A few things finally made me take a closer look, however. First, client retention for
these trainers went up. It seemed that all this new variety was a great motivator for
the average Joe. Second, it seemed like the personal training clients were actually
HAVING FUN (which could also explain the increased retention. Third, I saw the
trainer (the one who was doing the circus act on the ball), doing one arm dumbbell
presses with a 110 pound dumbbell on a stability ball. Now THAT I thought was VERY
interesting. I also saw him doing inclines for reps with the 120s on a regular bench.
That may not seem like a spectacular feat for an advanced bodybuilder, but this guy
was NOT a bodybuilder. He had an athletic, but otherwise pretty average-looking
build, yet he was a LOT stronger than he looked. Again, I was intrigued.
So, being a humble guy who admits he doesn’t know it all, I started picking his brain
and doing some research to learn more. I then tested out some of these techniques
on myself, found the answers to all the questions that had been burning in my mind,
and came to some interesting conclusions.
To the casual observer, a bodybuilder walking shirtless down the beach represents
the epitome of health, fitness and athleticism simply because they “look” like they’re
in great shape. However, a trained strength and conditioning coach would be likely to
spot a lot of problems in many bodybuilders simply by looking at his/her posture,
gait and exercise performance. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and
many bodybuilders have some inconspicuous, but potentially dangerous weak points.
Functional training can help the bodybuilder strengthen these weak links, which left
unattended, could lead to major injuries that might set them back for months.
Bodybuilders also get tend to stuck at strength plateaus quite frequently, while
certain “in the know” athletes with half the muscle mass continue to get stronger and
stronger – even though they might not “look” as strong as they are. Functional
training can help bodybuilders make steady gains in strength and power, which,
while not the primary goal of the bodybuilder, can help the bodybuilder gain mass
later on.
Functional training can definitely help the bodybuilder become a better bodybuilder,
but is the reverse also true? In some instances yes, bodybuilding training can help
the athlete. For example, when an athlete needs to add 15-20 pounds of muscle, a
bodybuilding style program could be incorporated into a carefully periodized schedule
in order to achieve the hypertrophy desired.
However, functional training has more application to bodybuilders than bodybuilding
training has to athletes. For example, most bodybuilders train with a controlled
tempo and more time under tension. Bodybuilders generally perform little or no
explosive exercise, usually opting instead for slow reps such as a 2-3 second
concentric and a 3-4 second eccentric. Time under tension is an important
consideration for the bodybuilders.
If an athlete requiring explosiveness and strength used a traditional bodybuilding
protocol of 6-8 reps on a slow tempo such as 4031 or 9-12 reps on a 3020 tempo,
they would not be training the qualities they wanted to improve. As many strength
coaches are fond of saying, “train slow, get slow.”
Athletes are not primarily interested in cosmetic improvements or pure muscle
mass– they want functionality! They want strength, power, flexibility, coordination,
agility, balance and endurance. They want to run faster, jump higher and hit harder.
Athletes need very high levels of neuromuscular integration and recruitment of fast
twitch muscle fiber. They require activation of postural and stabilizing muscles. If
the athlete focused on muscular isolation and machine work as many of the
bodybuilders do, once again, they would not be training with the proper specificity.
The best thing an athlete can do to improve their sports performance is to use free
weights, explosive movements and functional training modalities that are as specific
to the requirements of their events as possible. Therefore, it’s only logical to
conclude that athletes should NOT train like bodybuilders.
Bodybuilders can and should train in a functional manner, while still keeping their
unique goal of cosmetic improvement clearly in focus. There are many ways this can
be accomplished:
(1) Do more unsupported exercises, which activates stabilizers and core
Many years ago, I ruptured my 4 th lumbar vertebrae and my training was quite
limited for some time. As I began to rehabilitate myself, I figured that to “be safe”
and keep the stress off my lower back, I should do every exercise possible with my
back and torso supported. I chose exercises like incline dumbbell curls instead of
standing dumbbell curls, lever rows and machine rows instead of bent over
barbell/dumbbell rows, Leg extensions and horizontal (supine) leg presses instead of
squats, and seated dumbbell presses with back support instead of free standing
barbell or dumbbell presses.
While this strategy was probably wise during the acute phase of my injury, it
unfortunately stuck as a habit for a long time afterwards until I learned about
functional training. Little did I know that by doing all my exercises with my torso
supported, I was NOT allowing my core to become stronger or my back to become
completely rehabilitated. I may even have caused my back to become weaker by
“babying” it all the time.
To make your workouts more functional, get off the machines and torso-supported
exercises and get onto the free weights and unsupported exercises. To progress even
further, you can begin to incorporate stability ball work into your regimen as well.
(2) Use the Stability Ball
Bodybuilders should efinitely do some work on the stability ball. I admit it- I was
VERY hesitant to start using it. (In fact, I did my first few stability ball workouts after
the gym was closed when no one was looking - no kidding). The first time you use
the stability ball, expect it to feel quite awkward… after all, it’s… ummm… unstable!
Start with light weights and build up gradually. You’ll not only benefit from a
stronger core, you’ll also get a nice spurt of growth because such movements are a
shock to your muscles and central nervous system when performed the first time.
(3) Perform integrated AND isolated movements for your abs including
rotational movements… and avoid using ab machines exclusively.
Some of the functional strength/anti-bodybuilding advocates have been known to
make statements such as, “Crunches are totally worthless.” I wouldn’t go that far.
No, crunches are not “worthless;” they’re simply over-used. Crunches can be an
excellent addition to a bodybuilder’s ab routine, but if you do nothing but crunches
off the floor and ab machines, it’s like working out in one dimension. You miss the
benefits of full range ab work and integrated ab work. Bodybuilders could also stand
to do more rotational work such as Russian twists, twisting sit-ups and the Paul Chek
favorite, the “Wood Chop.” Bodybuilders should be cautioned, however about doing
heavy weighted side bends, as this tends to build the sides of the waist and ruin the
symmetry that bodybuilders require.
(4) Do more unilateral dumbbell work (and more dumbbell work in general)
Bodybuilders tend to use too many machines. When working on dumbbells, they
often to forget that virtually any dumbbell exercise can be done one arm at a time or
in an alternating fashion. One arm dumbbell movements add functionality while still
doing a great job building muscle mass. Strength coach Charles Poliquin says,
“Dumbbell work is the foundation of strength.” This is true not just because
dumbbells often allow a greater range of motion, but also because dumbbell work is
functional – it requires more stabilization
(5) Emphasize free weights over machines
Machines have a definite place in a bodybuilder’s routine, but machines should not
come first in the hierarchy of importance. Machines will help hit the muscles from a
wide variety of angles – which bodybuilders need – but they are generally not
functional and they lock you into a fixed path
(6) Use exercises that allow you to move freely through space rather than
those which lock you into a fixed path
Remember the ab roller? They were all the rage for a while, selling by the hundreds
of thousands on late night infomercials. Ironically, despite their popularity, they are
NOT as effective as abdominal exercises that allow free motion through a natural
path. Although crunches on a supine (or vertical) ab machine or on the floor using an
ab roller can certainly be included as a part of anyone’s routine, these exercises lock
you into a fixed path and decrease the activation of the core and stabilizing
musculature. You should never depend 100% on machines for your ab workout. The
applies to machines for all other body parts as well - including the popular Smith
(7) Use more compound, large muscle mass, multi-joint exercises and fewer
isolation movements
Isolation movements often provide the finishing touch that gives bodybuilders the
“polished” look that many strength athletes lack. As such, bodybuilders should
certainly use isolation movements such as cable flyes, leg extensions and lateral
raises to round out their routines. However, doing primarily isolation movements is a
mistake. Compound, multi joint exercises like squats, presses and rows are
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