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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (2008) 116–127
Muscular activity during uphill cycling: Effect of slope, posture,
hand grip position and constrained bicycle lateral sways
S. Duc a, * , W. Bertucci b , J.N. Pernin a , F. Grappe a
a Laboratoire FEMTO-ST (UMR CNRS 6174), D´partement de M´canique Appliqu´e, Universit´ de Franche-Comt´ ,
24 Rue de l’Epitaphe 25000 Besan¸on, France
Laboratoire d’Analyse des Contraintes M´caniques – EA 3304 LRC CEA/UFR STAPS, Universit´ de Reims Champagne-Ardenne,
Campus Moulin de la Housse (b ˆ timent 6), 51100 Reims, France
Received 6 June 2006; received in revised form 26 September 2006; accepted 26 September 2006
Despite the wide use of surface electromyography (EMG) to study pedalling movement, there is a paucity of data concerning the mus-
cular activity during uphill cycling, notably in standing posture. The aim of this study was to investigate the muscular activity of eight
lower limb muscles and four upper limb muscles across various laboratory pedalling exercises which simulated uphill cycling conditions.
Ten trained cyclists rode at 80% of their maximal aerobic power on an inclined motorised treadmill (4%, 7% and 10%) with using two
pedalling postures (seated and standing). Two additional rides were made in standing at 4% slope to test the effect of the change of the
hand grip position (from brake levers to the drops of the handlebar), and the influence of the lateral sways of the bicycle. For this last
goal, the bicycle was fixed on a stationary ergometer to prevent the lean of the bicycle side-to-side. EMG was recorded from M. gluteus
maximus (GM), M. vastus medialis (VM), M. rectus femoris (RF), M. biceps femoris (BF), M. semimembranosus (SM), M. gastrocne-
mius medialis (GAS), M. soleus (SOL), M. tibialis anterior (TA), M. biceps brachii (BB), M. triceps brachii (TB), M. rectus abdominis
(RA) and M. erector spinae (ES). Unlike the slope, the change of pedalling posture in uphill cycling had a significant effect on the EMG
activity, except for the three muscles crossing the ankle’s joint (GAS, SOL and TA). Intensity and duration of GM, VM, RF, BF, BB,
TA, RA and ES activity were greater in standing while SM activity showed a slight decrease. In standing, global activity of upper limb
was higher when the hand grip position was changed from brake level to the drops, but lower when the lateral sways of the bicycle were
constrained. These results seem to be related to (1) the increase of the peak pedal force, (2) the change of the hip and knee joint moments,
(3) the need to stabilize pelvic in reference with removing the saddle support, and (4) the shift of the mass centre forward.
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: EMG; Pedalling–standing–seated-treadmill
1. Introduction
ing position. Cyclists often switch between seated and
standing posture during mountain climbing, notably to
decrease the strain of the lower back muscle. Standing is
used by the practitioners to relieve saddle pressure during
flat terrain cycling and to increase power production during
sprinting. From our knowledge, only one study reported
EMG activity of lower limb muscles during standing posi-
tion ( Li and Caldwell, 1998 ). The authors showed that
EMG patterns of monoarticular extensor muscles, like M.
gluteus maximus (GM) and M. vastus medialis (VM) are
more affected by the transition from seated to standing ped-
alling, than the biarticular flexor muscles, i.e. M. biceps
The majority of cycling studies have examined muscular
activity of pedalling with using surface electromyography
(EMG), when subjects ride on horizontal surfaces. Up-to-
date, there is yet a lack of information concerning muscle
recruitment pattern of uphill cycling, especially in the stand-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 81 66 60 37; fax: +33 3 81 66 60 00.
E-mail addresses: (S. Duc), william.bertucci@ (W. Bertucci), (J.N. Pernin),
1050-6411/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Duc et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (2008) 116–127
femoris (BF) and M. gastrocnemius (GAS). These results
have been related to the changes of pedalling kinetics and
kinematics, which are due to the removal of the saddle sup-
port during standing pedalling and the forward horizontal
shift of the total body centre mass ( Alvarez and Vinyolas,
1999; Caldwell et al., 1998; Soden and Adeyefa, 1979; Stone
and Hull, 1993 ). Peak pedal force, crank torque and peak
ankle plantarflexor generated by cyclists are higher and
occur later during the downstroke ( Alvarez and Vinyolas,
1999; Caldwell et al., 1998 ). Moreover, while standing, the
extensor knee moment is extended longer into the down-
stroke (0–180) whereas the duration of the knee flexor
moment is lower. Since the pattern of hip joint moment dis-
plays high similarity between the two postures ( Caldwell
et al., 1999 ), it has been suggested that changes of GM activ-
ity are linked to a decrease of the force moment arm and to
the pelvis stabilization ( Li and Caldwell, 1998 ).
The study of Li and Caldwell (1998) has three major lim-
its that should be considered. Firstly, the stationary cycling
ergometer (i.e. Velodyne) used by the authors to simulate
uphill conditions prevents the lateral sways of the bicycle
while standing pedalling. Therefore, EMG activity of biar-
ticular muscles might to be more altered by change of
cycling posture during ‘‘natural’’ standing pedalling since
it has been assumed that these muscles play a more complex
role during pedalling compared to monoarticular muscles.
Several studies ( Raasch et al., 1997; van Ingen Schenau
et al., 1992 ) suggested that biarticular muscles are responsi-
ble for the control of the direction of the force applied to the
pedal, the transfer of power produced by monoarticular
extensors muscles and the regularity of pedalling, notably
during the flexion-to-extension transition (called top dead
centre, i.e. TDC) and during the extension-to-flexion transi-
tion (called bottom dead centre, i.e. BDC).
Secondly, the response of other muscles involved during
pedalling, i.e M. semimembranosus (SM), M. semitendino-
sus (ST) and M. soleus (SOL), to the change of posture dur-
ing uphill cycling is unknown. It is not sure that SM and ST
patterns during standing pedalling are similar to BF pattern
because it has been suggested that these muscles, unlike to
BF, work more as knee flexor than knee extensor ( Ericson,
1988 ). Moreover, the measure of the EMG activity of SOL
could allow to validate the hypothesis proposed by Li and
Caldwell (1998) that the increase of peak plantar flexor
moment, observed during standing pedalling, is linked to
the activity of SOL and unrelated to the activity of GAS.
This may be caused by the biarticular function of GAS, as
it also serves as a knee flexor. With the extended period of
the knee extensor moment during standing, increased
GAS activity would be contraindicated.
Thirdly, previous authors have not clearly reported the
upper body and trunk muscles activity during standing
pedalling. It is surprising because these muscular groups
seems to be greatly activated during standing pedalling,
notably to support additional weight due to the loss of sad-
dle support, to stabilize pelvis and trunk to control body
balance and to swing the body and the bicycle side-to-side.
During standing pedalling, cyclists can grip the handle-
bar on the brake levers (top hand position) or on the drops
of the handlebar (bottom hand position). The top hand
position is often used during climbing whereas the bottom
hand position is generally employed for sprints. Pedalling
biomechanics can be affected by change of hand grip since
the trunk is more flexed in the bottom hand position. Savel-
berg et al. (2003) observed significant changes of EMG
activity of GM and TA muscles when the trunk is flexed
20 to forward during seated pedalling. This effect could
be increased during standing pedalling because the trunk
flexion is higher when the hands are placed on the drops
of the handlebar. At our knowledge, no study has com-
pared the effect of the two hand grip positions during
standing pedalling on muscular activity.
It was suggested that change of road slope or gradient can
affect kinetics and kinematics of pedalling. In the case of
uphill cycling, the orientation of the rider and bicycle with
respect to the gravity force may enhance some modifications
of the pedalling technique. Caldwell et al. (1998) showed
that cyclists produce a greater crank torque during the first
120 of the crank cycle and during the first half of the
upstroke (180–270) at 8% slope compared to 0%. These
force changes are combined with the alteration of the pedal
orientation to a more ‘‘toe-up’’ position. The same authors
( Caldwell et al., 1999 ) have also found that the peak ankle
plantarflexor and the peak knee extensor moments are
higher and occur slightly earlier in the crank cycle at 8%
slope. However, all these changes are largely explained by
the difference in the pedalling cadence from the 0% slope
(82 rpm) to 8% slope (65 rpm) condition. While cadence
decreased, total work done per crank revolution increased
a consequence of holding power output constant. The effect
of the slope on muscular activity is ambiguous. Li and Cald-
well (1998) have not found differences in EMG activity of six
lower limb muscles between 0% and 8% slope whereas
Clarys et al. (2001) observed a significant increase in EMG
activity of lower limb (sum of EMG activity of VM, BF,
TA, GAS) with increasing slope (2–12%). Differences could
be due to the cycling experience level of the subjects (stu-
dents with 2 years of cycling experience vs professional
cyclists), the experimental context of the two studies (lab
vs field, respectively) and to the analysis of EMG data (indi-
vidual vs global activity, respectively). It is also important to
remember that, as throughout studies of Caldwell et al.
(1998, 1999) , subjects did not use the same pedalling cadence
between the two slope conditions during the first study. The
effect of the increase in slope on EMG activity could be
masked by the decrease of pedalling cadence since many
studies have shown that intensity of EMG activity of GM,
RF, GAS and BF changes across pedalling cadence ( Baum
and Li, 2003; Marsh andMartin, 1995; Neptune et al., 1997;
Ryschon and Stray-Gundersen, 1991; Sarre et al., 2003 ).
The purpose of this study is to quantify the influence of
(1) the slope (4–7–10%); (2) the pedalling posture (seated–
standing); (3) the hand grip position in standing pedalling
(on the brake levers–on the drops); and (4) the constrained
S. Duc et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (2008) 116–127
lateral sways of bicycle in standing pedalling (ride on a sta-
tionary ergometer), on the intensity and the timing of
EMG activity of lower limb, trunk and arm muscles. More
specifically, four hypotheses were tested. Firstly, muscular
activity of power prime producer muscles (GM, VM),
lower back muscles and arm muscles would increase line-
arly with the treadmill slope due to the change of rider ori-
entation respect to gravity force. Secondly, standing
pedalling would affect considerably both intensity and tim-
ing of hip extensor and flexor muscles (GM, BF), trunk
and arm muscles, since this posture removes the saddle
support. Thirdly, grip of the handlebar on the drops during
standing pedalling would also change EMG activity of
trunk and arm muscles since the total body centre mass
is shifted forward in this position compared to the brake
levers hand grip position. Finally, contrary to Caldwell
et al. (1998, 1999) and Li and Caldwell (1998) , we hypoth-
esized that lateral sways of the bicycle in standing are not
insignificant. Intensity of EMG activity of lower limb mus-
cles would increase when cyclists pedal in standing on a sta-
tionary ergometer that constrains bicycle tilts.
A magnet (Sigma Sport, Neustadt, Germany) was fixed on the
bicycle near the bottom bracket in order to isolate each pedal
cycle. The magnet signal was then recorded with the amplifier
used for the EMG collection.
2.3. Data collection and processing
2.3.1. EMG recording
The EMG activity from eight muscles of the right lower limb
(M. gluteus maximus (GM), M. vastus medialis (VM), M. rectus
femoris (RF), M. biceps femoris caput longum (BF), M. semi-
membranosus (SM), M. gastrocnemius medialis (GAS), M. soleus
(SOL), M. tibialis anterior (TA)), from two muscles of the trunk
(M. rectus abdominis (RA), M. erector spinae (ES)) and from two
muscles of the right arm (M. biceps brachii (BB) and M. triceps
brachii (TB)) were collected during the second test session. In
order to limit the potential crosstalk between SOL and GAS
activity, two surface electrodes for SOL were positioned on the
lower third of the calf, just above the Achilles tendon. Data col-
lection occurred during the final 15 s of each pedalling trial and
lasted for five pedal cycles per collection period. The subjects were
kept unaware of the exact timing of data collection.
The EMG sensors were conformed to recommendations of the
SENIAM. Recorded sites were shaved and cleaned with an alcohol
swab in order to reduce skin impedance to less than 10 kX. Pairs of
silver/silver-chloride, circular, bipolar, pre-gelled surface electrodes
(Control Graphique Medical, Brie-Comte-Robert, France) of
20 mm diameter, were applied on the midpoint of the contracted
muscle belly ( Clarys, 2001 ), parallel to the muscle fibbers, with a
constant inter-electrode distance of 30 mm. The reference elec-
trodes were placed over electrically neutral sites (scapula and
clavicle). All the electrodes and the wires were fixed on the skin with
adhesive pads to avoid artifacts. EMG was recorded with a MP30
amplifier (Biopac System, Inc., Santa Barbara, USA, common
mode rejection ratio >90 dB, input resistance is in order of 10 9 X).
The EMG signals were amplified (gain = 2500), band pass filtered
(50–500 Hz) and analog-to-digital converted at a sampling rate of
1000 Hz. We chose a high-pass frequency of the EMG bandpass
filter (50 H) in order to eliminate the ambient noise caused by
electrical-power wires and components of the motorised treadmill.
The raw EMG were expressed in root mean square (RMS)
with a time averaging period of 20 ms. The overall activity level of
each muscle was identified by the mean RMS calculated for five
consecutives crank cycles (EMG mean ) and normalised to the
maximal RMS value measured for each muscle and for each
subject during all the trials (normalisation to the highest peak
activity in dynamic condition). The EMG signal was also full-
wave rectified and smoothed (Butterworth filter, second-order,
cut-off frequency of 6 Hz) to create the linear envelope. Using the
magnet signal, the linear envelope was then divided into each of
the five pedal cycles and a mean linear envelope was computed for
each muscle. Finally, the linear envelopes of each muscle were
scaled to a percentage of the maximum value found for each
individual muscle and for each subject.
To analyse the muscle activity pattern, five parameters were
calculated from the linear envelope for each pedalling trial: EMG
burst onset (EMG onset ), offset (EMG offset ) and peak timing
(EMG peak-timing ), EMG burst duration (EMG duration ), and peak
EMG burst magnitude (EMG peak ). An arbitrary threshold value
of 25% of the maximum value across conditions was chosen to
determine the onset and the offset of EMG burst, like that selected
by Li and Caldwell (1998) . Visual inspection determined if this
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
Ten trained, healthy, male, competitive cyclists of the French
Cycling Federation volunteered to participate in this study. They
were classified in national (n = 4), regional (n = 4) or depart-
mental (n = 2) category and had regularly competed for at least
two years prior the study. Before the experiment, each subject
received full explanations concerning the nature and the purpose
of the study and gave written informed consent. Age, height, and
body mass of the tested subjects were 28 ± 7 (mean ± SD) yr,
1.78 ± 0.07 m, and 71 ± 8 kg, respectively.
2.2. Protocol
Each cyclist performed two test sessions in our laboratory. The
first test session was an incremental test to exhaustion to deter-
mine maximal aerobic power (MAP), maximal oxygen uptake
ð VO 2max Þ and maximal heart rate (HR max ). The second test ses-
sion consisted of four pedalling sessions of eight randomised trials
with different uphill cycling conditions. Both test sessions were
held within a period of 1 week and separated by at least 2 days.
Each subject cycled with his own racing bicycle on a large
motorised treadmill (S 1930, HEF Techmachine, Andr´zieux-
Bouth´on, France) of 3.8 m length and 1.8 m wide. Before testing,
all the subjects performed several sessions on the motorised
treadmill to acclimatise themselves to the equipment. Throughout
the tests, the subjects were attached with a torso harness for their
safety without hindering the riders motion nor position on the
bicycle. All the bicycles were equipped with clipless pedals. The
bicycle tyre pressure was inflated to 700 kPa. The rear wheel was
fitted with the PowerTap hub (professional model, CycleOps,
Madison, USA) to measure the power output (PO), the velocity
and the pedalling cadence (CAD) during the two test sessions.
This system uses the strain gauge technology (eight gauges). The
validity and the reproductibility of the PowerTap hub
were showed by Bertucci et al. (2005) and Gardner et al. (2004) .
S. Duc et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (2008) 116–127
threshold was appropriate. Appropriate thresholds reflected easily
identifiable onset and offset points and minimal discrepancies in
identifying non-meaningful burst. In the case that 25% was con-
sidered inappropriate, the threshold was raised to 35% and more,
of the maximum value across conditions. Upon reaching the
determined threshold, the muscle was considered active, and the
muscle burst duration was defined as the duration, in degrees, of
the crank angle between the onset and offset value. EMG peak was
the maximum value from the linear envelope during each pedal-
ling trial. EMG peak-timing was the crank angle at which the peak
EMG occurred.
Finally, we have determined the global EMG activity
(EMG global ) of the lower limb and the upper limb with adding the
EMG mean of eight lower limb muscles (GM, VM, RF, BF, SM,
GAS, SOL, TA) and of the trunk and arm muscles (RA, ES, BB,
(2005) . Briefly, the rear wheel of the bicycle was fixed by a quick
release skewer in the stand of the ergometer. This stand constrains
lateral motions of the rear wheel. A roller, which was connected
with a flywheel in an electromagnetic resistance unit, was brought
in contact with the tyre to provide a resistive force.
The PO (80% of MAP) was kept constant during the eight
trials. The CAD differed between cyclists (range: 60–70 rpm) but
not between the trials. Each cyclist was required to perform four
times 8 pedalling trials (4S, 7S, 10S, 4ST, 7ST, 10 ST, 4ST b ,
4ST c ) since our EMG measurement device can collect only three
EMG signals at the same time. So, in order to minimise the
muscular fatigue, we fixed the time of each trial at 1 min. Trials
were separated by 3 min of low active recovery (PO < 40%
MAP). The recovery between two-8 pedalling trials due to the
change of the EMG electrodes configuration was higher and
passive (10–15 min).
2.3.2. Video recording
Bicycle lateral sways were recorded simultaneously with EMG
data at 50 Hz using a JVC video camera (JVC, Yokohama,
Japan), with the lens axis oriented parallel to the rear frontal of
the subject, positioned 4 m behind the rider. The maximal tilt
angle (TILT angle ) of the bicycle was determined for each pedalling
condition with averaging maximal values measured during 30 s.
2.6. Statistical analyses
All data were analysed using the Sigmastat statistical program
(Jandel, Germany, version 2.0) for Windows. The data were tested
for normality and homogeneity of variance (Kolmogorov–Smir-
nov tests) and turned out to be not normally distributed. Thus, a
no-parametric two way (3 slopes · 2 postures) repeated measures
factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA on ranks) was used to
detect significant differences of each dependent variable (EMG mean ,
EMG onset ,EMG offset ,EMG peak-timing ,EMG duration ,EMG peak ,
EMG global , TILT angle ). Tukey’s HSD post hoc analysis was per-
formed when ANOVA on ranks indicated a significant difference.
The Wilcoxon signed rank test was also employed to determine
the effect of the change of hand position (top to bottom) during
standing pedalling and the influence of the constrained bicycle
lateral sway on the same variables. The results were expressed as
means ± standard deviation (SD). The level of significance was set
at p < 0.05.
2.4. First test session: incremental test
After a brief warm-up period ( 5 min), the incremental test
started at 130 W for 2 min. The treadmill slope at this first stage
was fixed to 1%. The treadmill velocity was determined for each
cyclist with using a mathematical power model, in order to obtain
the initial PO (130 W). The workload was then increased by
30 W every 2 min until the subject became exhausted, by
increasing the treadmill slope by 0.5% during each increment. The
treadmill velocity was unchanged throughout the incremental test.
The cyclists were required to remain in a seated position during
the entire test, and could choose themselves their CAD by
adjusting the bicycle gears. The MAP was determined as the mean
PO maintained during the last completed workload stage. A K4b 2
breath-by-breath portable gas analyser (Cosmed, Rome, Italy)
and a chest belt (Polar, Kempele, Finland) were used to collect the
metabolic and the HR data. The Cosmed K4b 2 system was cali-
brated using the manufacturer’s recommendations. The highest
mean VO 2 and HR values obtained during the increment test for
10 s were defined, respectively, as the VO 2max and the HR max .
3. Results
Table 1 displays the results obtained during the incre-
mental test to exhaustion. The physiological characteristics
of subjects were common to those obtain with studies using
similar cyclists groups ( Bertucci et al., 2005; Marsh and
Martin, 1995; Millet et al., 2002; Sarre et al., 2003 ).
Muscle activity patterns when standing pedalling with
griping the handlebar on the drops or with constrained
bicycle tilts were similar of the 4ST condition (hand on
the brake levers and with bicycle tilting). So we decide to
represent in Fig. 1 only the muscle activity patterns with
ensemble linear envelopes of the six other cycling condi-
tions (3 slopes (4–7–10%) · 2 postures (S, ST)). The pattern
of EMG activity of lower limb muscles in seated posture
agreed with those generally reported in similar cycling
2.5. Second test session: uphill conditions
After a short self-selected warm-up period ( 10 min), each
cyclist performed six pedalling trials (4S, 7S, 10S, 4ST, 7ST, 10ST)
with different slopes (4%, 7% and 10%), and pedalling postures
(seated (S) and standing (ST)). For all these pedalling trials, the
hands were positioned on the top of the handlebar (on the brake
levers). Two additional pedalling trials were performed in stand-
ing position and against the 4% slope, to test the effect of the
bottom hand position (4ST b ) and the effect of the constrained
bicycle lateral sways (4ST c ). The eight pedalling trials were per-
formed in a randomised order. For the 4ST c condition, the cyclists
were required to pedal with their bicycle on a stationary Axiom
PowerTrain ergometer (Elite, Fontaniva, Italy), which was
mounted on the inclined motorised treadmill. The Axiom Power
ergometer has been recently described in detail by Bertucci et al.
Table 1
Physiological characteristics of subjects obtained during the incremental
test to exhaustion
VO 2max ð lmin 1 Þ VO 2max ð lmin 1 kg 1 Þ MAP (W) HR max (bpm)
4.5 (0.4) 66 (6) 378 (47) 183 (8)
Values are means (+SD). VO 2max , maximal oxygen uptake; MAP, maxi-
mal aerobic power; HR max , maximal heart rate.
S. Duc et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (2008) 116–127
the GM occurred earlier in the crank cycle for 7% slope
(134 ± 61) compared to 4% (187 ± 90) and 10% slope
(166 ± 72). The EMG peak of ES in seated pedalling tended
(p = 0.06) to increase with the slope (27 ± 9% for 4% and
7% slope to 29 ± 11% for 10% slope). The EMG global of
the lower limb and the EMG global of the upper limb were
not affected by the changes of the slope whatever the ped-
alling posture used. TILT angle of the bicycle in standing
pedalling increased significantly with the slope: 8 ± 3 for
4%, 9 ± 4 for 7% and 11 ± 1 for 10% slope.
3.2. Effect of the pedalling posture
Unlike the slope, the change of the posture affected
greater both the intensity and the timing of the EMG activ-
ity of all the muscles, except those crossing the ankle’s joint
3.2.1. EMG intensity
Tables 2 and 3 display the EMG mean and the EMG peak
values for each muscle across the two posture conditions.
Table 2
Mean EMG activity per cycle (EMG mean ) across posture conditions for all
subjects, expressed as a percentage of the maximum value of each muscle
Seated (%)
Standing (%)
19 (3)
26 (5) a
29 (6)
34 (6) a
26 (7)
33 (8) a
25 (6)
29 (7) a
32 (10)
26 (5) a
34 (7)
35 (9)
36 (7)
37 (9)
37 (10)
35 (9)
11 (2)
21 (3) a
14 (4)
25 (6) a
17 (7)
33 (6) a
25 (7)
39 (8) a
Fig. 1. Mean ensemble curves of EMG linear envelopes across slope
(unbroken line) and postures (dashed line) conditions for gluteus maximus
(GM), vastus medialis (VM), rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF),
semimembranosus (SM), gastrocnemius (GAS), soleus (SOL), tibialis
anterior (TA), rectus abdominis (RA), erector spinae (ES), biceps brachii
(BB) and triceps brachii (TB). 4S: 4% slope seated; 7S: 7% slope seated;
10S: 10% slope seated; 4ST: 4% slope standing; 7ST: 7% slope standing;
10ST: 10% slope standing. The crank angle represents TDC to next TDC,
0–360. EMG curves for each subject were scaled to the maximum value
observed across all conditions.
Values are means (+SD).
Indicate significant difference between the two postures conditions.
Table 3
Mean peak of EMG activity per cycle (EMG peak ) across posture
conditions for all subjects, expressed as a percentage of the maximum
value of each muscle
Seated (%)
Standing (%)
42 (14)
55 (13) a
63 (10)
67 (7)
61 (13)
67 (9) a
47 (11)
54 (9) a
condition ( Baum and Li, 2003; Ericson, 1988; Li and Cald-
well, 1998; Neptune et al., 1997; Raasch et al., 1997 ).
62 (14)
45 (12) a
66 (13)
67 (9)
71 (10)
74 (10)
3.1. Effect of the slope
65 (13)
62 (12)
20 (3)
45 (8) a
27 (10)
55 (13) a
The intensity and the timing of EMG activity of all the
muscles were not significantly different between the three
slopes studied, except for the GM and the ES muscles. When
the subjects pedalled in standing posture, the EMG peak of
26 (6)
62 (9) a
46 (11)
70 (8) a
Values are means (+SD).
Indicate significant difference between the two postures conditions.
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