Odblokowanie C310 Karta sd.txt

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This SD-Free unlock is identical in apps as the SD-Unlock with the icon to launch Igo Amigo. The Iphone skin will not work with this version. I will make an Iphone skin for the SD-Free version at a later date. Directions are a little compliacted and you must be able to connect your device to your computer through Active Sync. This can be done using my SD Unlock for the c310 and then later deleting the SD Unlock off the SD card after you have installed the SD-Free version on the internal drive. I have tested this fully on my own c310 and everything works fine. This includes all the same apps as the SD Unlock version... TCPMP Player, Resco photo viewer, CorePlayer, WinAmp, calculator, etc. When you have finished copying the files to the internal drive, shut down your device using the on/off switch on the bottom of the device, take out the SD card, turn it back on. It will load like it normally does, asking you which language and the date/time. Once it loads up hit the MioMap button. This will have the unlock start. Wait 4-5 seconds and your device will automatically restart and the unlock is now loaded and you will see the unlock screen. Thanks to Bart for his inspiration on putting together an SD-Free unlock for the c310 that has all the apps the SD Unlock has.  
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