Nyambe Deeds of the Ancestors.pdf

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by Christopher W. Dolunt
The history of Nyambe-tanda has been blessed with the deeds of many
great heroes. Three of those heroes, Amazonia, Kwo, and Bashar, are
presented below.
Amazonia began her life as a slave in the outlying kosan city of Arabo.
Along with many other Tisamban women, she was instructed in the arts
of grooming. As part of her instruction, she was given access to magical-
ly-sharp straight razors used for shaving thick orcish hair. By stealing
these razors and mounting them on a curved piece of wood, she was able
to improvise a deadly weapon. She practiced with her makeshift sword
for years, and even took on students, instructing them her self-taught
fighting style. Eventually, Amazonia and her followers (known as
Amazons) rose up against their orcish captors, first liberating themselves,
then the entire city of Arabo, and eventually all of Nyambe-tanda.
Female Human (Tisambe) 5 th -level Gamba Fighter/10 th -Level Nibomay
CR 15; SZ M (humanoid); HD 5d12+10d8+30; hp 127; Init +7 (+3
Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 40 ft.; AC 26 (+3 Dex, +2 dodge, +7
armor, +4 deflection); Atk +21/+16/+11 melee (1d10+3/crit 18-
20/x2, +3 orc-bane razor sword), or +21/+16/+11 ranged
(1d10+3/crit 20/x3, +2 orc-bane greatbow/+1 distance razor arrows);
Face 5 ft. x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SA Fast movement, unit tactics, war cry,
pounce, true strike, keen edge, vorpal strike, heart pierce; SQ Ritual scar-
ring, fighting spirit, weapon bonding; AL NG; SV Fort +13, Ref +7, Will
+6; Str 11, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13
Skills: Balance +10 (+9 with armor check penalty), Bluff +2, Climb +3
(+2 with armor check penalty), Craft (weaponsmithing) +8, Diplomacy
+2, Heal +3, Hide +4 (+3 with armor check penalty), Intimidate +9,
Intuit Direction +4, Jump +3 (+2 with armor check penalty), Listen
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+12, Move Silently +4 (+3 with armor check penalty), Profession (bar-
ber) +4, Search +5, Sense Motive +7, Spot +12, Swim +3, Tumble +8
(+7 with armor check penalty), Wilderness Lore +6
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (razor sword),
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (greatbow), Improved Initiative, Orc-Slayer,
Quickdraw, Sanguar, Single-Minded, Weapon Finesse (razor sword)
Languages: Kordo, Daka-kara
Amazonia is presented here as she was immediately before the fall of the
Kosa Empire, before she received the Adamu Dwafrom the orisha.
Fast Movement (Ex) : Amazonia has a speed faster than the norm for her
race by +10 feet when wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor
(and not carrying a heavy load).
Unit Tactics (Ex) : Whenever Amazonia uses the Aid Another action in
combat, she provides allies with a +4 circumstance bonus to AC or
attack rolls rather than the usual +2 bonus.
War Cry (Ex) : Amazonia can use a war cry three times per day. Any
opponent that hears an Amazon war cry must immediately make a Will
save vs. a DC of 16 or become shaken, suffering a –2 morale penalty to
all attack rolls, saves, and checks for 1d6 rounds. Fear effects are cumu-
lative, so an opponent that is shaken by two war cries in a row instead
becomes frightened, and an enemy that is shaken while already fright-
ened becomes panicked.
Pounce (Ex) : Amazonia can take a full move action and still attack on
the first round of combat only.
Ritual Scarring (Su) : Amazonia can ritually scar herself before going into
battle. These ritual scars take the form of temporary Charisma damage.
The ritual requires 1 minute of time per point of temporary Charisma
damage suffered, and can inflict a maximum of 10 points of temporary
damage. For each point inflicted, Amazonia gains a +1 enhancement
bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (Amazonia’s choice, but
the entire bonus must be applied to a single ability). The enhancement
bonus lasts for 10 hours, but the temporary Charisma damage returns at
the normal rate. If Amazonia has the Charisma damage healed magical-
ly, the enhancement bonuses vanish immediately.
Fighting Spirit (Ex) : Amazonia the ability to function normally when
reduced to zero or fewer hit points. This does not automatically stabilize
her, however; she can still lose hit points from blood loss, and dies at –10
hit points normally.
Weapon Bonding (Su) : Amazonia’s weapons are magically bonded to
her. They cannot be broken or disarmed. If she is separated from her
bonded weapons, she can sense their general location (within 100 feet)
as long as the weapons and Amazonia are on the same plane of exis-
tence. Amazonia can break her bond with a weapon at any time as a free
True Strike (Sp) : Amazonia can use true strikeup to 3 times per day, as
the spell, as a 20th-level caster.
Keen Edge (Sp) : Amazonia can use keen edgeup to 3 times per day, as
the spell, as a 20th-level caster.
Vorpal strike (Ex) : Once per day, after scoring a critical hit with a razor
sword, Amazonia can declare the attack a vorpal strike, and sever the
head of her opponent as if she was using a vorpal sword.
Heart Pierce (Ex) : Once per day, after scoring a critical hit with a great-
bow, Amazonia can declare her attack a heart-piercing strike, and pierce
the heart of her opponent as if she was using a spear of heart-piercing.
Possessions : +3 orc-bane razor sword (50,345 gp), +5 beaded armor
(25,175 gp), +2 orc-bane greatbow (32,450 gp), +4 ring of protection
(40,000 gp), fifty +1 distance razor arrows (8,305 gp), two nondetec-
tion potions (1,500 gp), eight cure serious wounds potions (6,000 gp),
twelve 1,000 gp green diamonds (12,000 gp), adventuring gear (woven
backpack, bottle calabash filled with palm wine, perfume, 50 ft. of silk
rope, fire bow, 6 torches, whetstone), 100 gp.
Bashar began life as a troubled child amongst the desert-dwelling
Marak’ka people. The ngoma elders worried that he would desert the
clan, so he was separated from his parents and given into the care of an
elderly fire priest. The n’anga taught Bashar the ways of magic, but he
could never get rid of Bashar’s rebellious streak. When the powerful
blue dragon “Scourge of the Desert” began its domination of the
Marak’ka, Bashar could not sit idly by while his clan’s elders did nothing.
He killed the dragon by tricking it into eating a poisoned goat, and
became a hero amongst his people. Disgusted by the complacency of his
own people, he rounded up a group of loyal followers, known as the
Xon’mo, or “fire eaters,” and led them out of the desert to find a new
home. Eventually he founded the nation of Bashar’ka.
Male Human (Xon’mo) 8 th -level N’anga Cleric (Fire Orisha)/4 th -level
Nanala Rogue
CR 12; SZ M (humanoid); HD 8d8+4d6+15; hp 77; Init +6 (+2 Dex,
+4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +2 dodge, +2 nat-
ural); Atk +11/+6 melee (1d4+2 and 1d6 fire/crit 20/x2, +2 flaming
burst whacking stick), or +13/+8 ranged (1d4+2/crit 20/x2, +2 sling);
Face 5 ft. x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SA Sneak attack, domain powers, spells; SQ
shapechange; AL CG; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10; Str 10, Dex 15, Con
12, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 13
Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +6, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +7, Heal
+8, Hide +9, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (arcane) +7, Knowledge (reli-
gion) +7, Innuendo +3, Listen +8, Move Silently +9, Natural Medicine
+9, Pick Pocket +11, Read Lips +7, Search +7, Sense Motive +8,
Spellcraft +8, Spot +7, Tumble +7
Feats: Dodge, Dragonslayer, Evasion, Fire Blood, Improved Initiative,
Leadership, Mobility, Run, Sanguar, Toughness
Languages: Daka-alif, Daka-kara, Draconic, Ignan
Bashar is presented here as he was immediately after his defeat of the
dragon “Scourge of the Desert,” before was proclaimed Ghana and led his
followers into the tUbi Grassland.
Sneak Attack (Ex) : Any time Bashar’s target would be denied a Dexterity
bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not),
or when he flanks the target, his attack deals an extra +2d6 damage.
Shapechange (Su) : Bashar has the spell-like ability to shapechangeinto
a Small air, earth, or fire elemental and back again three times per day.
Unlike the standard use of the spell, however, Bashar may only adopt
one form. Upon making the transformation, Bashar regains hit points as
if he had rested for a day. Bashar does not risk being disoriented while
in the new form. Bashar gains all of the elemental’s special abilities.
Domain Powers (Su) : Bashar can turn or destroy air creatures as a good
cleric turns undead. He can also rebuke or command earth creatures as
an evil cleric rebukes undead. Bashar can use these abilities a total of 4
times per day. Bashar can turn or destroy water creatures as a good cler-
ic turns undead. He can also rebuke or command fire creatures as an evil
cleric rebukes undead. Bashar can use these abilities a total of 4 times per
Spells (Sp): (6/5+1/4+1/4+1/2+1) Bashar casts divine spells as an 8 th -
level n’anga with access to the domains of Fire and Earth. The save DC,
where applicable, is 13 + spell level. Bashar typically prepares the fol-
lowing spells:
0 Level — cure minor wounds(x2), guidance, know direction, light,
1 st
Level — cure light wounds (x3), faerie fire, pass without trace,
magic stone(domain)
2 nd
Level — charm person or animal, heat metal, flaming sphere,
summon swarm, produce flame(domain)
3 rd
Level — call lightning, snare, spike growth, summon elemental
III, resist elements(domain)
4 th Level — cure serious wounds, flame strike, wall of fire(domain)
Possessions : +2 flaming burst whacking stick(32,303 gp), +2 amulet of
natural armor (22,500 gp), +2 sling (8,300 gp), minor fire elemental
mask (6,000 gp), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges, 750 gp),
adventuring gear (explorer’s outfit, sack, disguise kit, spell component
pouch), 147 gp
Kwo, the Hungering Lion
Kwo, better known as the Hungering Lion, is unquestionably the most
famous of all Nyamban heroes. Kwo was born in the village of Dagamar
during the time of the Zombi Empire. When Kwo was still a child, zombi
cultists killed everyone in his village and animated them into undead
slaves. Kwo alone was spared, because his physical handicap would have
made him an inferior zombi. Kwo fled the carnage, and was adopted by
an agogwe clan. The halflings eventually purchased a horse-like pack
animal called an engargiya, and Kwo not only learned to ride the animal,
but also became a masterful warrior in the process. Eventually, he ral-
lied the agogwe clans around him and led them against the Zombi
Empire. Kwo personally defeated Emperor Zulo, and restored peace to
all of eastern Nyambe-tanda.
Kwo, the Hungering Lion
Male Human (NaBula) 8 th level Gamba Fighter/10 th -level Dembe
CR 18; SZ M (humanoid); HD 8d12+10d8+54; hp 173; Init +3 (Dex);
Spd 20 ft.; AC 27 (+3 Dex, +4 dodge, +7 armor, +3 luck); Atk
+27/+22/+17/+12 melee (1d10+10/crit 19-20/x3, +5 thundering
leaf spear), or +24/+19/+14/+9 ranged (1d8+5/crit 20/x3, +3 return-
ing throwing spear); Face 5 ft. x 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SA Fast movement,
favored enemy, spells; SQ Handicapped, favored terrain; AL LG; SV Fort
+19, Ref +15, Will +10; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14
Skills: Animal Empathy +12, Handle Animal +14, Heal +7, Intuit
Direction +6, Knowledge (nature) +5, Listen +7, Ride +20, Search +5,
Spot +7, Wilderness Lore +12
Feats: Expert Tracker, Fated, Fearless, Improved Critical (leaf spear),
Mounted Combat, Ride-By-Attack, Sanguar, Spirited Charge, Track,
Trample, Weapon Focus (leaf spear), Weapon Specialization (leaf spear)
Languages: Daka-alif, Daka-kara
Kwo is presented here as he was immediately before his battle with the
lich zombi cultist Zulo.
Handicapped (Ex) : Kwo suffers from a congenital (and magically incur-
able) condition impairing his ability to walk. His base speed is reduced
by 20 ft. per round.
Fast Movement (Ex) : Kwo has a speed faster than the norm for his race
by +10 feet when wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor
(and not carrying a heavy load).
Favored Enemy (Ex) : Kwo’s favored enemies are undead (+5), zombi
cultists (+4), monstrous humanoids (+3), magical beasts (+2), and
beasts (+1). Due to his extensive study of his foes and training in the
proper techniques for combating them, Kwo gains the bonus indicated in
parenthesis to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Wilderness Lore
checks when using these skills against this type of creature. Likewise, he
gets the indicated bonus to attack rolls against creatures of this type.
Favored Terrain (Ex) : Kwo’s favored terrains are underground (+5),
mountain (+4), rainforest (+3), savannah (+2), and hill (+1). Due to
a deep understanding of his favored terrains, Kwo gains the bonus indi-
cated in parenthesis to Hide, Listen, Search, Move Silently, Spot, and
Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills in his favored terrains.
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